Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Heather: No Time.

I just realized.
Life is ridiculously stupid.
Just like my schedule.
This semester - Intro., to Anthropology, Psychology, and Sociology, Chemistry, Advanced English, and Philosophy. So much homework.
Basketball too.
And then next semester ; Canadian History, (ew.) Civics (blah), Advanced Mathematics, Advanced French (ew times two.)
And next year, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Advanced Math, Advanced English, Pre-calc., (possibly calc., too,) Advanced French, Philosophy, and World History. A few may vary.
I have had like, no time to do any writing - at all lately.
Screw school.
Even though I love it.
I'm going to die because of this, I know it.
Anyway,  felt like saying all that, because everyone else said their schedules, and it allowed me to escape my Chem., homework for a while. :)
Later. :/

1 comment:

  1. Awww...that sucks. Don't worry, you'll find time to hang out with friends and write!!
