Saturday, September 11, 2010

Maiah: Writing Buddies.

I have an idea. And i'm not really sure if everyone will be in for it, but I personally think that its a great idea to get us all writing.

So I'm not sure if all of you know how SAAWAKM began.
It started off with me and Kas sending each other emails, helping each other out with our novels. We would edit each others stuff, tell them what was good, what was bad. We would send them the plot and new ideas that we had and all of that jazz!

I kept almost all of the emails Kas sent me so that I could refer back to them later, and see how my story grew and changed, and what other ideas I had that I had forgotten about, and same with her story. 147 emails. Just FROM her.

After SAAWAKM started, we stopped emailing each other and stopped helping each other out. Therefore, I don't think I've been writing as much. I've actually stopped, because I haven't had much motivation to.

Soo...I'm gonna propose an idea to all of you.
What would you think if we started something called writing buddies? Where we send them a chapter, parts, ideas, thoughts, questions...about our novel.

The one rule we need to have is that everyone who decides that they wanna join in this, they need to keep up with it, and not let their partner down. Kas and I would talk like...twice a day over the computer. And send like...two emails a day or something like that. Hahaha. It's kinda sad. :D
It doesn't have to be that much, because I understand...that's kind of a lot. But you need to be able to help out your partner.

And if we need to, we could even have a group of three. If we need to. Because the people in that group might get overwhelmed. Haha.

So tell me what you guys think!
Btw, sorry this is so long...Hahah.


  1. I think this is a great idea! It can be like the collab thing but instead of writing novels we can help each other! Excellent idea!

  2. Maiah! Why did we ever stop that? Haha. Remember how we werent alowed to send an email if it didnt have an excerpt from our novels in it? Hahaha.

    I think we should do it again. :)

    oh, and this is a great idea. :)


  3. This is an AMAZING IDEA!

  4. I may have quit the blogging, but I think I said I'd continue to read and comment. I've always check SAAWAKM daily even though I didn't post. :P

    I do this with one of my friends and it's really a great system. It'd be awesome if you guys adapted it. :)


  5. That sounds like an awesome idea :D!

