Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Alright, so.

At first it sounded like a REALLY good idea.
Roadtrip with friends, have fun, complete the list, I mean, its a dream come true.
And that's why I can't.
It's just not possible. I thought about it a lot, and no matter how hard we try, it won't be as fun as we want it to.
it pains me to say it, but I'm to young. its just not safe for me.
Plus, even if I can manage to make that money, I don't want to spend it like that. I want to get a new laptop, some editing prgrams, and things I NEED.
A roadtrip just doesn't seem doable.
I'd love to.
But I can't. I'm sorry.


  1. alright. I'll go update the blog and change the schedule.

  2. I understand what you're saying - don't worry about it.
    The only thing I disagree with is the fact that you think it won't be fun - I know it will be - sure there'll be fights, and very dull moments while driving - but it'll be freaking amazing.
    But I understand that this is not a priority.
    Good luck raising money for a laptop. :)
