Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Cori: Sick...

I hate being sick. Headache, nauseous, sore and swollen throat, stuffy nose, tons of sneezing and coughing, and just flat-out tired. More than half the people in my school have it, and people all the way to California have the virus as well. Oh, and it doesn't help that I have severe allergies as well, so it's double the "fun" for me!
Ugh...I feel like something is sitting on my chest and crapping for all they're worth...Okay, maybe that was a bit weird, but that's seriously how I feel. I might have cracked a rib, too. Fun, eh?
Not really...
I'm sort of giving up on writing and all for now. Taking a break, and then once I feel better I'll get back to it. Sorry I haven't been on in a few days.

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