Friday, September 17, 2010

Dustin:New story. Blah!

Yep, I'm starting a new story. First it was The Dark Lord's Reign. (Which I stopped working on because Fantasy isn't my genre too write). Then The Jesus Of Suburbia. Which I'm sure none of you read anyways. I can only write that specific tale when I'm feeling crappy and pissed. Lately (A.K.A) for the last 3 months I haven't been in my usual. Least usual back then punk mood. So now I write Eternal. Bassically it is a story which will be detailed too the maximum. It is made too seem like a complete dream, yet scary at the same time. Also mysterious.

It is about the main charater - whom isn't classified as boy nor girl. Not by name or by looks. Least in the Prologue which I've written. Eternal I first wrote a 700 word short story version for English 8. Back in September/15/2009.(Legally published November of 2009). It's been a year and 2 days since it's first copy. Now it is extended too 1500 words, and now a prologue. Either way on Osaawakm I have the link too it. (Through its time on a specific site that you will be lead too it has won honorable mention in several contests). So if you want too read it and critque it for me please do. I realy want to know what others think of it - as for now I'm confused as too how a reader see's the story compared too my view as the author. (Yes it is written very weird). Anyways, thanks for even reading this post. One of my only formal ones upon this site.


1 comment:

  1. Actually, it sounds interesting! I'll read it if you want!! =D
    This is Cori, btw XD or Danielle, as you call me now, lol.
