Friday, September 10, 2010


I have an idea. :)

As much as we love SAAWAKM as it is, it's changing in ways that we never expected. And maybe we need to change to keep up with the times. Here's my idea:

I think it's time to give SAAWAKM a complete makeover. Some renovations, things that we're going to be excited about and that will get us excited about our novels again. I'm going to work on some design ideas tonight, let me know what you guys think. If you have ideas like Weekly Challenges or if you design a header, a new slogan idea...anything, we can roll with the ideas. :)

Let me know your opinions.

[Edit]: My challenge to everyone is to renovate their 'About Me' pages, give them some new stuff, let your personalities shine. :)


  1. Would it be alright if I played around with the blog a little, I've made a header and have some ideas for themes?

  2. Perfect. :)

    I was trying, and kinda failing. I'm coming up with a new slogan for us.

  3. Awesomes(: the headers up, and the slogan can easily be changed
