Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sage. I want to cry

^Angst for the Greeks

Not because I am sad. But because I have ridiculous amount of work. I have actually been checking and reading all the posts daily, but I just don't have to time or the energy to write much. And it would consists of me telling you that I have been doing nothing but homework with the odd meal squeezed in between.

Below is a video of me singing and telling you that I love you. I sound terrible btw. BUT PLEASE LET THIS BE HAPPY SO YOU DON'T HATE ME



  1. Yes. More songs. Now please. :)
    You have such a beautiful voice, I'm jealous.


    [It's Ash, being too lazy to sign in.]

  2. You really do have an amazing voice. :)
    And, I love Ingrid Michaelson. :)
