Saturday, September 18, 2010

Kas. My bad..

So, sorry its been a while since i've posted. :O

I've been so freaking busy its unbelievable...

But, anyways, i ahve a few things i want to talk about.

The first, is NaNoWriMo. I am abso-freaking-lutely doing NaNoWriMo thins year. Haha. I loved it last year, even though i failed. haha.

The next, is the SAAWAKM Roatrip girls. So, i need to speak to you guys, asap. Like, seriously, we ahve a major problem...

And the last thing, is writing, of course. :P I've been writing a little this past week, but as i said before, i've been extreamly busy. So, im still doing my new technique, i have three scenes done. Totaling to, 3,2010 words. Which, is great. Im hoping to get at least 5 scenes doen tonight. Which, i know is alot, but its Saturday, so its cool. :P Theres actually only 10 more scenes left in the first color! :D

Okay, well, thats about it. :)


1 comment:

  1. Awesome =D I've done NaNoWriMo for the past two years XD! Escape of the Thief has been my novel to work on, since I wrote four drafts of it. And then I just continued writing it because I was so interested in that particular story-line of mine. Did I ever tell you guys that it used to be a collection of short-stories that made up an entire world, plot, and themes? It was sort of strange, but really cool. I'm thinking of doing it again with a different story.
    Anyway, that's epic XD! And yes, Saturday is amazing, you have to admit
    This is Cori, btw haha
