Thursday, September 16, 2010

Cori: Okay, don't yell at me...XD!

I know I just posted something. But this cannot wait XD!!! It's awesome. In a way. Sort of. Well, it IS funny. But about school. Aw, just read it...
Here's a list of things that have happened in the first three weeks of my school so far: a kid got arrested for smoking and selling pot. A kid had a seizure today and had to go to the hosptial. Two girls caught the bathroom on fire. Our favorite sub was reduced to tears by the seventh bell class. So many kids have written on the bathroom walls that they're all black smudges now. Somebody smashed a can of spraypaint in the middle of the hallway, and we all tracked it down the halls on purpose XD! There have been so many fights, and one kid got a broken nose and ankle for it. At least five or six kids have been suspended, and one expelled. Three kids were caught smoking.Aah...Lebanon has such class. Lmao!!!!
Oh, and don't forget that somebody pulled the fire alarm right before the bell rang today, and we all freaked out XD! Mr. Walsh, my writing teacher, was shouting at that kid, and it was like he was PMSing or something.
I love my school. It's never boring, that's for sure!!! But I do hate troublemakers...