Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Cori: I love writing...So much...

All right! I did what I threatened to do, and made a bad guy possess one of my good guys! =D poor Altrius, he already thinks he's a monster, and now his mind is being taken over by a demon just like him XD! I love tormenting people I make up. I mean, sometimes it's so amusing. And then you get extremely attatched to them and freak out when people diss them in any way. Ah, the sound of somebody freaking out over a character...music to my ears.
Yes, I know that sounded a bit disturbing.
Ooh, hey, I found the Tylenol!!!...Behind my laptop. All right, that's not strange at all o.O
Anyway, lmao, I am getting totally high on the awesome smell of my perfume XD! It spilled onto my carpet, and every few seconds I breathe it in and make this really weird face and keeps making Max crack up, and then I go like, "Mmm..."
Okay, I think I'm ranting.
Anyhoo, I wrote a little scene from the sequel to Escape of the Thief. Ooh, and don't forget, Corinne, you wanted to ask them something...And tell them something. First of all, do you think it's a good idea for me to have the world in my series be almost completely medieval, and then in the second book (which takes place more than one hundred years afterward) in a half medieval, half futuristic setting? Same world, just advanced (no, I'm not being unreasonable. You find out that they had been developing the tech stuff for more than one thousand years, so yeah). Do you think that's a good idea, though? It's a hell of a lot of fun to write about XD!
And then, somethin' to tell ya! You guys can call me either Danny or Cori. Or Corinne, or Danielle. I don't care. Because my name is Corinne Danielle (I ain't giving out last names, lol), and a lot of people call me either. So it doesn't matter what you guys want to call me. Just thought I oughtta let you know, lol. Oh, and since my friend TayTay (Taryn) loves my character Charlie, that's what she calls me. XD! I love that. Charrrrrrlieeeeee =D!!!!
Okay. Well, I sorta gotta go right now...Oh, and I posted that little scene I mentioned on OSAAWAKMS hahaha. Check it out if you want!


  1. Cori/Danny/Corinne/Danielle/Charlie/Khardan:

    (That's a lot of names.)

    I like the idea of the medieval/futuristic setting. Sounds interesting. And I thought I'd let you know that you sound crazy in this post. Good job, writing buddy!!

  2. I will call you Danielle. I do not know why. That is all.

  3. @Ash: XD! Yesh, I has lots of names. And then awesome!! Thanks XD! And...yes. I was sort of high on the smell of my awesome perfume at the time, lmao. Thanks, writing buddy!!
    @Dustin: Hahaha, okay then XD sounds good
