Saturday, September 11, 2010

Nat: RE Writing Buddies

Okay, so I think we're mostly all agreed that the Writing Buddies system is a good one. Comment on this post if you're interested in having a writing buddy, and then we can find a system of pairing people off. I think we should do something cool like have a challenge or something to decide who's with who. But that's just a suggestion.

I went paintballing today. It was epic. :)


  1. I want to do it! Haha.

    And hmm... And if we need too, i can always draw names like i usually do. I still have all the name slips in the jar, haha. I was too lazy to take them out after the collabs. Lol.


  2. Count I'z in! =P
    Man I've missed a s!@t lot.
    Did I realy just censor myself..
