Saturday, December 31, 2011

Cori is scaring herself. =D

So. Three posts in a row for me, huh? Ugh...this is making me look like I actually LIKE you guys! xD! (I actually do though, so maybe it's not that bad.)
But anyway...I'm writing a really weird part of my book where my MC is starting to hear voices, and it's kinda creeping me out. Actually, scratch that - it's REALLY creeping me out. I've even got scary-sounding music playing haha.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Cori thinks that we should have a "contact us" page!

I really think we should. It would be convenient (spelled wrong?) for others, if they want to ask questions about the blog and stuff, or need advice on writing. =P
By the way...I accidentally spelled "blog" as "blood" at first xD!

Cori: I am doomed.

My little brother has the flu.
Not that bad, hmm? Yeah, well, I've been sleeping in the same bed as him for three nights now.
That's where the problem lies. So now I feel like crap too xD!
But oh well. Me being sick isn't important.
I've been having a great time at my grandma's, but I really do miss my house. It just really bothers me, being here, because every single thing I do or look at reminds me of my grandpa. And now my grandma has gotten rid of my grandpa's favorite chair, so I'll never see that again.
But whatever. That doesn't matter either.
I want to play Sims...I have like, a craving for the game haha! I got the Late Night expansion pack for Christmas, so now I have vampire Sims that go to clubs and suck blood and drink alcohol all night xD! I REALLY wanna play Sims.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Nat: 2011 Survey

1) What did you do in 2011 that you had never done before? - acted on the main stage, won a video-making contest, connected with people on the Internet.
2) Did you keep your New Year's Resolutions?
- Lead a healthier lifestyle (not really); be a nicer person (I think so...); have the best year yet (definitely not).
3) What countries did you visit in 2011?
- None... :(
4) What would you like to have in 2012 that you lacked in 2011?
- A relationship, self-confidence, a more kick-ass wardrobe.
5) What dates will remain etched upon your memory and why? - December 1st (Closing night of the Drama 30 play); October 1st (Mom and stepdad's wedding); February 22nd (Grandma passed away).
6) Biggest achievement?
- Getting published in our city's paper, getting early admission into university, assistant set designer.
7) Biggest failure?
- deciding to drop out of Math 30 and retake it.
8) Best thing someone bought for you in 2011? - my Canon Elph camera.
9) Where did most of your money go?
- Gas money, iPhone bill, music, clothes.
10) What song will always remind you of 2011?
- Edge of Glory by Lady Gaga, Love is Never Ending by Brad Paisley.
11) How did you spend Christmas?
- At my house, playing Christmas carols on the piano, eating Wifesaver's breakfast, playing cards, taking pictures with my new camera. hanging out with the people I love.
12) Did you fall in love in 2011? - Nope.
13) What was the best book you read in 2011?
- The Hunger Games series.
14) Greatest musical discovery? - One Direction, Rocky Horror
15) What did you do on your birthday and how old did you turn? - 17, and I really don't wasn't one of the most memorable birthdays, obviously.
16) What is one thing that would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
- Hmm...more partying. ;)
17) What kept you sane?
- Like-minded theatre people.
18) Who did you miss?
- My gramma. :(
19) Best thing you ate?
- That is an impossible question...
20) What lessons did you learn in 2011?
- Everyone belongs somewhere; don't judge; perseverance is key; saying goodbye is never easy, but sometimes it's time to let go.

I dare you all to answer this survey too. :)

Monday, December 26, 2011

Cori: At my grandma's.

She has horrible internet. 'Nuff said. But the good thing is...SHE HAS A WORKING WEBCAM! I can finally video chat with Jamie, for the first time EVER!
Does anyone else have Skype, so that we can chat as well? =D

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Kamie: It's Christmas, It's my day, I'm out of school (finally), and It's My close friend's Birthday! Sweet!

So yeah, like I said above it's finally Christmas, so Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone's planned a great fun thing to do! :D Like hang with their families and relax... Awh... that sounds amazing right now.

I have recently gotten obsessed with the book series Maximum Ride and yeah AM COMPLETELY LOVING IT! I think Fang is my favorite character, he's pretty amazing, pardon the language. I still love my anime Ouran and Death Note...

I got my mom some amazing stuff for Christmas. My dad's not going to be able to make it this year... oh well, maybe Skype? He's still going to try and come to Cali this New Year's though.

So, Christmas Eve was my Grandpa's birthday, I never met him but I feel closer to him than ever. I love you Grandpa! Today is my close friend Monique's birthday! I already called her up and wished her a happy birthday and a Merry Christmas!

I've been going through a lot of stress and drama recently and haven't been able to post so my apologies. The drama's getting fixed and now that this week of Hell is over I think I'll be more relaxed. My mom owns the UPS Store here in my small town and her little bit of help quit in October so I was her only help... Talk about hectic. And then finals and the week before that 90 second book talk... yeah, I've been extremely busy, so busy that I haven't had ten minutes of spare time to post. But I can now! I'm hoping my life will calm down this semester... no guarantees though, just saying.

As for writing, I've been interested in a new idea I've had recently... I don't know much about it and am hoping to develop it over the course of this break. Probably won't work out the best but hey all I can do is try right? So yeah, now I think I have enough sense in me to go to bed now. So good night/morning everyone. I'll talk to ya'll later today!

~Kamiella Maze

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Heather: A little late...

By six days. I'm sorry!
Alright, so I don't really have much to say but it is my birthday, so you aren't allowed to be mad. :)
And I also wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICOLE!!  Because I'm fairly positive it was the 19th, and I missed it, so, I hope it was amazing, and I hope so is everything else about being seventeen.
Also, I miss your posts.
... The song 'Baby Come Back' just started playing in my head. Is that awkward?

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Ned. Actual Excuse.

Alright, I know everyone is upset that everyone isn't posting so much but I'm like 75% sure that its because;

A. Its christmas and everyone is SUPER busy.
and B. We're all lame and have nothing to say. <3<3<3

Alright... well like it says up there ^^ I'm lame, and have nothing to say. lol.

BUT. I'm completely done school after tomorrow, so YEAH<3 I'll probably be writing more.

Currently, other than the thing I can't tell you cause its a secret, I'm working on a script for a tv show that right now I'm calling 'Heavenly' though that will definitely change. Now I actually have to go because I have home work due tomorrow and its already 10:00... <3 love y'all.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Cori: Is anyone alive?

Like, honestly? I'm one of the only people updating regularly. I've posted a ton this month. =P
Why can't you guys do the same?! Dx! I feel like SAAWAKM is dying and it makes me pretty upset, since I've been on here for a super long time and we used to post every five seconds. Remember when we would each post like, three times in a day?

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Kamie: I don't have time at the second.

I really don't have time at the moment to post, so I just wanted to say that after finals I will post more. So... talk to you next week all! Bye! :D

Cori: Put something on OSAAWAKMS yesterday.

So check it out and give me some reviews on it, 'kay? x)
I'm slowly but steadily rewriting all interactions involving Altrius. So now he's not as much of a jerk =D! I'm really happy with the results so far haha.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Nat: P4A!

Hello ladies, it's December 17th. And you know what that means...actually you probably don't know what that means.

Well, I'll tell you. It means that it's Project for Awesome day on YouTube!

The Project for Awesome (P4A) was started a few years ago by John and Hank Green (the vlogbrothers on YouTube) and it's a day where YouTubers make videos promoting charities. Anyone can make a video, you can promote the charity of your choice, and it's a great way to raise awareness and raise some money for some of your favourite charities. If you go to, you can donate money there, and all the money goes into a big pot. At the end of the Project, people can vote on which charity they think the money should go to, and all the money gets split up and donated.

If you don't want to make a video or donate money, there's one other thing you can do, and that is comment, like, and favourite P4A videos on YouTube to raise more awareness and get the videos to the front page of YouTube.

I already made my video. You can see it here:

Thanks for reading this, and DFTBA! (Don't forget to be awesome).

Friday, December 16, 2011

Cori: My MC acts like he's PMS-ing...

UGH! I have to rewrite parts of my novel, since my MC has been a little out of character. Like, yeah he can get a bit snarky when he's angry, but mostly he's silent and he speaks in an absolute monotone. He's sort of dead on the inside...heh. Anyway, he's an absolute bastard and I have no idea how it happened lmao.
In fact, he acts a little like our favorite snarky Potions Master--Severus Snape. <3
So now I have to rewrite interactions of his...I'm praying this doesn't count as yet another draft, because if it does then this is my seventh draft (please kill me). xD!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Kas: It's my day.

Heather sucks. :)

And, she is never on. But, because christmas break is coming up, hopefully we'll both be on a lot more in the next few weeks.

I finished my Comp. 1 class today. The final was at 1, and I turned in like 7 different things. it was ridiculous. My U.S. History class ends tomorrow, and the final for that one is also at 1. And then, after that i'm basically done with this semester. Except for my high school classes, but theres only one finali have to take there, which is College Algebra.

So, yeah, my last week has pretty much been focused on finishing these classes.

I don't really have anything else to tell all of you, except POST MORE! :P


Ned. Tumblr

Dear Ash.
Please explain to me how you do not know who Mary and Pippin are. Lord of the Rings? You know they're awesome little hobbits?

This tumble saddened me greatly.

Any hoot like I've been saying I have a secret and I am not going to tell it. And don't ask Sage because she won't tell you ever.


Saturday, December 10, 2011

Cori: A possible reason why we hardly post anymore.

I just sort of figured out why I don't post as often as I used to. I think it's because none of us show much interest in each others' posts. It looks like none of us even read them, and we might think like, "If they don't read them or anything, why bother posting at all?"
Make sense? I think it does.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Cori: Drew a perverted b-day card.

Haha. What's up, guys?
I made a birthday card for my friends last night (they're twins). I'm fairly talented at drawing male chibi characters, so I drew an adorable little boy on the front of the card and wrote: "Hi there, Amanda and Jac! Random creepy chibi here! In honor of your birthday, I will be pleased to strip naked for you. Please enjoy my hotness."
Then, opening up the card, I drew a larger version of the chibi wearing absolutely nothing (I put a censor sign on his chibi bits) and saying: "I hope you're enjoying this as much as I am! Tehe!" and "Sorry about the censorship; you're still a minor. THAT would be illegal!"
Awesome, right? I had a great time drawing it xD!

Heather: To Those of You Still Alive.

Hey! Kas, Nat. Our friends have died. Hate to be the bearer of bad news and all...
So, currently, I have a lot of homework. Kas, as of Wednesday after school, I should have gained some free time back. :/
I miss you all! (That still live...)
And.... I might make a post again later! Haha. :)
Bye ladies.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Nat: 4 Things To Tell You. :)

#1: I fail. I'm sorry I haven't posted in so long...I kept thinking about it, and then I just...didn't...
But at least I'm posting now, so those of you who haven't posted yet, you fail more than me. ;p

December 17th. Do it.
(If you don't know what it is: here.)

#3: My play!!!
Some of you may have seen my picture on Facebook, but I'm gonna post some pictures here anyway. Ready, set, go.

The set that I assistant designed and helped to build. :) (Bad quality picture, I'm sorry...)

My BFF Frances, who played Nana in the show, and also designed the set.

Me as Timothy the lion, and Allister, who played Alex.

Cassandra as one of the dancers in the show.
Yep, so my play is done now, and you don't have to listen to me ramble on about theatre anymore...until next semester! YAY!

#4: This! <---- Click it, trust me!

Okay, that's all for now. Bye ladies, I miss you!!

Kas: I get that everyone's busy...

but it takes like 10 minutes to mke a post.

Here, i'll time myself. Starting now, at 1:14 P.M.

So, Heather and I haven't gotten really anything new done with Silver, because of time issues. However, we are going to be doing some all new writing soon, for some etra credit on one of her classes. We have to write our own greek myth, so that should be fun. Also, I'm working on a way to figure out when we cn both be online at the same time, and a bit of  tweak to our method that will help us work a little faster.

Also, my College classes end next week, and then my High School classes end the Tuesday after next week, so I should have lots of spare time to write, and hopefully so will Heather. I'm hoping to at least get this thing written by the end of the year... It would be pretty cool to be able to finish it sometime around February 7th, which will be exactly one year from when we started Silver. So, yeah.

Uhm, heres a sad fact, we ha 1,016 posts in 2010.  And as of today, we have 471 posts in 2011. I know that last year we had a lot more people, and the blog was fresh and new to everyone, but guys e have to keep posting, or eventually its just going to be completely deserted...

Alright, thats really all I have to tell you guys. Heather, if you get on later, i might be here, or i might not, since i dont know if i have to take my sister to basketball practice today, so i guess we'll see. :P

And... 1:23 P.M.
9 minutes.
I know you have 9 minutes...


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Kamie: I remembered!

Well now! I actually remembered that today was my day to post so I'm getting it done semi-early for me! It's 11:38pm where I live. How have all of you been? Hopefully busy and that's why nobody's been posting on their days. Hm... I don't honestly have much to talk about except how busy I am with homework currently. Oh well, I knew this would happen the moment I took all AP classes, still it's hard on me... but oh well, it come out to be a good thing in the future. Oh! And congrats Kas, for getting into OU! :D

Hope all is well with ya'll!

~Kamiella Maze

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Kas: Come ON, guys!

Where is everyone? We were doing so good a few weeks ago, and now everything is back to how it was before! Ugh.

Anyways, I'm bored, and I wish Heather would get her butt online. Haha. We're  still working on finishiing part 2, and I think we have like 5 scenes left. And then, about half of the book will be written, since part 3 is as long as parts 1 & 2 put together. So, yeah, that will probably take a while. especially if we keep working at the pace we are.

So, today is Bedlam in Oklahoma. And, since I'm most of you ahve absolutely no idea what that is, i'll tell you. It's the last game of the Oklaoma college football season, where the two major colleges, who are rivals, Oklahoma State University (OSU) and the University of Oklahoma (OU) play against each other. It's a pretty big deal around here, and since i've decided to go to OU next year, it looks like I get to join in on all the trash talking on facebook. :P

Also, Like I said before, I have decided to go the the University of Oklahoma next year. For what? I'm still not sure. I'm debating between Biological Anthopology, English with a focus in Creative Writing, Film and Video, and International Studies. I'm most likely going to do two majors, to be honest.. Because I know I'll never be able to choose just one...

I also decided that Sophomore year I'm going to study abroad either in Arezzo, Italy or London, England. Which one, I'm not sure yet. But if I like it enough that year, I can do it Junior year too, so I might be able to do both...

Alright, well I'm hoping Heather gets on sometimes soon, cause i'm in a writing kind of mood. :) But, if not, I guess I'll just have to console myself with barbecue and football. :)


Friday, December 2, 2011

Heather: 20 Days.

Until I am seventeen.
Where are you all?
I missssssss you.
Well, I don't have much to say... so, later! :)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Guess who won NaNo? CORI DID!

...And yet my novel is not finished. I simply passed the word count of 50,000 xD! My book will probably be around 75,000 words long. Or something like that, haha.
Also, my cat poked a hole in my finger. I had to actually pull the tip of his claw out of my skin, which was a really weird feeling. Then I had this small, gaping dark hole on the side of my middle finger...and then it started to bleed. Pretty badly.
It was actually kind of funny. lol!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Kamie: Sorry!

Sorry, I haven't been on like at all. I've been extremely busy and it seems like the only thing I'm capable of doing is school, work, homework, and sleeping... well with a little bit of eating in there also! I can't talk much even  now, stupid IDs, I hate them so much! But oh well, they'll get done, and they help... a lot. Well, I'm back now! Lately I've been on my RP accounts on facebook, because of my awakening point of view of anime, and OHSHC... On the bright side from everybody on youtube I've been hearing from there's supposed to be a second season coming out December! So yay! I'm not sure if it's true it very well might just be in Japan for now but yeah! :) Erm... nothing else really is going on... Unless what do you guys know about hyperbolas and pre-Civil War? That's the homework I'm working on now! :) Bye bye!

-Kamiella Maze

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Heather: I Am Still Alive!

Sorry 'bout missing my day. I haven't actually been on the computer since Thursday, if you ignore the brief two minutes I made it on Friday afternoon.
So, I'm currently in the midst of a huge, pain-in-the-ass project, which really sucks. Then I have two tests, and an assignment to do. Yay me.
I'm reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeealllllllllllllllllllllyyyy sorry Kas! I know I said I would be on like, a week ago, but I'm not. Which stinks.
Update on my life: I'm on my school's debate team, yes-I-am-that-cool, and we went to a tournament on Friday, and my team ended up coming fourth (half a point off of third, so, not bad) out of around thirty teams, and it was everyone's first year ever doing it, except for one person who had gone last year with a different school, so, we did really well, and I'm really happy. And my parents are currently in Las Vegas, they left Wednesday and will be back tomorrow night, so I've been alone a little while. And I've either had homework, plans, debate, or homework keeping me busy. Yeah...
Sorry about missing Friday.
Bye guys!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Cori: Missed by day by like, twenty minutes...

But we're not counting those 20 minutes, are we now? OF COURSE NOT! x)
Anyway, NaNo is going GREAT! I'm at 43,388 words right now, and going strong. Tomorrow I'll be at 45,000-some words, which is wonderful news in my opinion. Then I'll only be 5,000 words left! I'm really amazed that I'm actually going to win.
I'm thinking of starting a new project, once Caged is finished and edited, and all that jazz. It's going to be...interesting. (That's the only word I can think to describe it as, since I have absolutely no idea what it'll be about. Hehe.)

Ned. Short Post.

Soooooo short post but Sage and I are writing a script. I'm not sure how much I can say about it right now, so I won't but I love you and goodbye.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Kas: Heyyyyy.

You. All. Fail.

You just fail.

Fail. Fail. Fail.

Okay, now that i've told you how much you all FAIL, i guess i should write my post, huh? Yep.

So, there isn't really anything going on with me this week... I feel like i say that every week. Hahah. LIFE, Why must you be so boring!?

Heather and  I have done 0 writing this week. Cause we suck. Mhmm... We fail at NaNo this year.

It's thanksgiving break here in the states, and tomorrow is thanksgiving. I like thanksgiving, but what I'm really excited for is the day after. Can anyone say Black Friday?

If you don't know, because you're lame, Black Friday is the start of the christmas shopping season. All of the stores have huge sales. It's pretty intense, i know a few people who are camped out in front of the stores right now, actually. People tend to go a bit crazy, though. Shooting and trampling are regular events... But it's the best. hahaha. The stores open at like 3 a.m. usually, but this year a lot of them are opening even earlier, like 10 p.m. on Thanksgiving night. So it doesn't look like i'll be sleeping that night. :P

Alright, well thats prety much it... :P


Sunday, November 20, 2011

Heather: I Forgot to Post...

I'm such a hypocrite.
Hey ladies, how're you all?
I'm okay, busy, I guess. Kas is gone all weekend so when I say we're supremely behind in NaNo, I mean we're at like a day 3 word count. BUT WE CAN STILL DO IT. Maybe. :/
Well, I have very little to say,,, but uh... bye!


Saturday, November 19, 2011

Nat: Hello, lovelies!

Life is getting quite crazy for me now.
Our school production of The Velveteen Rabbit opens in 10 days and I am FREAKING OUT!
But really excited at the same time.

Also: I met a boy. :)
His name is Allister, and he's very wonderful. He's funny and handsome and athletic and he likes theatre and (here's the best part, for those of us who are nerds) he's a NERDFIGHTER! Yeup. Fanstically awesome. Oh, and he's single. ;)

NaNo is still going good, I got really behind for a while, but I wrote almost 5000 words today to catch up. I'd forgotten how much I missed writing.

Miss you girls! <3

Nicole: Breaking Dawn was...

... kind of weird. A lot weirder than the book. The wedding and honeymoon were good though, and Robert Pattinson's back muscles. The rest was just a bit too far. That is all.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Kas: My bad..

Haha. I forgot to post yesterday...
So.. I'll do it now?

I'm at my sister's house for the weekend, cause she goes to one of the colleges I'm thinking about for next year. So, yeah, I'm at her house with her and her roomates until Sunday night. :)

I'm being forced to go see Breaking dawn with her tomorrow, which i'm just SOOOO extremely excited about. *Sarcasm

We're also going to go look at bridesmaids dresses for her wedding which is in July. And then we're supposed to go to the mall as well.

Saturday we're going to a big campus event called Sooner Saturday, we're at the University of Oklahoma and their team is the Sooners, just incase you're confused. It includes campus tours and free stuff and other fun things. I haven't decided if i'm going to rush a sorority yet, but both of her roommates are in a sorority, so I'm going to talk to them about it..

I don't think we're doing much of anything on Sunday, except eating breakfast, and then driving the three hours home.

I only have 2 days of school next week, because it's thanksgiving break. Which is cool. :P

I'm going to try really hard to get on some this weekend and write with Heather, but i'm not really sure if i'll have time... :( I should be able to write sunday night, though. So thats good. :P

Okay, so thats my weekend.

Sorry about not posting. :P


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Ned. F***ed up.

So, my life is a mess right now.
I'm not going to go into details because I don't think they need to be said online... but I'm mentally on vacation.
I really have to pull myself together, so for the next few days I'll basically just be in my only little f***ed up world.
Sorry if this means a lack of posts on my part, I just felt I should explain myself.

On a positive side we should all celebrate because SAGE GOT THE LEAD IN HER SCHOOL SHOW!!!!

Thats very exciting.


Kamie: Random

I was bored and decided to post this! By the way Nat, I love your own obsessions!

So I just finished watching the anime that I was talking about and am completely and utterly in love with it! Unfortunately there seems to be only one season out as of right now, though with the way they ended it, it seems unlikely that they would finish it off with the cliffhanger they have.... I'm getting the manga of it in tomorrow which excites me to no end! :D It will be awesome! Um... I think I'm going to quit NaNo for now... it's impossible for me to have any downtime to actually sit down and write so much.

Um... I'm currently drinking an RC Cola and am working on Spanish homework while trying to get my friend to get on FaceTime so we can video chat! :D And I'm waiting for my other friend to get on Skype so that we can work on our History IDs. Fun huh? Well for right now, I'm obsessing over this amazing song which is Kyoya's song called Tsumetai Yoru, and it fits me perfectly also. Here's the song! Enjoy!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Heather: Hunger Games!


- "May the odds be ever in your favour!"


Nat: Following in Kamie's Footsteps...

Current Obsessions

-Rocky Horror Picture Show
-Robert Markus and Jamie Cavanagh
-Harry Potter
-Criminal Minds
-Writing (duh)
-Peppermint Tea
-Bo Burnham
-Disney music


Kamie: My Obsessions

*Just wanted to say that I'm home sick hence the reason why I'm posting right now. :/ It sucks...

My Obsessions:
  • Alyx and The Clan
  • Ouran High School Host Club
  • Harry Potter
  • Fanfiction - Dramione and Haruna mostly
  • England
  • Laurel and Tamani
  • Altrius and Mirabelle
  • Leila and James
  • Alyx and Danial
  • Mythologies
  • Evanna Lynch
  • Tom Felton
  • Emma Watson
  • Linkin Park
  • Good Charlotte
  • Mumford and Sons
  • Greenday
  • Artist Vs. Poet
  • Nightwish
  • Nickelback
  • Evanescence
  • Romance
  • Kyoya Ootori!

So yeah I've been recently addicted to that anime, Ouran HighSchool Host Club! And Kyoya... I love him! It goes him, then Tamaki, Haruhi, then the doppelgangers (Hikaru and Karo(sp?)), Honey, and then Mori.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Kamie: NaNo & FUN!

So I don't think I should be doing NaNo anymore... I'm only 6% done and slammed with work and other stuff... etc. Oh well there's always next year. On the bright side! I'm still working on my book about the Clan and Alyx! However, I'm also working on an awesome collab with my friend Rachel! It's going to be about dragons! Yippee!

On other news I just got to see my friend from Nevada and I'm so happy I got to see her! She's awesome! It's been a long time since I've wanted to cry because one of my friends had to leave! She showed me some awesome anime! I'm now sincerely addicted to Ouran High School Host Club! TAMAKI IS AMAZING!!!!!! *cough* Fangirl moment. Anyways, it was so nice to see her, we are now keeping in touch a lot more than we had been and she might stay a long time during Thanksgiving break! She might come down for Christmas or like the week after or something! Then her mother said that she wants to visit her grandma like once a month so I'll be able to see her then too... Not including what we can do in the summer! Anyways, in other words I'm happy, no matter how much I'm hating my allergies Dx!
Anyhoo! What are you all up to?! Hope you're all well, so I'll talk to you guys hopefully more often, I've been fairly busy. Welp, now off to do a research project that was dumped on me by my whole group as a powerpoint. Wish me luck!

-Kamiella Maze

Cori: Super awesome NaNo update!

What's up, guys? x)
I'm at 20,930 words right now, and things are going great! It's kinda crazy, knowing that just a few days ago I was about 6,000 words behind. I wrote that many words in one night, which was a really bad idea in the end. The reason for this is because when I went to bed, my hands were shaking really badly, my back ached, and my vision was all blurry because I was so dizzy and out of it.
Yeah, uh, not going to do THAT again...My dad was pretty freaked out by it.
Anyway, I just need to write another 836 words, and my 1,667 words of the day will be complete haha. So like, yeah! I hope I hit 25,000 by tomorrow or something. ALMOST HALFWAY THERE!!!
And by the way...Altrius, my MC, is super ultra sexy. Also, he's a complete ass. xD <3

Nat: Oops.

Sorry, I totally forgot to post on Monday...


I'm currently at 18,487 words for NaNo. (Only 3180 words behind. Uh oh.)
But I need your advice on naming 2 characters.

They're part of the rebel group in my story, fighting against the government.
They're both 17 years old, one girl and one boy.

The girl has long blonde hair, blue eyes. She's witty, somewhat arrogant, posessive, and cunning...I'm thinking about calling her Charlie, Rory, Delilah, or Ingrid. Which is your favourite?

The boy has dark hair and blue eyes. He's charming, romantic, super nice, very hot, and definitely a very passionate character with strong beliefs. Kinda like Gale from The Hunger Games. I was thinking about naming him Blake, Seth, Hunter, Ryder, or Jett, but I'm also looking for different suggestions for him, cuz I don't really like these names.

Any help would be awesome!
Thanks ladies. :)

Kas: We're writing.. again. :)

So, as Heather so enthusiatically told you before, we've finished the Silver outline completely and now we're back to the writing again.

We've only written one scene so far, which turned out to be around 958 words long, but thats because we were lazy and Y!M screwed us over yesterday. It has this weird thing where it decided not to show that Heather is online, and vice versa... So, yeah, that happened.

But, today we have all day to write, and we're hoping to finish off the scenes color coded in green and then the yellows as well. Which is 10 scenes total, we have 2 greens left and there are 8 yellows. After that, we only have pink left in part 2, which is also 8 scenes. If we manage to finish yellow, we might start on pink as well.

Since im pretty sure Heather didn't give you guys the details, our outline ended at 139 scenes and 23,168 words total. We both really love where the story is going to end, and hopefully we can share with you guys soon.

We're actually on the last Green scene now, as we finished the other as i've been writing this. (I keep taking breaks to write.) The last should be finished very soon, at least, that is if Heather ever comes back from making her grilled cheese sandwhich. (She's back!) :P

Anyways, I'll update this post in about an hour, telling you guys where we are on the writing front.

Update: 4:00 P.M. We have finished Green, and we're on the third scene in the yellows. So far, our NaNo count is at 3,446 words. Hahaha. But, we're stiill going strong! :P

EDIT: 8:00 P.M. (Kas's time) We're done the yellow! 10 scenes done today, and we're still going. I like this. 5565 words so far today.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Nicole: I'm a terrible person, AND PHOTOGRAPHYYY

Yep, I forgot to post on Tuesday. I actually have no idea how I forgot it and now it's been ages. So, I've pretty much completely given up on the idea of NaNoWriMo unfortunately.

My exams are literally in a week, and our teachers at the moment are having a panic attack and shoving all of the things that they forgot to teach us during the year into this last week, so I'm just too swamped and this year is too important to be distracted. So BOO.

But I do have a new idea kind of thing! I've never really been dedicated to one idea to stick with it for how long it takes to write a novel, so I've decided to make a book of supernatural short stories that all revolve around one town. Some with romance, some with mystery, and others are just going to be fun and spooky :). I'm really excited about it.

Also, I've made a new DeviantART! I had one for ages, but I finally decided to make a new, fresh one with all of my recent photos from this year. They're not all up yet, but I'd love for you to check it out :)

And that's all for now!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Heather: Holy Poop.

SILVER HAS BEEN TOTALLY PLOTTED. OH MY GAH! IT'S INSANE. AHHH! I'M SO HAPPY. Yeah, our outline is over 23 000 words long, nearly half of what we've already written. Anyway. STDYFUGIVGXHGKDVFIUKBSDVKJF VHSDBGGFJMHJMNHFVCXVDFXDDEF, I'm dying here. Holy fucking shit. (Excuse my language), but today rocks some serious socks.

Heather: It has been decided.

  • That everyone on the blog, short of Kas, Jamie, Cori, and I, suck. And they suck a lot. Just so you know. PEOPLE WHO DO NOT POST NOT EVEN WHEN GIVEN SPECIFIC DAYS TO POST ON THAT MAXIMIZE THEIR SCHEDULES. ;)
  • That I am going to start re-learning how to play my guitar. If anyone on here plays really well and wants to teach me over Skype, ya know, I'd be cool with that. ;) Haha, just kidding. For the most part. I'm trying to learn on my own. And it's been pretty fun so far.
  • That I finally figured out the song I would like to try out for the talent show with- if I can actually sing. Haha, I guess we'll see.
  • That my brain is very fried today. Ask Kas, she knows.
  • That it is Remembrance day. 
  • That Kas and I are NEARLY done plotting.
  • That this quote rocks, and sums up our lives: "Risk more than others think is safe. Care more than others think is wise. Dream more than others think is practical. Expect more than others think is possible."
  • That that is about all, folks.
See you next Friday on the boring-parts-of-Heather's-not-so-rockin' life!

Kas: Nano Update

I guess I could have just told Heather to do this in her post, since its her day, but im bored...

So, we've been working on the outline a lot lately, and we shold finish it today. Hopefully we'll get some written tongiht, too. And since its the weekend we should be able to stay up later than usual.

Last night, we got into some of the backstory and decided we also want to write a preque to the series. Right now we're only planning 2 for the silver books, a companion novel, and then now a prequel. Hahaha. Its going to be a lot of work, but for now we're just focusing on the one we're on.

The outline is 124 scenes long, and we've got somewhere areound 10-20 scenes left, so we've got a ways too go...

I dont know if we'll get it written by the end of NaNo, but we should get it written witin the next few months...

Also, we're getting  a bit lazy with the posting. Two people missed their day this week. So, we have to try and stick with it or the blog is going to end up as deserted as it was a few weeks ago.

Alright, thats about all i have to tell you guys...

How are you guys doing with NaNo.?


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Kas: It's Wednesday.

So... I really don't have much to tell you guys.

Heather and I have yet to finish the silver outline, but we've only got around 10 or so scenes left. It should be done by tomorrow, hopefully. And then we can actually get to the writing part.

I can't remember who is Tuesday, but i'm pretty sure it's Niole, right? If I'm rihgt, Nicole you fail! Hahaha. Theres really not anything that you guys don't know about going on with me... :D

So, yeah, I guess thats it. Haha.


Monday, November 7, 2011

Cori: Changed my NaNo novel.

I could NOT think of what to write for Skin Deep, so I changed it to Caged; I was actually going to write a sixth draft anyway, so here we go! Perfect opportunity, and one that basically forces me to write. (Also, I've missed Altrius very badly. I think I'm actually addicted to him, which isn't good. I feel a panic attack coming on every time I think of finishing the series and never writing about him again.)
Actually, I think that word wars are best, since you're FORCED to write, or else you lose the mini contest. And, lol, I'm about to do a word war right now.
I made a little thing to hang up on my wall today...A checklist. I did all a lot of math and figured out certain percents; I'm going to check them off as my word count expands, to keep myself on my toes and make sure I know where I'm at in my book at all times. It's a little thing, but I like it haha.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Kamie: Change!

Okay so I know some of you already know this, but I have changed my idea for NaNo at the spur of the moment. Now most people would think that's not a very wise choice however it's practically a rewrite and then just finishing it all off. It needs to be rewritten about... badly. Besides I've missed Alyx soooo much! Roleplaying with Cori last night with them... it brought back such fond memories that I have decided that I do indeed need to write them all down and make it a legitiment book. Of course there'll be hardships along the way, but what good book doesn't have the ups and downs? So yes, I'm going back to a very old story of mine, however... it's hard to explain especially the plot. I'll have to tell you guys it when I know how to describe it better.
On other news I got in my white iPhone 4s and am looooooving it to death! It is purely amazing! :D Um... nothing else is really going on in my life right now except school, sax, dance, homework, and writing. :) So yeah... how have all of you been?
Simply fantastic.
Your Figment of Imagination.
-Kamiella Maze

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Kas: Heather & I

Are still doing Silver for Nano. I couldn't remember if I said anything about this last time I posted. So far, we have no writing, only our outline. We decided to finish the outline of Part 3 before we finished writing Part 2, so that we don't have to stop and write the outline for part 3 halfway through NaNo. If that makes any sense.

Right now, we're having a dilema on us liking one of our leading men better than the other, I won't say which, because it may create some bias opinions around here.. :P

We have 92 scenes as of this very second, and Heather's writing scene 93 as I type... Or at least she should be. Hmm...

I dont know if any of you remember my old color coding technique, but we're still using that. I've also come up with a technique for how we're going to edit... which I think Heather is going to hate me for, because it's a lot of work, but I think it should help us a lot. I haven't given heather the details yet, cause we haven't started editing yet...  but once we do, I'll tell her and you guys the details of the plan. :P

There's about 47000 words in Silver, unedited of course, right now. And since the book is planned to be around 100,000 words, we're hoping NaNo will be what makes us finsih the actual writing. The editing will be the hard part, in my opinion, but it's also the fun part.

I'm still really amazed as to how far we've gotten in this book. It's farther than I've ever gotten in a book, and Heather has only made it to 50,000 words in a book, I think. So, we'll be passing her farthest mark soon as well.

Anyways, this was just an update on our NaNo, and on Silver and our plans for it. :P

We're hoping to get this outline done by tonight, and maybe a little writing done as well. I'll update this post later to tell you how far we've gotten.

Update: It's 2 A.M. and we got all the way through scene 104, which may not seem like much, but trust me, it is. Also, heres a fun fact, our outline is exactly 17,015 words long at this moment, and it's not even done yet. But, alas, we're way too tired to continue, so im afraid we'll have to finish it tomorrow. :P


Heather: Well, hello there..

Hehehe... My bad!
Sorry I didn't post yesterday. I just got really busy, and sort of lost track of time.
Alright! So.
I really need to step things up with Kas, and I mean myself specifically, not Kas, because I suck, haha.
So, I don't have much to say, except that I'm a nerd and I'm part of the Debate team at school, and it's awesome. And... I'm not sure what else.
Haha, I've also been thinking about trying out for my school's talent show this year, but I'm not sure. It's be for singing, which seems ridiculously predictable, and I haven't really sung for a crowd in... years, really. So yeah. That's about it... Haha.

I am sorry to say that my life has been to busy to do NaNoWriMo. :( I am sad.

Soooo Saturday update..

I don't know what to say.

I love Phineas and Ferb, so I'll just post pictures of them. In order of my favourite characters.

Okay, guess who my FAVOURITE character is.

Thursday, November 3, 2011


That was my reaction ALL during last night's episode of Criminal Minds.

And this was me when Prentiss was talking about her dying:

And this was what I wanted to do to her:

But I digress. Because I must.

looky here. Another video. Skip over the second verse. When I uploaded it to iTunes the synching went wacky and it therefore sounds like I'm a dying animal.

I love you all. And I'm not doing NaNo, so I can't really comment on that. But I hope it's going well for all of you :)


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Nat: NaNo Day 2

How's everyone doing with their NaNoNovels (NaNoNo?)?

I completely switched my plot about 3 hours ago, which was not the wisest decision. I've just had to do lots of writing to make up for it.

I'm currently at 2436 words, but the night is still young. :)
I wish you all the best of luck. =)

[Edit]: Hi again, I'm at 3480 words now! Yay!

I also wrote a synopsis for the novel that I decided to write for NaNo. It is currently called 'Cipher,' it's an idea I've had for an incredibly long time. I told you guys about it briefly in, like, July of 2010, so I'm sure you could use a refresher.

It is the name of the most feared and despised - yet respected - city for miles around. The government-controlled, smoothly-operated society is an oasis, a haven in the midst of the chaotic and war-torn land surrounding it. It is the home of close to 12 million people - including 17 year old James Spencer.
James has lived in Lucca all his life, and sees nothing wrong with the strange ways that the society is run. He knows nothing other than the strange symbol markings that are tattooed on Lucca's inhabitants. James sees nothing wrong with the violence that is used to control the citizens, or the way they are treated like slaves. This is natural - its how life is in Lucca.
It isn't until two astonishing, life-changing events occur that James begins to realize the truth about his society - maybe there's a better way to live. He starts to ask questions, dangerous questions that attract the attention of the government.
How is the government controlling the citizens of Lucca? What truly goes on behind their closed doors? What are they hiding? And what do they want with James and his sisters?
These questions end up leading to places James never ancticipated - or wanted to go.
A kidnapping, a journey away from everything he knows, an unexpected friendship, and answers to questions James never even knew he had...

Opinions? Other title suggestions? I'm actually super stoked to write this for NaNo, I've got so many ideas floating around in my head.

Kas: Almost forgot.

* Gets on SAAWAKM, thinking "Who's day is it?"
Oh, right, it's mine. Hahaha.

So, not really anymore news to tell all of you since my last post, except that Heather and I have decided to do Silver for NaNo, we were planning some yesterday, butshe mysteriously dissapeared. I believe shes been abducted by aliens.

Oh, I've decided to buy a really expensive camera as a christmas present to myself, so that I can start ggetting inot photography...

Other than that, I really dont have anything else to post about. How is everyone doing with Nano?


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Kamie: NaNo's here

First day of November, the beginning of NaNoWriMo, and I'm home sick yet again. Do you know what the best part is.... I still have homework from this weekend that I didn't finish going to bed early, but now I have to get that all done, and I feel terrible because I ended up missing two tests today, but hey what can I do about it.
Ashton here are your questions:
1)  If you were trapped on an island and could have only one CD, which one would it be??

Hum... that's a hard one! I think I'd take Linkin Park's Hybrid Theory, but that still wouldn't be enough music for me. Maybe I'd take Yiruma's album... the name which I'm blanking on.

2) Which name do you prefer for a 13-year-old boy with brown hair and blue eyes -Heath or Henrie?

Heath most definitely!

3) Did you know that there are only 2 days until November 1st???

Ha! It's November 1st now! However I get to November 1st a little bit later than ya'll seeing as how I live on the west coast.

4) What are you all being for Halloween?
I was a pirate! I'll put up a pic! :D

5) Who's your (current) celebrity crush?
Tom Felton, Hugh Jackman, Robert Downey Jr., and Avan Jogia.

So yeah that's that. I guess I'll go back to homework now! P
For now!
Kamiella Maze

Kas: NaNoWriMo.

So, today is officially the first day of Nano, and I feel like crapppppp.

My entire school has been infected by some nasty stomach virus, and now I've caught it as well. So, yeah, its no fun. That, plus I already had cold to start with.

So, yeah not the best way to start out November. But, on the bright side, that means I have all day, until Glee comes on, of course, to work on my plot and maybe write a little.

Anyways, Good luck with the first day ladies!


Nicole: Yaaay Tuesdays!

Okay, so I just made it in because it's 10:49 PM on Tuesday night.

It's the end of the school year all this month with teachers pushing everything into these next two weeks that they've forgotten about, then exams for all of those subjects, finishing photography for the year, orientation for my last year of school and then THE END OF YEAR 11!!!!!! And on top of all of that I'm getting sick and conjunctivitis >:\ how lame.

It was the 1st of November today, but I just don't think I can do NaNoWriMo at the moment :( I didn't last year, and I'm not this year which is a BIG POO. If things change in a bit I might start, who knows though.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Cori: Epic fail...seriously.

Of course, tomorrow we have to run the mile in P.E.
And so of course, while running around outside with my friends like a madwoman, I trip on the curb and land on my bad knee. Of course, it makes this sick little popping sound, and collapses every time I try to stand up onto it.
I'm dead. xD!
Of course, I have almost none of my book planned out. Actually, scratch that. I have only the prologue, and a scene where the two MCs skip school together planned out. Other than that...Nothing. Nada. Zip.
I'm dead. x)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Kas: Questions... and some other stuff.

So, I just finished writing a Comp. 1 essay on the evolution of technology in the 20th and 21st centuries... which was fun. Haha. I really shouldn't have procrastinated on it though, as it was assigned on Monday, and is due tomorrow afternoon... Anyways, so i'll now be assigned another one tomorrow...

I'm liking all the action SAAWAKM is getting lately, ladies. I've missed this.

I have a few things to tell you, but first i'll answer Ashton's questions...

1)  If you were trapped on an island and could have only one CD, which one would it be??

Hmm... Probably 30 Seconds to Mars, This is War. Or Mumford and Sons, Sigh No More.

2) Which name do you prefer for a 13-year-old boy with brown hair and blue eyes -Heath or Henrie?


3) Did you know that there are only 2 days until November 1st???

Please don't remind me. I still haven't talked to Heather, so I doubt Silver will happen unless we miraculously figure everything out tomorrow. And the other fore-mentioned new story has no plot yet, so i'm trying to fiure that out as well...

4) What are you all being for Halloween?
Nada. Haha. I have to take my little sister trick-or-treating, so no dressing up for me. She's going as a devil, though. And since im a wiz at doing costume makeup, i'll post a picture of her awesome costume tomorrow.

5) Who's your (current) celebrity crush?
Mine don't change. Haha. Tom Felton, James Mcavoy, and Jensen Ackles. However, I don't know if it's a crush per-say, but i've recently become obsessed with Ed Sheeran.

So, now onto the news about me. First, as I said above Heather and I ahve yet to discuss anything about Silver, and since tomorrow is Halloween, I'm not sure i'll be on at all durin the day. Maybe a little at night. So, maybe we can pull it all together in time for Nano, but i'm not really sure.

Also, on that point, I don;t even have a back up story yet. As i said before, The new story doesn't yet have a plot line, or really any details worked out at all... I have a rough sketch of a continent (I decided not to make it dystopian, btw,) The scattered scribbles on that sheet of paper form my comp class, and some names. Other than that, nothing. So, I may work on that a bit in school tomorrow, but i'm really busy tomorrow, so we'll see.

It doesn't help any of this that i'm right in the middle of 3 college courses, plus my high school classes, trying to pick and fill out scholarships to the schools I want to apply to, all the senior stuff my school has been putting on lately. And im trying to fit writing into that schedule, but it's very hard. But, I got a new laptop, which I don't think I told you guys, so I'm going to start bringing it with me to school and class so I can try to get some work done there...

Alright, well I think thats it for now. I need to go shower and go to sleep so that I can make it through the rest of this week. Only 7 more weeks until my christmas break though! Oh, and I decided that I'm taking next semester's college classes online, because I just don't have the time to drive 30+ minutes there an back everyday. Oh! and there's only 3 weeks until Thanksgiving Break! :D

I'm sure you'll hear from me again before wednesday, telling you whats happening with the whole Nano thing, but for now, Good night!


Nat: Some Questions & Answers

*Feel free to answer any/all of these questions. Please and thank you.*

Question 1: If you were trapped on an island and could have only one CD, which one would it be??
Answer 1: This is a hard fricking question, especially because my musical tastes change all the time. Possibly Me Vs. Gravity, Allstar Weekend, or Once More with Feeling.

Question 2: Which name do you prefer for a 13-year-old boy with brown hair and blue eyes -Heath or Henrie?
Answer 2: I'm not gonna answer this one, because I actually want your opinions.

Question 3: Did you know that there are only 2 days until November 1st???
Answer 3: AAAHH!!!

Question 4: What are you all being for Halloween?
Answer 5: I'm gonna be Peter Pan. :)

K, enough with the questions.
I'm starting to think that I'm absolutely insane for deciding to do NaNo this year. Would you like to see what my schedule looks like for November? No? I didn't think so. But it's absolutely ridiculous. I'm not counting on winning this time...

I FINALLY got Criminal Minds Season 5. It only took 3 weeks to come in to the store. So now I can go back to obsessing over how attractive Matthew Gray Gubler is. But my newest celebrity that I've been fangirling over - Logan Lerman. Mmmm..

Question 5: Who's your (current) celebrity crush?
Answer: Matthew Gray Gubler, Logan Lerman, Bo Burnham. ;)

Okay, I'm gonna go to bed now. I'll post tomorrow because I have to.


Heather: Here we go again...

This month is going to be hell. You know, with NaNoWriMo and school... I'm already shunning my homework. Dang.
So, the point of this post: if you are writing something with romance, in what way do your love interests meet?

Cori: Sorry I'm a day late.

Couldn't get on all day yesterday, since I was spending the time I'm usually shut up in my bedroom with my grandma and grandpa. x)
Basically, we slept over allllll weekend long. It was pretty fun, and we went to see Puss In Boots. Cute movie. Not fantastic or anything, but cute. Puss has always been my favorite Shrek character, and I liked reading the fairytale about him when I was young.
Anyhoo, I'm updating now at least, and I've got a lot to talk about. First of all, Pottermore. It had better open up soon, or I'll scream. And I'd better be a Slytherin, or I shall go into cardiac arrest. I shall commit suicide if I am either a Gryffindor or a Hufflepuff. xD! And then I'll continue on, so whatever.
Second, NaNo! I can't wait until November 1st...I'm freaking excited haha! My novel is called Skin Deep, and it's (whispers) a gay romance novel. It's about an abused kid genius--graduated from college at the age of nine--named Halo Conrad who's family curse--a demon that shares his DNA/body--is trying to take over his life. His adopted father forces him to move closer to his family's enemy, River Smith, who he quickly befriends. Their friendship begins to turn into something more after a while, and...well, I'll leave the rest to the synopsis I'll post on my page =D!
So what are you all going as for Halloween? My mom decided I can't go as Justin Bieber, so I'm just putting on the old jeans and a t-shirt and going with my friend Kelli. Ah, well...There's always next year. x)

Kamie: NaNoWriMo!

OH MY GOODNESS! NaNoWriMo is just around the corner! I CAN'T WAIT! I'm so excited, though I'm not sure how much time I'm going to be able to put into it.

So what's been going on? What about with me? I just got Kirby Dreamland for the Wii, which is awesome! :D Right now I have an RC soda right now! And mini reese's peanut butter cups which make it YUMMY! I have a whole lot of homework, but it shouldn't be too bad. I do hate IDs though... I've gotten really into NaNo again and am on some of the forums now! Mostly the Roleplaying one! I love RPing! :) I've been fighting allergies recently and they are getting highly annoying, but what can I do? I've decided what I'm going to be doing for the talent show and am pleased on how it's coming out! :D Um... Last night was my Homecoming Dance... And I'm not really into dances normally but last night was a lot of fun! The most fun I've had in a while shockingly. Yeah, so that's about it I believe... If I remember anything else I'll post again later! :D
Stay well!
-Kamiella Maze

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Ned. Loving iiiiit.

I'm so excited! I think you guys picked the perfect number!

In case you're wondering the winning number was number three, and I'm gonna be super busy this week planning and writing because NANOWRIMO STARTS TUESDAY! Ugh.

Alright, so number three was "Stairs."

A story about a family that moves into a mansion and the youngest daughter who is eight named Bravery drags her older sister, Ember to explore. They find a secret world down this set of stairs.

And before you say its like Narnia its not. The secret world is like a second home. They go back and forth between the two worlds throughout half of the book. <3

Okay, I'll have more for you guys later!

Love yah, -Ned.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Heather: Cutting it Close.

Hey ladies!
I'm really cutting it close here, huh?
Well, I don't have too much to say; I had a midterm today.
I'm beyond busy.
I recently started getting an idea (no worries, Silver first), and it's really fun. Think Greek. :D
That's about it.


But I have a good excuse...ish. I wrote another song. Not about my life because nothing interesting ever happens in my life so yeah it's about CM..again. DON'T HATE ME.

So updates? How about Sage got asked to the semi-formal at her school by not one but TWO people. That's right girls. I'm beating them off with my vast knowledge of chemistry and biology...or am I scaring them off. Hmmm, something to ponder later today.

It's halloween weekend which is always exciting. I'm going as a 1940's inspired Little Red Riding hood. I've got the black stilettos and the red dress and the red velvet hood/cape. I'm pin curling my short hair with the 40's inspired doo and I'll post a picture next Wednesday when I ACTUALLY POST ON TIME.

I love you all. What are you guys being for halloween?!

Much love. Oh, and I may psot again to give you the link to the new song if I get around to recording it tonight, hope that's okay.

Know what, since I clearly don't have inspiration here's a challenge for all of you. I will write each of you a song INDIVIDUALLY if you comment on this with something to give me a story line or a like a plot line. SOMETHING.

Okay, I'm done now. I sweear.

Muah. LOVE.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Kas: Newww Schtuff.

So, first off, I would like to say that there have been 15+ posts in the last 7 days, so yeah I think this just just proves that ALL MY IDEAS ALWAYS WORK AND I'M ALWAYS RIGHT AND I SHOULD OWN THE FREAKING WORLD. Agreed?
Anyways, I'm only making this post because I'm procrastinating from 3 things.
1. A paper I have to write for my Comp. 1 class that is due on Monday. I'm sure I'll get around to it... Sunday night sounds like a pretty legit guess.
2. A paper I have to write for my U.S. History class that is due on Nov. 17th. It's more complicated though... reasearch and all that jazz, I'll probably make most of it up though, since we don't have to site it.
3. A new story. Now, no freaking out, I'm still planning on working with Heather on Silver for Nano. That is, if she ever talks to me again! :( Haha. But, I was in college on Monday, and an idea for a new story just kind of... hit me. It started off completely new, but then the pieces started fitting perfectly into the old Malkini/Shifters plotline that I had, so It's going to be a sort of twisted version of those. I wrote a few pages of notes on it (in terrible, scribbly handwriting) while I was in class, and so now i'm just sort of building on that.
I will give you a little info on it now, though.
It' a dystopian.
It has a lot of parallels to the Holocaust and Hitler.
It's set in a world where most of the technology we have now has been forgotten in the pursuit of survival, as there have been many wars and peoples piorities have shifted a lot.
There are other things i could tell you, but they pertain more to the plot and not just the book in general. And I think I want to keep those details a secret for a while, but if i get far enough tonight, i may write a blurb for you guys. If not, i'll attempt to do it tomorrow.
Anyways, I guess I should get to plotting and figuring out my details, huh?

Heather: Best Night.

Last night was amazing.
And when Ned said they were better live, she wasn't kidding. At all. They are fucking amazing (excuse my language). Honestly, I don't think there's ever been a band less autotuned than Mumford & Sons, because they're fucking brilliant.
Last night just made me love them so much more, though I don't know how I could, they've been my favourite for a long time, but I do.
I can't even really describe it.
It was just so wonderful. (I feel dramatic, but I'm really impressed, and happy).
My favourite songs of the night, just to match Ned's, haha:
Awake My Soul ( definitely one of the best at my concert too).
The Cave.
Winter Winds.
And their new song, Hopeless Wanderer. I loved it so much.
I'm still reeling.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Kamie: Quick Question!

Hey all, just wanted to say that I'm glad to see so many people posting again! It looks like the day idea has worked out! Just wanted to give a quick update and I have a question even though it isn't my day!
Update: Well, my update's pretty simple actually. I'm sore, and I hate Physics with a passion. This Halloween I'm dressing up as a pirate with a big circle skirt and everything. Meanwhile I'm pitching ideas to my Junior class representatives for us Junior's senior prom. We're hoping to make it a masquerade(sp?) ball! This year they're trying to get prom as a black tie formal which would be just as fun. I'm going to my Homecoming dance this Saturday with my best friend Lilli who's practically my sister, and Friday night is the Homecoming football game where us band geeks (like myself) gets to freeze themselves to death while playing a brass instrument in the cold and wearing ridiculous band outfits.
Update on my book ideas. I've already talked about my NaNo book, so that's covered, and I'm highly excited for that! I have a new book idea about Greek mythology, which is one of my favorite mythologies to study. I'm not sure about what I exactly want it to be about but I just wanted to throw that out there. Oh, and as a side note I'm reading the Iliad by Homer for some light reading. I love Homer's books! :D
Question: Okay, so here's my question... What is OSAAWAKM? I read somebody posting about it and have no idea what it's about... if you don't mind telling me. :) Thanks!
~Kamiella Maze

Ned. Dilemma

I have a dilemma.

I have a few story ideas and I'm not sure which one I want to write for NaNoWriMo.

I was almost certain I was going to write Blue Moon, but now I have all these other ideas.

I was going to give you a synopsis of all the ideas I have but they are all EXTREMELY complex so what I'll do instead is number them and not tell you what number is which story. Than you guys choose a number and the number that wins will be the idea I write for NaNoWriMo...


Select away. Incase you are wondering, yes. I did write down which idea was which number on a piece of paper.


Two numbers have been nominated,


so basically what I'm saying is you can only vote one of these now.


Nicole: No dayyyy

Haha, so I've been away for so long that I didn't get a day! So, I decided I'd just update you guys anyway. It was pretty tough for me to decide whether or not I should do Nanowrimo this year, but I'm thinking I will give it a shot. I might quit half way through or something though because November is end of year 11, exam prep, exams and then the end of school for the yearrrr! It'll at least make me start my new idea anyway.

And it's about witches and magiccc! Pretty much an old idea of mine re-vamped. And it's gonna be kewl! I have a bit of a dilemma though... but I'll post about it on OSAAWAKMS and if anyone can help me it would be very appreciated.

I also decided to be a witch for halloween just for shits and giggles :D Are you guys in America really that into it? We're not really but my friends birthday falls on the Halloween weekend so she's having a joint costume and birthday party. It's gonna be funnn! What are you guys going as for Halloween?

Kas: Not sure I'll have time to post later.

Heyyyy, guys. So It's Wednesday, and we all know what that means... Your favorite post day, obviously! :D

I don't think I would have had time to post later today, as I have to take my sister shopping after school... So I'm doing it now. As I get ready for school.

I don't really have much to say, other than I'm extremely happy that we've had 7 posts this week! :P

Heather and I really need to get to work on Silver if we're going to attempt to finish it for NaNo. It works out pretty well, actually, as I believe we have just a little over 50,000 words left.

Uhm, I bought a new lipstick, that I'm in love with. :P It's bright pink.
and that is all...


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Ned. Mumford and Sons.

Mumford and Sons was actually the most amazing, most beautiful thing I've ever seen and heard. They are like ten million times better live, and trust me, I didn't think it was possible either, but they are.

So... I know its not my day, but I'm posting anyway so tough.

The lighting, was gorgeous. I'm seriously stunned.
The cinematography was AMAZING. Considering it was all live, thats pretty intense.
(In case your wondering they had a screen above the stage...)
The music... well like I said before I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't heard it myself, but they are like ten times better live. That's saying a lot considering they were ALREADY my FAVOURITE band ever.

By far my favourite songs they preformed tonight were

Winter Winds
Little Lion Man
Awake my Soul (Best song of the night.)
The Cave.

AND There were ALL THESE NEW SONGS. They were AMAZING but I can't for the life of me remember names... sorry.

So yeah. I'm speechless. (and not just because I have no voice left...)

Heather: To Fill The Blank Spot.

As far as I know, Tuesday has no post-er, which we must fix!
So, I figured I'd do it today.
NaNoWriMo is coming fast, and I'm pretty sure we're all uber excited.
I was just reading over some of last years novel, and reveling in just how horrible it really is, and just how much I love it; as in, more than almost anything.
Just so you know. ;)
Well, that's pretty much all I have to say at the moment.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Nat: A Little More About NaNoWriMo

See, Kas? I told you I wouldn't forget to post. And I didn't. :)

So, I have a very very very basic outline for my NaNo story that I'm planning to write (yay!). I was going to use an old story that I'd been writing for a while but then I read this. In other news, I got an email from my local NaNo ML or whatever they're called, and they told me to go outside and crunch some crunchy fall leaves. So I did.

Oh! You're wondering what my NaNo novel is about? Oh. Well, I guess I could tell you kind of a basic outline, though it doesn't have a synopsis yet.

It's about a 12 year old foster child named Katherine "Katy" Fenshaw. Basically, Katy is horribly bullied at school, she has no friends, and she hates the family she lives with. She attempts to run away, and in the process she finds a special place in the forest that she claims as her own. There, Katy can escape into her imagination. She also meets a boy there, a boy named Henrie who she quickly becomes friends with.

That's as far as I've gotten...any ideas would be welcome for making my outline better. :)

I hope my post was sufficient. ;)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Ned. Whoops.

So, I missed my day yesterday... but I am really sick, so please forgive me. lol.

Enough about that though, because no one want to hear me complain about how horrible being sick is. I'm sure you know.

Obviously NaNoWriMo is coming up, like you all already know. I'd like to take you back to when I first started SAAWAKM I was working on a story called Blue Moon. Well, that was the best thing ever and I'm writing more.

Okay, so an update on that coming up soon... Like before next Saturday. <3

Uhm... soo... yeah that's it for now.

Love yah. -Ned.

Kamie: So much to say!

Hey all! Long time no talk! As for Kassidy and Heather I do have a skype. I'll find a way to give it to you all sometime! :)

Let's see, for starters let's do a recap. It's been a while since I've posted but I've been on here watching for a while! :D I have recently started ballet again. I haven't done ballet in almost four years, so that was a wake-up call for me when I realized how unstretched I am! xD Oh well, I'll get back into it again! NaNoWriMo's almost here! Everybody should add me as a friend! Well... except Cori since we're already friends on there! xD My username's arïa_dakota_carter. Before I get into my writing ideas I'm going to talk more about what's been going on.

Because I've been doing so much, it's hard for me to make time for everything so lately I've had to drop piano lessons, so I'm learning it all on my own right now... It sucks but I have to say no to something. I'm still taking tenor saxophone lessons, and that's very fun! :) Um... as for other extracurriculars... well that includes ballet.

Okay onto my writing ideas. So for NaNo this year I'm going to be writing a fantasy/romance about Fae! I use some of my friend's idea like getting a notebook and putting all my ideas in there. I'm about 20 pages in right now, which I'm pleased about. I have decided to name it: Coraza: Fatal. I love mythologies and fantasies, so I'm pleased to be writing about a modern time outlook on faeries and be able to put my own twist on it. :) I also love making up new worlds so it's fun figuring out what Coraza's going to be like! :) I'm really excited to start writing about it, I am literally counting the days for NaNo to start! I can't believe this is going to be my second year on it! Time has flown.

Other random news includes me being able to get the iPhone 4s! I'm so excited! :D I think it'll be awesome! :D It should be here in about 3 days. :) So, how have you all been? It's been forever since I've said anything so I just wanted to see how you all were! By the way Sage, awesome song you wrote! :)

Yours truly!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Cori: Yup, posting when it's not yet my day.

Anyway, Halloween is going to be awesome this year, because I'm going as...JUSTIN BIEBER! Yes, that is right; I am going as a boy (that is, if JB even counts as a boy). I'm getting my hair cut to that length--his old haircut length, of course. I shall be wearing baggy jeans, a t-shirt and large hoodie, and a hat sideways/backwardsish on my head. I shall also be wearing bandages around my chest, borrowing them from my friend so that I can look like a guy for a night, and squish down the mountains. xD
I can't wait. And like, yeah...I'll post again on Saturday, which is of course in 20 minutes now...I'll post when I wake up. So like, yeah...Bye for now!

Heather: This Means War.

... I think the picture says it all.



She has no idea that I took this. :D

Heather: So...

I'M TALKING TO KAS FACE TO.. Erm computer screen?
It's exciting.
I love Skype.
In other news, I can't think of anything to say.
We're going to start working on Silver again! (Kas and I... obviously. :) )
And it's exciting!
So... Yeah. :D
I may post again later, as this one is pretty ... feeble.


Kas: Days....

Here is the full list of who posts on what day...
I figured I'd do this while im waiting or Heather to get on Skype. How many of you have a skype?
Can you Skype with more than 1 person at a time?
Monday - Nat
Tuesday -
Wednesday - Kas
Thursday - Sage
Friday - Heather
Saturday - Emilie
Sunday - Kamie
So... Nicole, Maiah, and Cori. One of you can have tuesdays if you want, or you can all pick a day already taken. :P

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Nat: Posting when it isn't my day...

Hi girls,

I know it isn't my day to post, but it's been far too long since I've updated so I figured I should say HI!

I also want to talk about my plans for NaNoWriMo this year. For a long time, I was dead set against doing it this year because I have soooo much going on in November. But I watched a video yesterday that kind of made up my mind. The video basically said, "Even if you don't reach 50000, if you only reach 10000, that is 10000 words more than you would have written normally," and that is very true. I haven't decided which story I'm using yet, but I should probably decide, hey? I've only got 11 days left to plan...

Also - what are you all dressing up as for Halloween? Or are you dressing up? I don't know what I'm gonna be yet...Let me know what you're being, cuz I desperately need some ideas...

Alright, I'm still going to post on Monday, so I'll talk to you then!

Sage: Hiatus much?

I know I know I know. But today is my day SO HAHAHAAH.

So I would love if you first all watched this video I made this week. I know that Ashton and Emily have already seen it, but still. It's the new song I wrote....about Emily Prentiss... from Criminal Minds. I HAVE NO LIFEE. gah.

And I'm doing well in school, but I think my math teacher may want to do more than just math with me... SOS.

enjoy my pretties <3

i love and miss you all so terribly much. oh and for all those criminal minds lovers THE NEXT ONE ISN'T UNTIL NOVEMBER 2ND. excuse me while I go cry in the corner.


xx Sagie

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Kas: Ladies...

This is ridiculous.

Our posts are getting farther and farther apart.

If we don't get to posting, SAAWAKM isn't going to get any better.

Therefore, I have a new idea.

So, we've tried getting everyone to post updates, or just everyone changing SAAWAKM to their homepage and lots of other ways to get us all posting, but nothing has worked so far.

So... I think we should try assigning days for everyone, kind of like we tried with the YouTube?

Basically, everyone has a day of the week, a few days i'm sure will have more than one person, since there are 9 of us and only 7 days of the week.

Each person must update on their day, which is why we will all be able to pick our day. That way you can pick the day you will most likely have time to post. If someone has already chosen the day you wanted, you can still choose it as well, everyone could post on Thurs. for all I care, as long as there is at least 1 post a week from everyone.

It's also okay to post on a day other than the day you pick, but you need to post once a week. No ones weeks go exactly as planned, so if you have to post on Thurs. instead of Friday, it's fine.

These posts can be just updates, or writing-centered. Or anything else, really.

I really want to hear all your plans for NaNo this year. :P

So... I, obviously, pick Wednesday. Comment on this post with whatever day you choose, and we'll start with the posts immediately, so if you pick Wednesday, you post today. :D


Monday, October 10, 2011

Nicole: Insecurities

After reading about how busy everybody's been I feel kind of guilty for not posting! I've used had two weeks holidays, and I have been working a whole bunch, I've still had a lot of time off. I'm just drained and I guess that's my excuse.

Another thing I've really been struggling with lately are my insecurities. You guys might already know this, but I'm short... like really short. And it sucks being the shortest girl in my year level. For some reason lately it's really been bothering me more than usual.

I've realised that while I pretend it doesn't bother me and like I've gotten used to it, it really affects (effects?) me a lot more than what I'd like to admit. A lot of people make comments about it too, like it's the only thing that defines me. It's really hard too with boys because it makes me look so much younger than I am, and some people just can't look passed it.

I'm disappointed in myself too because I wish that I could just accept it and not care, but I don't know how. I also feel like I should love myself for how I am, and I want to, but I just don't know where to start. I don't really know what to do anymore. Does anybody have any advice?

Thursday, October 6, 2011


AAAAAAAAAH! NaNoWriMo will be here in 26 days!!!!!!!!!! I need to finish planning it out, as well as making my characters!! Dx!
Anyway, Hannah--the girl who had a seizure yesterday--is okay, and was back at school today but not allowed to anything that would exert her. She says she "feels like she was eaten, puked up, eaten again, and then shit out." Basically, she feels like crud. xD

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Cori: High school is crazy...

...and I really hate math class. I have a problem with reading numbers backward, thinking that 2's are S's, and S's are 5's, and 8's are 0's, and 9's are 6's...Somebody kill me.
Anyway, sorry I haven't been updating lately. There's really no excuse for it, is there?
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY OLDER BROTHER!! He's 17 today...It's crazy; I still remember him as a 10-year-old...O.o
Um, let's see here, what else...Oh, yeah. I'm loving French class, and today my friend got sent to the hospital. More on that:
We were running the mile today, and Hannah got a time of 7.30 something. She wanted to try it again, to get a better time; my friend Savannah went with her during it. About 3/4 of the way through, Hannah's face started to go really pale all of a sudden, but when Vannah asked her if she wanted to stop, she just ran harder. She seemed fine, really...But then we went to our locker room, and she collapsed in the middle of the floor and started to shake and twitch violently.
Of course, we all freaked out for a few seconds, but then grabbed our binders and notebooks and started to fan her off and put damp paper towels all over here to cool her down, because at first it looked like she just overheated. One of us went to get the teacher, who got her water and apple juice and tried to get her to drink. After a while, though, Hannah started choking on it and starting having a severe seizure.
The gym teacher called the nurse, who brought down a wheel chair so they could get her to a cooler place--we didn't know she was having a seizure yet, since all she did was start to shake a bit more--and Hannah collapsed on the way over to it, so we had to carry her. Then the gym teacher ordered us to go to lunch. About 10 minutes into lunch, the paramedics came with a stretcher, put a blanket filled with ice over her and a breathing mask, and took her to the hospital. You could hear her bawling her eyes out from under the blanket.
Turns out that she hadn't eaten the night before, or that morning, which might have been part of it...I dunno.
I really hope she's okay...

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Kamie: Real quick.

This is a real quick update. Hopefully tomorrow, I won't be as busy and I'll be able to catch up on what I've been doing. This week's been extremely hectic, and so far not the best. I'm hoping to fix that as is my mom. School has been killer, along with everything else... one person can only handle so much.

In truth I really shouldn't be updating now, but since I promised, here it is. I'll add more tomorrow, like I said.

(By the way I'm going to start going by my pen name if that's alright with all of you.)

Monday, October 3, 2011

Nat: so...much...stress...

Hello ladies! Long time, no see.

As Kas suggested, this is an update post on what I've been doing for the last little while.

Personal Stuff
- My mom and stepdad got married last Saturday. The pictures are on Facebook, some of you may have seen them. I was the maid of honour, and the whole day was just really beautiful. ;)

Schoolwork: I have a Math 30 test, a Bio 30 test, and an English essay to write tomorrow.

Theatre Stuff: My whole life consists of theatre/drama-related things this year. Here, have a list:

  1. The Velveteen Rabbit - My school is putting on this production at the end of November. I am assistant directing, assistant set designing, and acting in the show. My set design blueprints are also due tomorrow, and scale drawings are due Thursday...Yikes. I'm going to be playing Timothy the Lion in the show! XD

  2. I Never Saw Another Butterfly - My school got invited to perform in the Scotland Fringe Festival next summer, so I auditioned and I made it in. So, I'm travelling to SCOTLAND! I am soooo excited!

  3. Theatre Club - I get to see 6 professional theatre shows this year. The next show we're going to is Rocky Horror!!

Hooray for Drama!

Recent Obsessions: Criminal Minds (mostly just Matthew Gray Gubler); Disney music; my new white iPhone; peppermint tea.

So that's my life right now. :)
I miss you ladies, post more!

Heather: The australopithicus, and other human species',

Are currently taking over my life.

No ifs ands or buts. Ancient history is out to get me.

Speaking of subjects out to get me, so is math. But math can go die in a hole somewhere where no one will ever find its body. Because math is mean.

And, yeah. I check SAAWAKM at least five times for every hour I'm on the computer. It's sad when no one says anything.


EDIT - I'm feeling proud:

Emily-Ginger Cavin: hey you around?
heatherrnormann: Nope.
Emily-Ginger Cavin: can you help me real quick plz?
Emily-Ginger Cavin: hmm i dont think so, i always keep my antivirus up to date
heatherrnormann: Ya'huh. I know you're just saying that, EVIL VIRUS.
Emily-Ginger Cavin: ?
Emily-Ginger Cavin: my best friend challenged me to find 3 people that are smarter than me.. can you pleaseee take this iq test for me real quick?
heatherrnormann: I KNEW IT! DEFILER!
heatherrnormann: EVIL!
heatherrnormann: VILE
heatherrnormann: VIRUS
heatherrnormann: THING!
heatherrnormann: RAAAWR!
Emily-Ginger Cavin is typing...
Emily-Ginger Cavin: thank you soo much!
heatherrnormann: I EAT YOU FOR DINNER!
heatherrnormann: Muah ahahahahahahaahha!

... Don't you be virus-ing me! >:D

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Kas: Should really be working on her college homework that is due tomorrow.

So... Where. Is. Everyone.

I know you all check SAAWAKM everyday, or every other day. I had a mini-heart attack when I realized it's been more than a week since someone posted on here... I do believe that's a record. Not a good record, either. So, we all really need to make an effort to post more... there are nine of us. Which means we should at least have a few posts a week.

So, from now on, I think that if you check SAAWAKM, you should also post. I don't even care if it's about writing anymore, just tell us about your day, or your week, whatever. Just POST.

If we don't get back into the groove of things, I'm scared our periods of not posting are just going to get longer and longer. So.. POST! :D

Anyways, so whats been happening with me?

Well, I've been really busy with school and college... Actually, I have a paper due in my Comp. 1 class tomorrow, which is what I should be doing right now. But, oh well. It can wait.

High School has become extremely boring, as my Senior schedule is very easy... Teacher's aid, Mentoring (Which I usually skip with one of my friends and go get breakfast), College Algebra (Which isn't really very hard at all, there's just a lot of work.), and Chorus (Which is just a complete blow off class that I only took because it was the only elective i hadn't taken that didn't require me to do any actual work.) So, yeah, very boring,

My college classes are also pretty easy. But I'm still fighting with my procrastination problem... this post is a perfect example.

I've been going on a lot of College Tours lately, trying to decide which college to go to next year. I have decided that I'm going to do a double major in Biological Anthropology and English with a focus in Creative Writing. I think I'm leaning more towards OU (The University of Oklahoma) Just because it's the best college in OK, and it's close enough to my family that I won't miss them too terribly much and I can just drive down to see them whenever.

As for writing, Heather and I really just haven't been on long enough at the same time to get anything done. But, I do want to change that.

Something you guys didn't know about me? I have to plan out my weeks beforehand, or else I go crazy and freak out thinking that I'm forgetting to do something important. I literally plan out what I'll be doing, at what time and what time i'll be finished, every single day of the week.

So, on my schedule, I've left everyday this week (excluding Mon. and Thurs. as I'll be on college tours) after 5 o'clock for writing. So, Heather, try to be on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday at 6 your time and I should be on as well. Oh, and I have almost all day Saturday. :P We really need to finish writing this novel!

Anyways, I don't think there is anything else to tell you guys... BUT! Whenever your read this, I expect all of you to go and write an update post for yourself. It doesn't need to be as long as this one, or it can be longer if you want, but I want to know what you guys are up to! :P


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Ned: Most Stressful Two Weeks EVER.

Alright, so as you might or might not know, I started school three weeks ago.

It was awesome the first week, but than, I got sick.

I was trying my hardest not to miss any school, and I got my mother sick because I didn't tell her I was sick. It was awful.

So I was so exhausted, and thats my reason for not posting.

Its a good reason, but I missed you.


Friday, September 23, 2011

Heather: ...

I wasn't being serious with that whole alien thing...
But now I'm seriously starting to wonder.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Kas: Videos.

Hey guys, so I've decided I want to get back into editing videos.

I haven't done it in a while, I think the last video I actually finished was the SAAWAKM one that i made back when we had like 13 members. So, yeah.

But, Its something I've always really loved, and I decided to get back to it. Most of the videos will be HP, or Game of Thrones. Did any of you watch Game of Thrones? It was on HBO this summer, and its amazing. Its also based off a book as well, so you may have read the book...

Anyways, I'm sure I'll do a few Silver and SAAWAKM videos as well, but the idea I have for one now is Draco & Hermione. :P So, I'll go work on that, and I'll post it on here when I finish... :)


Sunday, September 18, 2011

Kas: I think...

I might have a new story idea?

Well, I haven't worked absolutely anything about it out yet, but I do have a basic concept. And, even though Silver is still my absolute favorite thing to work on, with School and college and everything else in our lives, Heather and I really aren't ever on at the same time.

Lately I've missed writing a lot, and this idea just kind of hit me out of no where... But I think i'm going to go with it, and see where it takes me.

Now, Silver is definitely still happening, but I guess you could sort of say we're repeating the past here. Since, back in like April we took a break from Silver as well, and then just jumped back in a few months ago. That's probably what we'll end up doing this time...

Especially since Heather has her Super-secret-thing-she-hasn't-told-me-any-details-about... But i'm pretty sure its a new story. :P

Anyways, I'm going to try and get all the details worked out before telling you guys anything else. :P


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Nicole: Chick lit!

I'm starting on something new (againnn), but this time I'm writing in a genre that I haven't really tried out before which is chick lit! It's going to still have a bit of supernatural in there, but mainly going to be a quirky thing about a woman who has a spell cast so that she's "beautiful" (though in it, she thinks something has changed but it's actually all just her perception of herself).

But yeah, that's all that's been going on lately. Hope everyone is well!