Sunday, November 13, 2011

Kas: We're writing.. again. :)

So, as Heather so enthusiatically told you before, we've finished the Silver outline completely and now we're back to the writing again.

We've only written one scene so far, which turned out to be around 958 words long, but thats because we were lazy and Y!M screwed us over yesterday. It has this weird thing where it decided not to show that Heather is online, and vice versa... So, yeah, that happened.

But, today we have all day to write, and we're hoping to finish off the scenes color coded in green and then the yellows as well. Which is 10 scenes total, we have 2 greens left and there are 8 yellows. After that, we only have pink left in part 2, which is also 8 scenes. If we manage to finish yellow, we might start on pink as well.

Since im pretty sure Heather didn't give you guys the details, our outline ended at 139 scenes and 23,168 words total. We both really love where the story is going to end, and hopefully we can share with you guys soon.

We're actually on the last Green scene now, as we finished the other as i've been writing this. (I keep taking breaks to write.) The last should be finished very soon, at least, that is if Heather ever comes back from making her grilled cheese sandwhich. (She's back!) :P

Anyways, I'll update this post in about an hour, telling you guys where we are on the writing front.

Update: 4:00 P.M. We have finished Green, and we're on the third scene in the yellows. So far, our NaNo count is at 3,446 words. Hahaha. But, we're stiill going strong! :P

EDIT: 8:00 P.M. (Kas's time) We're done the yellow! 10 scenes done today, and we're still going. I like this. 5565 words so far today.

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