Saturday, November 5, 2011

Kas: Heather & I

Are still doing Silver for Nano. I couldn't remember if I said anything about this last time I posted. So far, we have no writing, only our outline. We decided to finish the outline of Part 3 before we finished writing Part 2, so that we don't have to stop and write the outline for part 3 halfway through NaNo. If that makes any sense.

Right now, we're having a dilema on us liking one of our leading men better than the other, I won't say which, because it may create some bias opinions around here.. :P

We have 92 scenes as of this very second, and Heather's writing scene 93 as I type... Or at least she should be. Hmm...

I dont know if any of you remember my old color coding technique, but we're still using that. I've also come up with a technique for how we're going to edit... which I think Heather is going to hate me for, because it's a lot of work, but I think it should help us a lot. I haven't given heather the details yet, cause we haven't started editing yet...  but once we do, I'll tell her and you guys the details of the plan. :P

There's about 47000 words in Silver, unedited of course, right now. And since the book is planned to be around 100,000 words, we're hoping NaNo will be what makes us finsih the actual writing. The editing will be the hard part, in my opinion, but it's also the fun part.

I'm still really amazed as to how far we've gotten in this book. It's farther than I've ever gotten in a book, and Heather has only made it to 50,000 words in a book, I think. So, we'll be passing her farthest mark soon as well.

Anyways, this was just an update on our NaNo, and on Silver and our plans for it. :P

We're hoping to get this outline done by tonight, and maybe a little writing done as well. I'll update this post later to tell you how far we've gotten.

Update: It's 2 A.M. and we got all the way through scene 104, which may not seem like much, but trust me, it is. Also, heres a fun fact, our outline is exactly 17,015 words long at this moment, and it's not even done yet. But, alas, we're way too tired to continue, so im afraid we'll have to finish it tomorrow. :P


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