Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Kamie: NaNo's here

First day of November, the beginning of NaNoWriMo, and I'm home sick yet again. Do you know what the best part is.... I still have homework from this weekend that I didn't finish going to bed early, but now I have to get that all done, and I feel terrible because I ended up missing two tests today, but hey what can I do about it.
Ashton here are your questions:
1)  If you were trapped on an island and could have only one CD, which one would it be??

Hum... that's a hard one! I think I'd take Linkin Park's Hybrid Theory, but that still wouldn't be enough music for me. Maybe I'd take Yiruma's album... the name which I'm blanking on.

2) Which name do you prefer for a 13-year-old boy with brown hair and blue eyes -Heath or Henrie?

Heath most definitely!

3) Did you know that there are only 2 days until November 1st???

Ha! It's November 1st now! However I get to November 1st a little bit later than ya'll seeing as how I live on the west coast.

4) What are you all being for Halloween?
I was a pirate! I'll put up a pic! :D

5) Who's your (current) celebrity crush?
Tom Felton, Hugh Jackman, Robert Downey Jr., and Avan Jogia.

So yeah that's that. I guess I'll go back to homework now! P
For now!
Kamiella Maze


  1. Mmmmmmm Avan Jogia. His hair is soooo beautiful. lol.

  2. Agreed! Amazingness! :D
