Saturday, July 31, 2010

Kas: Nicole's idea.

Okay, so I really like Nicole's idea of eerybody posting their weekly submission for the SOC (Sept/ Oct Challenge) on OSAAWAKMS. And having the word count at the bottom, or as the title. Whichever you want.

That way i dont have to bother with the whole email thing. I'll still keep track of the # of reviews and days off everyone gets, and the progress bar. :D

But yeah, oh and there are still a few ppl who have yet to confirm if they want to be in it yet.








So, you guys need to let me know by monday. Because thats when the competition actually begins. So, if you dont let me know, i'll be considering you as not participating.

Oh, and im loving everyone's shirt designs. We have a total of 9 now. I showed them to my sister tonight and she told me i have to get her one. :D


Nicole: Word Count Thing?

I'm not too sure if the word count thing ever got resolved, but I just had an idea. I know most of the writing we'll be doing for the SOC (as Nat called it) is going to be rough, but instead of having to bother Kas every week with emails, why don't we just post what we've written for the week up on OSAAWAKMS? We could have our total word count at the bottom as well, and if anyone's a little sus about whether somebodies gotten loads written, they can check for themselves. Just a thought, let me know what you think(:

Nat: A very pointless post...

I was going to post this as 'Ashton' today, but it just felt so...weird. So I still posted as Nat. =)

Anyway, my reason for posting is to say that it will probably be my last post for a while. I'm going on vacation to say my cousins, yay! Although I will miss you guys a ton.

Regarding the Collab novel with Sarah: I would still love to do it with you, if you want me to. I'll still be checking my email most likely, but not SAAWAKM. So email me if you need to tell me anything (, and I'll try and get back to you within a few days.

About the September/October Challenge (which I am naming SOC): I really want to do it, although I'm not sure how much writing I'll get done in the next few weeks because I'm away. But I'm still going to try. Maybe this just won't be my month to win. Also, does anyone have any objections to me doing my own word count for the next 12 days? Because a lot of my stuff will probably be handwritten, would it be alright if I just emailed the number to you, Kas? Of course, if you guys want me to, I can type it all up and send it in when I get home, so please let me know.

Also: if you guys haven't checked out Sage's YouTube channel yet, go do that NOW! I listened to both her songs, and they are so amazing! Why are we so lucky to have so many talented people as part of our blog??

Okey dokey. I will talk to you all in around 12 days. (By the way: I'm flying home on August 12th, and I'm flying all by myself for the very first time!!! I'm excited!)


Sage- Frst post on AGES

Hey everyone.

I realize that I haven't posted anything in a long time. I'm in the process of creating another blog for my music so that I can keep people updated. I haven't really written anything story wise, but I seem to have had a blast of inspiration and when I'm not wit Ned, I'm at home writing new music either on the piano or the guitar.

I hope you guys are all having a great summer, and go to myyoutube channel within the next few days because I plan on adding another few songs, some originals and some covers :)


Sarah: Witty Title

Who wants to write a collab novel? I have a great idea, but I want help!

The time is now. The hour of reckoning is here. Enter the castle. Taste the chaos. Discover the fate of 1940's film star Barbra Davenport and her crew.

There once was a film star named Barbra Davenport. During her last movie, See No Evil, she and her crew mysteriously disappeared and were never heard from again. Now, seventy years later, a billionaire named Stan Winepeg has transported the castle where See No Evil was filmed to a small town in upstate New York. Now the castle and all it's contents rest on a hill top behind a school.

When the billionaire hires several students from the school to help him tend the castle...chaos erupts. Strange acts of violence occur all around them, tensions rise, and fears are brought to life.

One night, Stan goes missing and every door and window in the castle locks from the outside. The teens have one night to figure out just what happened to their employer, Barbra, and figure out if they are next.

I figured we could write it through different points of view. And if I had more than one person, that would be possible. :) Let me know!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Heather: Wandering Thoughts.

I went to write chapter two...
What I ended up with was not chapter two. Or anything for Nalin what-so-ever.
I am so over tired.

All this time. All this wasted time.
It had been her.
He had never loved me – I just filled his empty void.
She was everything I could never be, even she got to die.
She was free of his tangled web.
She had no idea what she left behind.

She sighed and leaned back against his chest. “I always have...” She trailed off softly; tears glistening in her pale green eyes.
She felt the vibrations in his chest as he spoke. “You've always what?” His voice was quiet and soothing as he wrapped his arms tightly around her small frame.
“Ruined things.”

Honestly - I'm not even sure if they're both for the same story. My mind is so freaking scattered, someone pinch me?

EDIT- Just so I don't have to make another post, I updated (more like changed, as it's still like, a year old) my little picture on mine and Kas's page.

Sarah: You. All. FAIL.

I thought I told you guys not to post so much! What is wrong with you!

Okay, okay...on to the post.

Maiah, I read what you wrote and I really hope you don't leave. You are awesome and even though I don't know you that well, I still know that. And I'm sure whatever is going on with your mom and will all be okay soon.

Kas...I so love you! The shirts and stuff is a good idea! However, I do not know if I can be part of the competition until next month because I don't have that much done on my novel yet.

Heather, Nat, Brandon, Dustin, Ned, and anyone else....HI!

Wow, that's really short. Here, look at this.

Dustin:Drama Cases

So, I haven't been very -active- for the past while. I apologize dearly. More or less it is because my laptop has no internet connection (Virus) and the fact I work now 5 hours a day. Well I use to last week. Any who's moving on.

Firstly, Count me out for that challenge you all speak off. I don't want to personally have that challenge on my shoulders when I know that my writing would then become crappy and for the impress not the express. Thus I only write when i feel like it, and I really got something going. Other wise I don't write at all since it'll be crap. (Reference to TDLR)

Secondly, I got an idea. Some or all are complaining how this has nearly become a social blog, not writing. What if we diverted, challenges, socializing, and covers and help wanted, and all that crazy shit to SAAWAKM. Then on OSAAWAKMS we put pure writing blogs. (Saawakm is open to the public, Osaawakms is private, thus I say we use OSA-- for the pure writing between ourselves.) My personal opinion.

Thirdly, If anyone was reading TDLR's, it is NOT to be continued. I've worked on it since 2008 to be honest, rewritten 10 times over but never got no were. (I also rewrote alot since I was getting better at writing and previous drafts sucked dick) Excuse me for profanity. Thus I am finnaly convinced fantasy is not my lingo or area.So now I am writing, on purely to express a book which is untitled. Within the week it will be on Osaawakms. The plot is basically (Tad bit stolen from TDLR/Jesus of Suburbia) as told below

-There is this dude, he's about 16 and hates his mother. His father is nowhere. Thus he goes into a mad fit, and leaves. His mother but watches and laughs as her one quote is "You'll be back"
He is on purpose a clique punk kid. He listens to music from Sex Pistols, Green day, Pennywise, Paramore and Linkin Park. He then calls up his EX or BF, I've yet to decide. This ex/BF (BF=Best friend, he is not gay) then tells him to come to the new catherdral. (Run down factory)

There he meets the Jesus of suburbia (name Copyrighted thus ill change later) This cult or religion follows the teachings of Jesus Christ only. They are atheists when it comes to a god or Allah. So for about 10000 words the Mainchar meets these guys and interacts. Much drama is atuned to keep the reader satified. Then soon he starts hearing things about the soul mancers. (See I cant leave TDLR behind 100%!) He thinks there nuts but he soons meets one of them as a war uncovers.

Soulmancers are the evolved form of Vampires. By lore, they evolved slowly bite by bite, untill finnaly they no longer had to take blood. Rather they took souls. Every soul they take gives them the persons power. Thus one soulmancer may run as fast as 10000 men if he sucked 10000 men. It is then up to the new cult or religion to stop these monsters with a little help of modern technology, before the soul mancers burn down Vancouver. Then onto the rest of North America.

Anyways srry for the long post.

Dustin the jap ninja out.

Heather: An Alias, No More Covers, And Chapter Two.

If I make one more cover - You had better freaking smack me. Hard. But I really like this one, surprisingly. And I've decided insead of using my real last name my alias is going to be Heather Johansson. My grandmother's maiden name. :)
And tonight, I want to finish my second chapter. Despite my exhausted-ness. I'll make a post once I start to pass out on my keyboard.... If, you know, I don't pass out.
Okay, I'm off to write and get some of this shiz done. :)

Kas: Just to clear this up.

The reason I decided to have everyone send me their excerpts isnt becasue i think people will cheat. I trust all of you not to lie. But, i dont want anyone to suspect. Because i feel like thats just a huge opportunity for more drama. If someone's getting every week done easily and quickly, theres always going to be one person, if they admit it or not, who has that suspicion that they might be lying. And i dont want any more drama. The whole reason for this competition was to bring us closer and get us writing more, not the opposite.

Nat, I swear im not going to be reading them, and dont worry about the extra work it would cause, cause it really wouldnt. I mean im already going to be keeping track of the rewards anyways, this isn't much more to do. :D

But, i just feel like this would be a good way to reassure everyone that no one can cheat, even if they wanted to... Which is why i'll be sending mine to Maiah.

But, Nat, if you still feel uneasy I guess we can try to figure out some other way for you.


Heather: SAAWAKM, Maiah And Norway.

Okay, Kas - I love the idea, though I have yet to look at the t-shirts. And I joined before Rachel. I was number eight. For your chart as you had it. ;)

And you guys are definitely right, this site needs to be more about writing- I used to do 500 words a day. :( But I also hope that we don't get rid of the socializing, because I like that you're all my friends and I get to know you better with every post.

Maiah- I just wanted to say I'm glad you didn't quit, and I hope you know, that even though your old friends are in a different state, (even though some of us are in different countries) I want you to know, that we will always be there for you. :) And I think I speak for everyone when I say this.
And one more thing, things may be horrible now, they may even get worse, but I swear to you they will get better. How do I know? A) I've done the exact same move - just with different places, and B) Because it's true, as horrible as it is now, and it might get worse, I just want you to remember that it will definitely get better.

Also, I would love to do the first August/September contest. Except over the course of the next month I will be in Toronto, then at my cottage - so far in the middle of nowhere there's no electricity and you have to use an outhouse... But I love it there. And then I have a week with my grandmother, and then I'll be in Norway. Can you say busy?
So, I don't think I'll do the contest, but you better watch out when October comes... I plan on kicking some ass. :)
Oh and when I FINALLY have computer access again - in September- my goal will be 500 words a day, even if I'm not in the contest. :)

Nat (or Ashton?): Oh my goodness, where to start?

Okay. I'm just gonna jump in and start writing whatever comes to mind, because I have no idea where to begin.

First off: Kas, you are a freaking genius for designing those shirts and coming up with the challenge idea! Like, seriously. That's amazing!

But I have a proposal: it's my opinion that 1) we don't send you what we've written each week, and just do the word count ourselves, and 2) that you can't win the competition more than once.

Hear me out.

1) I think we can trust every member of SAAWAKM to not cheat and say that they wrote more than they actually did. Don't you guys think so?

2) If one person keeps winning every two months, they're going to have a whole lot of SAAWAKM T-shirts, and everyone else won't have any...just a thought.

And I think I've decided that I'm going to get rid of my alias and just start going by Ashton/Ash. I'm getting kind of sick of having the two names, and I'm going to change that. Any opinions, guys? Would it also be alright, Kas, to change it on the T-shirts?

Aaaaaah, I have a lot to think about right now...

I love you guys. :)


Kas: A few more things to talk about.

If you've been gone lately, and you ahve yet to read the posts below this, skip this one, and read those first. Or you'll have no idea what im talking about...

Okay, so the first thing i wanted to remind everyone, is that you can go over 2,500 words a week. Thats is just the least amount you have to write. Because the progress chart competition is to see who can write the most, and then the reward system has to do with who meets their goal. So, keep in mind, 2,500 words is the goal, not the limit. :D

Also, alot of memebers haven't been on recently, so just to see who all is actually goingt o do the challenge, we're going to do this...

If you want to be included in the August/ September challenge, then comment below this before Monday, August 2nd. That way i know.

If you dont comment below, your not going to be in the competition. There is no way to start late, because you'll be way behind. I mean, if someone doesn't make it to the computer this weekend, they can still join next week, but the longer it goes on, the more ebhind they'll be, and after about a week it will be impossible to catch up.

So, these are the ppl i know want to do it. If you name is highlighted blue then your in, if its red your not. If its not highlighted at all then you ahve yet to tell me. If you want to, comment below saying you want to do the competition.



So who else wants to do it? Its completely optional, since i know some ppl dont have the time...


Nicole: The Kiss That Brought Briar Rose Back To Life

I wasn't too sure what was acceptable to post under the new conditions, but I figured that it would be okay because it's about my new story.
So, Brair Rose is Sleeping Beauty's name in the Brothers Grimm version of the story, and I got inspired to write this after watching the add for Beastly (oh my god Sarah, it looks so fricking amazing!). I know that it's a long title (definitely inspired by Lina's book ;P), but it sort of sums it all up in one sentence, and I like that. Just a little description:

“What would make her waken?" asked the Queen weeping.
"Love," replied the fairy. "If a man of pure heart were to fall in love with her, that would bring her back to life.”
- Sleeping Beauty, Brothers Grimm version.

Brair Rose was a bubbly and eccentric sixteen year old girl, until she lost almost everything four months ago. Her parents died in a car accident, leaving her and her brother to live with their Aunt Faye.

She's fallen asleep, going through life absently. Her friends try to help her, but it's hard for them when she's a walking zombie. That's when Briar and Phillip meet. He can see that she's broken, and he's determined to fix her.

Briar will learn how love can't heal wounds, but it can patch them up. Watch as Brair comes back to life, with one simple kiss.


It's a pretty general young adult, romance story with the same moral as Sleeping Beauty: love conquers all, even pain.

I know I probably say this a lot, but I'm for real now. I keep getting new ideas that I love and I'm so inspired that I put what I'm at the time writing on hold, but for this competition, I really need to stick to one story. So, I'm putting all of my story folders into a another folder labeled "Away For Now", and only having this one where I can find it. So, I'm for real, and if I post another idea for a story, PLEASE SLAP ME.

Okay, I'm off to write my 500 words for today, bye(:

Kas: Yet Again.

Okay, so i still wan tthose quotes, but i've just spent the last hour creating three prizes (I'll be making more, but im tired now.) For the winner to choose from.

Go to this link...

The Email is
And the password is SAAWAKM

A page will show up with a list of different options. It will say Account Info, Address Book, My Designs, My Images, Order History. Click My Designs. And three different designs for t-shirts will come up.

Click on the picture to see it, and make sure you look at the back. (By clicking the "View back" button right below the picture.)

Im going to be paying for these with my own money. So every two months, the winner of the progress chart thing will ahve to tell me what size they are, any tweaking they want done (you can change the shirt color or the design colors.) and where to send it.

You'll be senging me all this is an email, so you dont have to worry about other ppl getting it. But, I know the whole internet privacy thing is big with some of you, so if your not comfortable telling me your address, then thats fine. But im afraid that really the only way you can get the shirt...

So, if you decide you dont want to give me your shipping address, you'll still be in the contest of course, but you may not recieve a prize.

Haha. Alright, well i want to knwo which shirt you guys like best!

Oh, and feel free to design your own for the contest! The more the better! Just please dont tweak with those ones! Haha, i love them too much!

To make your own, just click the "design your shirt" tab at the top. Its blue, so its easy to find! Oh, and make sure the t-shirt your using is the "Ultra Cotton Ladies Tee" by Gildan. To make sure, go to "edit product" and select "browse product catalogue", go to "women's styles" and its the last one on the second page! We can only get in 4 of the 16 colors though, white, black, blue and pink, because to get the other colors you have to buy 12 or more! haha. So, yeah, only those 4. :D

Any question, just ask!

Okay, i really need to sleep now.. so goodnight! :D

Kas: Post #2 :D

Het guys, so i need quotes about SAAWKAM. Haha.

Its pertaining to the prizes mentioned in the post below this...

I already have "Our Personal Writing Challenge." of course. But i need some more.

So, i need somone to think of a few for me! :D

Hahaha. :)


Thursday, July 29, 2010

Kas: Would have posted this earlier, but i've been gone all day...

Prepare yourself for a very long post. You've been warned. :)

Okay, so as you all probably know by now, there has been some speculation on how much SAAWAKM has changed since the very beginning when me and Maiah created it... I know that alot of you weren't around back then. For the first month, there were only 5 of us; Me, Maiah, Ned, Nat, and Sarah. And since then, new members have been added. (Nicole was the first person to be sent an invite, but she didn't actually join for a while...)

Last Wednesday was the 5 month anniversary of SAAWAKM. We've gone from 5 to 15 in a litle more than 4 months.

But, for those who dont already know it, heres a little bit of backstory on SAAWAKM.

- SAAWAKM= Super Awesome Amazing Writing Adventures of K&M.

- Me and Maiah have been friends for almost a year. (It will be 1 year on August 25th. Haha. I just looked.) We started out with just writing emails, then it progressed to, and just went from there.

- Ned, Nat, Nicole and Sarah were all chosen because they were our either our favorites from Y!A or WOP. (Except Nicole. We've known her for almost as long as we've known each other. She had a blog way back when we had ours, but she deleted it.)

- The original idea for SAAWAKM was basically just a way to hold our own NaNoWriMo. Which, if you dont know, is a huge writing challenge in November where people try to write 50,000 word novels in a month. We all tried, and failed. Which is why the header says SAAWAKM "Our personal writing challenge"

- In the beginning, the challenge was to write at least 500 words a day, which we've all pretty much forgotten, and then post about what you wrote, how hard it was, what happened, etc.

- SAAWAKM used to be completely and utterly about writing, every post said at least something about your story. This has kind of been forgotten also, as most of us dont post about our stories as much anymore.

- SAAWAKM was supposed to be a place where we could go to get feedback, critisism, inspiration, or just support from other people our age who write.

So, with all that said, some people have said that they want to bring back the old 500 word a day challenge, and i think its a great idea. But, with everyone's hectic schedules i think it should be made to 2,500 words/ week. That way people can still do 500/day and have 2 days off, or just write throughout the week.

Another great idea was to have a sort of reward/punishment system for those who fail in getting the goal met. I know everyone just winced at the word punishment. haha.

Okay, so i say what we do is hold a sort of competition. I know, i know, just stick with me here. So im going to make a sort of progress chart, with every member on it. I'll actually do that now, so... hold please...

Here we are.
It will be much larger, but this is just so you can see...

It will be in the side bar thing. Under the pages.

Okay, and so every week everyone will send me what they've written for that week, (Dont worry, I wont read them unless you specifically ask.) and then ill copy and paste into Microsoft Word and do a word count. Then i'll update this chart, and we'll have kind of like a race. If your anything like me, you'll be fighting for that top spot, and the bragging rights :D (I'll have to send my weekly stuff to Maiah, if she wants, so she can do the word count, and so you guys know I dont cheat. Not that i would, but i dont want ppl to suspect. haha.)

Right now, the names are in the order you were invited, i think, but after the first count they'll be from highest to lowest.

Now, for the reward/punishment thing. So, along with the challenge, we'll have a sort of system.

So, first for the reward. I think we should do kind of like a way to collect reviews, days off, etc. Like if i get all 2,500 words written in a week, i get 1 review and 1 day off (Which would basically be subtracting 500 from your goal for the week. So, instead of 2,500, i could use my day off and only have to write 2,000.). I'll keep track of the rewards too. You can keep them for however long you want. Good idea? Oh, and any suggestion as to what other rewards there could be???

Now, for the punishent. I mean, theres the obvious punishment of seeing your rank on the progress chart drop. but i think we should do something else... But im not sure what. I would say we could take away rewards, but what if someone has none? And if we did that, everyone would just use their rewards as soon as they get them, so even if they fail, they have nothing to lose... hmm... ideas???

All of this will be on a page, except the progress chart, where you can check your rewards, etc.

Okay, if you guys absolutely hate all of this, tell me. We dont have to do it, but i thought it would be a fun way of inspiring everyone to write, and to have a friendly competition.

Oh, and i think that every 2 months we'll have a "winner" with the progress chart competiton, and that winner will get a prize i have yet to think of. :D

And then we'll start everyone on the chart back at zero every 2 months. So we have a fresh start.

Oh, and before anyone asks, everyone starts at zero in the competition, despite what you already have written. Because there are a lot of ppl who started their novels a lot later than others, so it wouldn't be fair.

Anyways, Opinions? Questions? I actually really, really like this idea, it seems kind of perfect to get SAAWAKM back to its original form. :D And sounds amazingly fun!

Okay, im going to go figure out the prize.

Tell me what you think!


Nat: How to save SAAWAKM?


I'm not sure how everyone else feels, but I know that I feel kind of the same way you do. It's hard with busy schedules and busy lives to keep up with posts and read/comment on stories, give advice, and write our own stories. We have a lot of stuff going on, and this blog is supposed to be a place to encourage each other and make new friends and write.

That's how it started out, but somehow along the way everything changed.

Now I'm not saying that I have a solution to this problem, because I don't yet. But I also strongly believe that quitting SAAWAKM isn't the solution, either.

Maybe we need to make posts less often. Or only help each other out when it's really needed. Maybe I need to stop making book covers and start actually writing some stuff. Whatever it is that we need, we have to figure it out before SAAWAKM falls to pieces.

We just need to work this out and come up with a way to solve this problem. We're stronger than this - we can make it through anything. I don't feel ready to give up SAAWAKM altogether, and I also don't feel ready to give up a single member of it.

So what do you guys say?


Maiah: /:

I have a big issue. Like major. And I'll probably regret saying this, but I've been thinking about this for a while now, and I think it needs to be said.

So...I've noticed that for a while now, I haven't gotten anything finished on Blood Red Rose. And I just realized that it's because I've been so focused on other people's stories, and helping and reading and keeping up with posts and everything. And I'm not really sure what to do.
Of course I don't want to leave SAAWAKM. But I think I might not have a choice.... If SAAWAKM is getting in the way of what I love and what I want to do, then honestly, why deal with it?

I'm not just coming up and saying "I'm quitting". I'm not saying that at all. I'm trying to say that I'm considering leaving.

After the whole collab drama, even though I'm over it, I took it as a big slap in the face. And it really stung. But there's no doubt in my mind that eventually, theres gonna be more drama. And I don't want to have to go through feeling left out and excluded from everyone again.

Personally, I feel like SAAWAKM isn't what I expected it to be when me and Kas first made the blog. I thought it would be less work, and we were all about writing novels, and helping, editing, making ideas come alive and building friendships with every single member.
I was so excited about being more inspired and motivated to write, write and write some more.

Except I've barely gotten anything done! And of course I blame a lot of that on writers block. Haha. But SAAWAKM seems to be holding me back from writing my novel. I mean, I'm only up to my second chapter. And I've been writing since August of 2009. I expected myself to be about halfway through about now. But I'm not even close.

And it's not only my novel thats my concern. I've been going through so much lately, in my personal life. I absolutely hate my mom. And when I say that, every part of my heart just wants her out of my life because I honestly hate her. And I just moved to a completely new state and I just left all of my friends and family, and everything I lItalicoved and knew. I have a bunch of drama going on right now, and my grandpa's death last year still makes my insides grow cold, and I've been holding everything inside for an entire year. I just need a break.
And I feel like I'm not a very good member, if I'm unable to help everyone out, and read their books and work on my own, if I'm going through so much that I just don't have the energy to do anything.

So again, I'm not saying that I'm quitting. But I'm considering it....


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Nat: Consider yourself warned. :)

I just posted part of Chapter One of my novel on OSAAWAKMS. Feel free to check it out/comment if you want to. But you don't have to.

And if anytime soon I see my idea in a published book - I'll know it was one of you who stole it, because I haven't posted this anywhere else. Haha I'm just kidding...but seriously.

Gotta go. We've got company for dinner. Bye!



Lina, reading your book inspired me to make a cover for it. It's okay if you don't like it, but I had fun making it. So here you go. :)


Finally finished the new chapter one. :D

Tell me what you think?

Maiah: Ohhh boy.

So. I think that I might be changing my plot....):
JUST SO YOU KNOW: Nathan is Rose's guardian angel, and he materializes himself so that he looks like an actual person, because he's trying to find a way to save Rose.and if she falls in love with a different person besides Tristen, then Tristen's spell will break. (And also, Tristen is a plemenca, which is a race that I created. and to sum it all up, they release a toxin on humans that they're interested in, and they immediately, and forcefully fall in love with the plemenca.)
I'm not really sure if Nathan should stay an angel? I mean, I want him to...but I'm not really sure if it's the best thing for the story. Because if Nathan is an angel, and Tristen is trying to kill Rose, don't you think an easy solution would be for Rose to die and then she becomes an angel and lives happily ever after with Nathan? Eh, I might be over thinking this, and my brain might not be working correctly, but I'm just trying to think of all the options.
I'm not sure what to do. Hmph.
Anywhoooo...I just wrote a poem thingy. READ IT. (:

They call to her;
Her angel tries to block them out of her ears
They whisper in her dreams;
Her angel tries to make them cease
Singing a sweet lullaby
That makes her wake up screaming
It all started not too long ago
When she first saw a boy
Who had the darkest eyes she'd ever seen
And she knew from the beginning that he was dangerous
But even though she wants to flee
Drop everything, and get away from him
She can't
A tiny part of her doesn't want to leave
It wants to stay
A part of her is hooked to this boy
Like he's her drug
And nothing can explain why
She falls; she falls hard
She thinks that she's in love
But maybe there's so much reality
To the love between them
And maybe there's only so much her angel can do
When she finds out that there's more to this boy
Than she had originally thought

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Nat: Thank You.

A group of university students recently did something amazing and life-changing for my dad, and it was powerful enough to make me cry and write this 'poem.' I figured I would share it with you, because it's something I feel strongly about.
Please: never underestimate the power you have
The power of a dream,
A dream to help someone,
To help them return to who they were - if only for a moment.
To put aside your own lives
And work so hard to give someone else a moment of happiness
It couldn't last long, but that wasn't your fault.
You gave it your all - and you succeeded.
One goal - so simple
That changed more than one life,
And affected me in ways you will probably never realize,
And restored my faith in the world.
Thank you - more than you will ever know.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Cori: Happy b-day :D!

It be my b-day, lol. July 27 XD!
I haven't been on in a while...busy week. Sleepover, church, funeral, sleepover, birthday, sleepover, and then I'll get the wires on my braces, completing them. R.I.P., Grandpa, you Dirty Dog. I'll keep stealing your jelly beans, although you're sleeping now. I'll even steal the chips, even though I can't eat them anymore.
Just for you.

Nat: Cheater...

Yeah, I'm cheating on my other story ideas (Broken Promises and The 13th Sign), but this idea is one that's been haunting me for years and years - probably about 5 or 6 years, actually. I don't have a synopsis/blurb written yet, but I did design a cover for it. *sigh* Another cover. Here it is. It's called cipher.

I'm not going to tell you much about this idea. But my main character's name (at the moment) is James Spencer. And he has two little sisters (twins) named Brenna and Avery. If you guys find any other pictures that are kind of like this one (or that have runes/symbols in them) please send me the link! I would be eternally grateful, because I'm not crazy about this cover.


Maiah: Hmph.

Sooooooo. Which one? I'm stumped. I cant decide which one I like more. Whaddaya think?

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Lina: So. Many. Covers.

I think I've broken a world record for the amount of covers made in one day.
Anywho... These are for someone on inkpop. I hope you guys don't mind me using this place as a picture-dump. >.<

Heather: More Covers

This is because I'm bored - if you hate it, bleh. If you like it, yay.
I think I'm just going to make everyone one, because I'm bored.
So.. Just find yours in the list, mmkay?

Sorry, Nicole, this one ^^^ is bad. :'(

The rest of you-- chill out and wait a day. I'm off to bed now, up at five tomorrow. ;)
I'll finish after work.

Nicole: For Brandon and Kas's technique

Brandon, I can't wait to read When The White Rose Wilts, I know it'll be amazing. It was really hard finding a photo to use, and a font. So, because I don't know your last name either, this is just the plain cover:

This is the photo I used, if you just want that:

That's all I could find though, sorry.

I don't even have a name for my new idea yet, but I've decided that I'm going to do Kas's technique while it's all fresh in my mind. First, I need some breakfast.(:

Heather: Kas

I saw something that I was like -Malkini.
And I only say this, because I went looking. I don't care if you use it - for all I know it sucks, but I made you this cover:

If you hate it- I won't mind. I just wanted to try. ;)

Kas: Hello

Haha. Okay, well following in the footsteps of... well, everyone. I decided Malkini could use a new cover. So, i spent the last hour searching for pictures, and editing them.

I ended up with three...




So, which one do you guys like best? I love them all. Haha. Oh, and i found a pretty cool picture, and it reminded me of Nalin, so i made a cover for Heather! :D

Here it is:


Heather: More Covers

So, I tried my hand a picnik. :D

It... turned out okay?

The original image I used, is no longer recognizable. >;)
I like the first, personally. >:P

Nat: 2 posts in a row!

I need help with naming some characters!

I'm reinventing one of the first stories that I ever started working on. It doesn't have a title yet, but I need character names first. I need three girls names and two boys names. Unique/original names would be good. If you have any suggestions, please please please let me know! If you suggest a name that I use, I will also use your actual name in one of my stories. =)

Nat: Covers for Heather

I decided that I would try making some cover designs for you, Heather. I had a whole bunch of ideas, and I would have made more if my computer wasn't so painfully slow. These ones aren't great, I know. Sorry. But I tried. =)

Lina: OhEmGee.

HJLFMIL is currently ranked 98 on inkpop. It's out of the hundreds!
I punched myself in the gut when I saw it. Multiple times.
I'm really excited if you can't tell.

Hm. Okay, no one cares.

Lina: Erased...

It's really weird, I know. Deal. With. It.

I'm working on some other ones, too. :]

Heather: Simba - I'm Horrible.

I was working on crier, when I started thinking about a different idea from a while ago. Shocker- huh?
Remember this one?
I think, for now, I'll call it;

E r a s e d .

In a world where those sick or diseased are removed – and killed immediately. Where fear easily overcomes the minds of millions, and a resistance hides in the shadows, ready to finally strike at the cruel, twisted empire, how do you know when it's time to run?

Simba grew up in a world where guns and pure force ruled. Outside the city were slums, miles upon miles of them; you had to fight to survive. If you couldn't, the fact of the matter was simple; you didn't survive.
Simba was sheltered and proud, in the midst of the city where she lived with her rich, pretentious mother and her mother's powerful fiancé.
The night her mother is shot, and Simba catches her slimy fiancé holding the gun, she's thrust into a completely new world.
Her old life is gone; e r a s e d.
She's caught in a game of cat and mouse, fighting for her life as she flees through the slums she had never even known about. She's on her way to the resistance; it's the only way to save her life, and finally stop the forces at work.
It was time to fight.

Hahaha, And I was thinking... I still really like that idea and so, NOW I'm working on it. I haven't forgotten Nalin though. :P

But still.

And Lina, I think you, (or Nicole>;) ) should make me another cover. Because you're amazing.

AND I WILL PAY YOU! Three hundred million imaginary dollors could find their way into your pocket! :O

Hahaha. >:D

I'm horrible, and need to stick to one idea. DON'T WORRY NALIN! I SHALL WRITE THEE! ...eventually. :

Heather: Crier

I love your cover Lina. :)
Okay, my little summary is in a previous post, and I don't care to rewrite it.
However, I do have two mini, and unedited excerpts. :)

Samuel Wolfe

He stared down at the blue substance dripping slowly off his fingertips in shock. Sam glanced back up at the boy in front of him, watching the same blue liquid stream down his face. The laughter that bubbled up in his chest was instantly quelled by the anger on the other boys face. “Shit.”
And Sam was off.


Maxine Winters

“David! Dave, stop!” Maxine pushed harshly against her boyfriend's grip.
His grip tightened and his brown eyes narrowed. “Shut up, Max.” His voice was low; dangerous.
“Dave, please–” Her voice cut off as the back of his hand connected with her face. Warm red liquid oozed out of her throbbing nose. Ripping her arms out of her boyfriend's grip, Maxine gave him one final, tear stained glance.
And then she ran.

Maiah: Hmm...which cover?

Since everyone is getting book covers and everything, I thought I'd join the party! Haha. So I need your opinion on which book cover I should use! Yaaay!


Alright. So this is the one that I'm using right now. I don't own the picture.
I'm sucha bad girl (;


Now for this one, I actually own the picture. I took it off of my phone :p
And it's actually like...really good quality for a phone. Hahahha.

Okay! So tell me which one you like better. I personally like the second one better, but I need your opinions! Thank you! (:


Heather: Meh.

Apparently, all it takes to get a day off from corn detasseling is a severe thunderstorm, a couple floods, tornado watch, and two hours on a bus.

... whoop, whoop.

But on the bright side, I'M OFF TODAY!

On the downside, I had to get up at five, go to work in the middle of a severe thunderstorm, tornado watch, and flooding, and then spend two hours on a stinking bus just to end up back home. >:'(


Anyway, I'll be writing today. >:D

Oh, and I LOVE your cover Lina. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
It's amazing.

Nicole: New story?

My brain's on overload, I swear, it's ridiculous.

Bonnie Lee's life was wonderful. She was passing each of her classes with flying colours, she was a social butterfly, and she had the perfect boyfriend.

That was all until he moved back into town.

Lachlan Moore and Bonnie were inseparable since the day they'd met in kindergarden, and then when they were both starting high school, he had to move away with his family. It's been four years, and Lachlan is back, but he's changed completely. He's not the kind, sweet and generous boy she used to know, he's foreign, dark and dangerous.

She has to figure out what happened to Lachlan, before she loses him completely.


I really need to learn to stick with one idea ;P.

Nicole: omgomgomgomgomgfjdgnf

Okay. I'm really fucking excited at the moment, and I just had to make a post about it. I love The Lost Boys, and even saying that's an understatement. I loved number two as well, and I'd even based Brie off of the main chick in it. And just now, I've found out that number three is coming out this FRICKING YEAR!!DSHuirewiu3r87@R^53wf sfglkhskjfhjfbjdsfhdjhfjhdfbsjf. Oh god.

Here's the trailer:

This is who I based Brie off:

I'm sorry, this has nothing really to do with writing, but I'm so excited :D

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Dustin:Back, woopi-doo

Well, Im back from hollidays, yahoo?
Or ka-fuck. Last holliday i managed to allmost bleed to death, this time i fell and scraped my whole leg. Vacations realy hate me.

Anyways, Welcome back Brandon. You dont even know who I am. Welcome Lina...I forgot if your a new member or old. I just see you posting alot and forgot who you where...
If your not a new member, feel free to come to canada and MAKE me bleed to death.

Anywho's thats..about it?

If you see me runnin', run the opposite direction. For death likes to follow me in this time of month. xD

Lina: For Heather. :D

Unfortunately, I made this before Nicole and I could breed, so sorry if it isn't as awesome as it could be.

Heather: Crier

C r i e r

Be not afraid of greatness: some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them. - William Shakespeare

She has never felt love.
He has never understood.
She is broken.
He wants to fix her.
Maxine Summers.
Samuel Wolfe.

You can never know what is real, if everything else...

Is fake.

Am I betraying Nalin if I have a new idea? :S
But I can't get this from my head, so I made a cover out of my boredom. I don't own the picture, by the way. Sadly. :(
And the cover kind of stinks, but it was all I could do, at this moment. ;)

Lina: For Sarah [again...]

I was bored and inspired by the cover Nicole made with a lollipop.

Maiah: Poem

The end will eventually come.
Brutal and viloent.
She cries, coiled up on the floor.
The rose has wilted and weathered away.
The thorns have dug into her palms,
The blood a crimson red.
Leaving a wounded scar to remind her of him.
His dark eyes.
The lies he told; the truth he hid.
The pain he caused.
His hands on her, leaving bruises behind.
The love she thought she had for him.
All lies. All unrealistic.
He did this.
And all that is now left is a poor girl crying
Over the bloody petals and thorns,
Of the rose that once survived.
Blood Red Rose.

Brandon : When The White Rose Wilts

Hey Guys & Girls! Words cannot express how much I have missed blogging here! Well, I am back! Finally! I will write everyday from today on! I have had alot of time to think, to write. I finished my book! Finally! Haha! Its called, "When The White Rose Wilts". Its a story of love. Life. Pain. Death. But most of all its a story about reality. It is dedicated to a very dear friend of mine. Her name was Enda Hains. She died of lung cancer on July 6th. She was 64 and full of life. This is her lifes story. I will have it put on WOP soon.

I have a favour to ask of you all! I need help finding cover art for the book! I cannot find anything! Maybe you guys will have better luck :P

<3 B

Nicole: Bookcovers For Sarah




(I tried finding a picture of Selena Gomez where she isn't smiling... and failed big time. So I just decided to use this one)

They're not that great, but I went on a major bookcover making binge so I decided to make you some too(:

Friday, July 23, 2010

Lina: Can I Have An Award For The World's Crappiest Cover? [For Sarah]

Sorry if it looks like a stoned koala made it.


Go there. And listen.

Oh, and I was wondering is anyone could make me a different cover for my new idea? The picture I have pretty much sucks and I want to change it. Except I can't find any really cool pictures. So please help me out!

Lina: Shoot Me

I've convinced myself I need to rewrite HJLFMIL entirely. That's like nuking a country of 11,000 words and having to build another country from the ashes.

I'm not like you guys. I don't obsessively edit every other sentence I write. I don't know how to start over. Shooooooot meeeeeee.

On the plus side, teddy bear! :D

Heather: ... I Think I've Fallen in Love.

I’ll never fit the pants of a singer
I lack the lungs of a winner
I am failure’s dead ringer
I’ve got the marks of a sinner

You’ve got to pick yourself up by the bootstraps
Just ignore them when they laugh
Make it a point to now walk taller
Keep your chin up on the behalf
Of every beautiful rejection
With their own ugly reflection
To anyone who’s ever never felt the same

You, Me, and Everyone We Know <--- I think I love them. And this song- Bootstraps.

I just came across them and, uh, I've already fallen head over heels in love. ;)

Heather: Sage.

... Do you realize that there is a skeleton in the last picture on your page? >;)

That's really all I wanted to know.

Sarah: My New Page and THE NEW STORY *gasp!*

Ha! I love that movie! :)

As the title says, I have updated my page with some amazing-ness. Yes, that's right. They were having a sale at Target on amazing-ness, so I bought it all up and now, on top of how amazing I was before, I am even more so!

The world is simply no ready for me.


This idea has been dancing around in my head for a while, so I figured I should just write it out. I love it so much! :)

Better watch your backs, boys… Payback’s a b*tch.

Revenge has a new name. Meet Delilah Friday, your normal high school girl with big dreams and an even bigger heart. When her best friend Jane shows up crying at her house late one night after a terrible break up, Delilah is determined to get revenge. And not just on Jane’s ex. On every boy, everywhere. Delilah is on a mission to win over every boy who has broken one of her friend’s hearts and dump them so fast they won’t know what hit ‘em.

At first it’s super easy breaking up with the obvious players. Then Delilah meets an actual nice guy, who is really wrapped around her little finger. As she’s juggling boyfriends, break ups, school, a part-time job and plotting her evil scheme, Delilah finds herself falling. Hard.

With the help of family and friends, Delilah will break every boy’s heart at West Barrier High School…and maybe repair a few along the way.

Oh, and I will be going on vacation starting Sunday, so please, don't

post too much guys. It's hard to catch up. :)
