Friday, July 16, 2010

Kas: Im backk....

Haha. Did ya miss me?

I mean, come on, its been like an hour since a made a post! You ahd to of missed me.

Anyways, this post actually has a point this time. So, i was playing around on Y!A (Yahoo! Answers, for those who dont know) which is what id o when im bored and my muse runs away. I was reading some question, being rather bored, and i came across a random question talking about sub=plots and all that jazz.

And i was thinking about it, and i've decided i dont have enough sub-plot in my story. I mean, i ahve around two or three, but they aren't really that important. So, being the greedy person i am, i want more! haha.

So, thats what ill be working on for now.

Oh, and i have a question...
I asked this on Y!A, and i only got three answers. But i really want to know what
you guys think...

So, the question is, Why aren't there more "Young" published authors?

I mean, we are a perfect example as to how many young writers there are. We've found 13, majorly talented ones.

There are only a handful of successful authors under the age of 18 (That i can think of). But i know at least ten who could be published right now, and they're all 17 or younger.

So, i was wondering, why aren't there more of us getting published? Why are all the published books about teenagers written by 40 year old soccer moms?




  1. In all honesty, I don't think we're mature enough yet. As much as I would love to be published, the majority of our group are all in the early stages of their books. Publishers set dates for chapters, books, etc that they want and need finished, and they need to know that you'll reach the deadline. I know that I would be terrible under pressure and I'd get even less done. So, I think they really need people that are a mature and old enough to be independent and responsible.

    I also think that if you had two equally talented people, one around our age and the other middle aged, and you published the younger one, it would be a little unfair. I know that we work hard on our writing too, but the older one would've been working on their writing for a lot longer (possibly even spending their life just trying to make a career out of it), and they'd probably tried to get published before that and got turned down.

    That's just what I think though. (This is Nicole, btw)

  2. Well, there could also be the fact, that often, most of the time in many cases, teenagers never finish their books.
    And I agree with Nicole, otherwise.
