Saturday, July 17, 2010

Maiah: Possible Amazingly Great News!?

So I know that when writing a book, the main concern is how you're going to get it published. Fo shinzzle. But I have some good news! Eeeekk!
So my moms friend is writing a book, and she has an editor and a publisher. And my mom keeps telling me, "OH Maiah, tell me when you finish your book-blah blah blah- I know a publisher- BLAH BLAH BLAH." And even though, when she says that, it makes me want to PUNCH HER FACE OFF....for some strange's actually amazing news. Because that opens up a door for me, once I finish my novel...which considering the fact that I've been writing it since last august and I have so much done (Sarcasm), it'll probably take me hmmm...? 20 years? Hahaha.

But I just think thats wonderful news because guess what!? If my book gets published by this publisher that my mom knows...then maybe I can suggest them to publish all of your stories too! If that's even how the land of publishing works around here. hahah. I really don't know.

That's all. I hope that made you all happppppy! Because happy people are awesome. Just kidding. They deserve to rot in the smelly pits of hell.
Sorry, I just woke up. My mood is a Hahahah. (:


1 comment:

  1. Hahaha!!!!!!! That's really cool. ^_^
    The thing is, though, that I already have an agent that works out perfectly with my type of genre and as soon as my novel is done and I have revised *cough cough, rewritten, cough cough* it for the fourth time, I'm going to definitely query her ^_^
    Keep writing lol!!
