Friday, July 16, 2010

Heather: A Funk and No Preface... :)

This morning I was in a bit of a funk and wanted something... exciting, to edit- or write, as opposed to my first chapter. :)
So I may, OR may not, have skipped ahead to chapter 18... ;)
Who am I kidding? We all know I did.
And it got me back in my groove for editing chapter one... again. And I still haven't made it through on my first three tries, I kept going back before I reached the end! Hahah. :S
So, I'll TRY and get that as editted as I can tonight.
Anyway, though, for my endeavours with the lovely chapter 18, I may have gained a preface, but probably not. EDIT-I'm beginning to reconsider using it as such, but still, chapter 18. Or around. Haha. :)
Keep in mind, this still needs to be edited, okay?
So, here;

Okay, that's it... You like?
Oh, and you should read Nicole's excerpt. ;) Me likes it.
Again... you likes this? :)


  1. Me loves. Hahaha. And im not sure this works well as a preface. I mean, include it in the story definately, but not at the very beginning. I say just make it part of a chapter.

    Haha. But i like it, a lot.


  2. A preface is part of the story, generally. And it is part of a chapter already... Chapter 18, or aroun there.
    Anyway, I was already leaning towards it NOT being a preface.
    I'm just one of those weird people who always like having a prologue or preface or something. :P
    And thanks haha.

  3. I always thought that a preface was an excerpt from around the 'climax' of the book?

    I really, really like it, but I think it might not be action packed enough for a preface. I'd probably be more exhilarated and desperate to read more if you had that other piece you posted before for it. That's just my opinion though(:

    Btw, your email is longgg :P

  4. Hahaha, yah, it is, and yeah, that's right-- that's not the climax either. :P
    Okay, not preface. ;)
