Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Nat: Thank You.

A group of university students recently did something amazing and life-changing for my dad, and it was powerful enough to make me cry and write this 'poem.' I figured I would share it with you, because it's something I feel strongly about.
Please: never underestimate the power you have
The power of a dream,
A dream to help someone,
To help them return to who they were - if only for a moment.
To put aside your own lives
And work so hard to give someone else a moment of happiness
It couldn't last long, but that wasn't your fault.
You gave it your all - and you succeeded.
One goal - so simple
That changed more than one life,
And affected me in ways you will probably never realize,
And restored my faith in the world.
Thank you - more than you will ever know.

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