Monday, July 19, 2010

Nat: *yawn*

I only got 4 hours of sleep last night. And then I did 5 hours straight of basketball, cardio, weightlifting, badminton and yoga today. (I'm taking Phys. Ed. through summer school. Blah.)

I. Am. So. Tired.

Well, I'm back. And guess what? I'm not going away again for another 2 weeks - although I will be at summer school every day from 8:30 until 1:30. Just in case you didn't know: I am not an athletic person, but it's mandatory to take Phys. Ed. to graduate. Which seems incredibly unfair, in my opinion.

But anyway. My play had it's last three performances last weekend, and they went amazingly - but then I had to say goodbye to everyone. I don't think I've ever cried so much in my life. Only 313 days until I get to see them all again... (But I got to hug the guy that I've been crushing on for the last 8 weeks. It was pretty fantastic haha.) I miss everyone.*sigh*

Although I do have all my SAAWAKM friends to keep me company. =)

1) Sarah, if you still want to do our Collab and you have an idea, I say we go for it. I'm not sure if Rachel's still in (?), so let us know, Rach.

2) Harry Potter World in Florida! I'm going there in February, and I am SO EXCITED! IT LOOKS AMAZING!!!!

3) I went and saw Despicable Me in 3D today. And it was such a great movie. It's so adorable. =)

4) Tomorrow I'm going to the velodrome with my Gym class. If you don't know what that is, you should go check it out. I'm absolutely terrified; it looks scary. It's like a bike that doesn't have any brakes that you ride on a slanted track.
It looks something like that.

5)I'm looking for advice from anyone who writes song lyrics. I have a great idea for a song, but I have no clue how to even start writing the lyrics. Suggestions? Any help would be appreciated!

Sorry this post was so long. I'm in a very hyper mood, and have a lot to say and no one around to say it all to. Okay, I'm gonna go sleep or write or read or something. Peace out. =)


  1. You saw Despicable Me in 3D, too? :D Yeah, it was awesome. Didn't you just want to poke Gru's nose the entire time? I mean, it was *so* there.
    Yeah, that's all...

  2. oh? does Ashton have a crush? who?
