Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sage- Frst post on AGES

Hey everyone.

I realize that I haven't posted anything in a long time. I'm in the process of creating another blog for my music so that I can keep people updated. I haven't really written anything story wise, but I seem to have had a blast of inspiration and when I'm not wit Ned, I'm at home writing new music either on the piano or the guitar.

I hope you guys are all having a great summer, and go to myyoutube channel within the next few days because I plan on adding another few songs, some originals and some covers :)


1 comment:

  1. SAGE!

    I just listened to your 'Bluebird' song on your YouTube channel. Can you say amazing?!?!

    My goodness, you have such a beautiful voice, and I LOVE the song!!! Congratulations on being so talented, and when you get a record label, don't forget your friends here at SAAWAKM. =)

