Monday, May 30, 2011

Ned: That group story thing?

Yeah, that. It kinda died... i'd still like to write it, so...
Whats happening?

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Kas: Silver.. again.

So, Heather and I have both failed at writing our own stories... So we have decided to go back to Silver.

We have another story that we started a few weeks ago, but we have so much done with Silver already, that we've decided to finish it, before moving on to anything else. Right now, Silver is 34,977 words long, basically 1/3 of the way done... We're outlining part 2 as I write this, and we're hoping to get all the writing (Not editing) done by the end of June. And then take a few months to edit to perfection...

Which, if all goes as planned, is 2031 words a day... Which is something we can totally do, since we don't have lives and can stay up all night on Weekends... :P

So, as for our other story, i do still want to do that one, but I think we should complete Silver first, before we jump into something completely new... Even though we do have a few thousand words of that one written already... Haha.

So, that story, is just going to have to sit and collect dust for a while. :D


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Sarah: Really needs ideas...

Like, for real. I have some that I want to write and I start to work on them and this is what happens:

Me: Eh...I don't know if I like this anymore.
Brain: Of course not! Haahahaha! I'm going to make you click on the tumblr link and you'll reblog everythign you see!
Me: Wait...what? No! I need to--Oh, the pretty!

Really. So, does anyone have any websites they go to for prompts or anything? Or maybe one of you should give me a first sentence. OR MAYBE MY BRAIN SHOULD STOP WANTING TO GO ON TUMBLR.

Anyway, I really need help.

Kas: I need something new, for now.

So, as you know, I've been trying to write Malkini again for a few days now. Well, its not really working. I think I've actually written like 250 words...

I have no inspiration at all, and so, I've decided that I'm going to start something new. Not another old story thats collecting dust on my computer, but something completely new. I just have to figure out a story...

Hahaha. So, thats what i'm going to go do now...


Tuesday, May 24, 2011


What is your best/happiest memory?

Monday, May 23, 2011

Kas: Stealing Heather's thunder...


Well, I've been trying to get some work done on Malkini in the past few days, but things have just been so hectic around here that i can't find any time to do it. So, i've decided i'm going to start my own little 'I have to write a certain amount of words everyday' thing again, so that i can hopefully get some of this story written.

Now, this summer is most likely going to be my busiest, as I have college classes, work, and a little sister who has to be driven everywhere all the time. So i know that if I don't stick to this plan, i'll never finish this thing.

So, I've decided to try and write 650 words a day, starting today, until October 24th, 2011. I know it sounds hard, but i really think i can do it this time. I want to push myself hard enough to accomplish this.

I've set a new goal for myself as well, to finish this novel by the time I graduate high school.

So, I'mm off to write 650 words for today, and i'll keep all of you posted on my word count as i go. :D



Im bored, so im starting something new here on SAAWAKM. Whats it called? QOTD (Question of the day)

I'm sure the concept is probably understood, but i'll explain anyways.

There are a lot of times when i want to ask you guys questions, but i feel weird making an entire post just for it, so, now, we have QOTD, where you make a post with 'yourname: QOTD' and then post your question. Everyone answers through the comments. There can be more than one question per day.

I got this idea because i was going through the SAAWAKM Vol 1. posts 1-500, and i realized how in all of the letters in the back, someone mentioned not knowing someone else as well as they would like to. And what better way to get to know people than by asking them questions?

These questions don't have to be about writing, they can be about anything really.

But, there is one rule, when you ask a question, you have to answer it too. You can either comment on the post, or just put your answer underneath the question.

Okay, well, I'll start.

My QOTD is, "What is your favorite song of all time?"

My answer: Protége Mo, by Placebo
Most of the song is in French, which is why i love it so much, because i can imagine him saying anything i want. I've been in love with this song since i was like 14. Haha.


Sarah: Oh, and here is a cover. It's cool, right?


This is for my latest idea, Wonderstruck.

And that's all you get for now! Hahaha, I'm evil. Anyway, tell me what you think.

Oh my, I just realized how bad the quality is on blogger. If you want better quality,
check out the video on YouTube.

Heather: Your boldness stands alone among the wreck.

I've decided that like I said before, I really need to get back into writing, so I've come up with away to do that.
Yesterday, I decided to write 50 000 words by June 30. So, like a repeat of NaNoWriMo, but with eight extra days, since I started yesterday. That's 1316 words a day.
I wrote 1700 words last night, which wasn't too bad, considering I haven't really written on my own in ages. Anyway, I'm hoping I can do this. My story definitely won't be complete at 50 000 words, but it'll give it a shove in the right direction.
For the next five weeks, I am going to eat, sleep, and breath this story.

And by the way, I just want to say that if you haven't heard of Mumford & Sons before- go listen to them. Now.


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Heather: Inspiration.

I'm not sure if any of you ever have this problem, but having read so many different books, I'm always uber aware when any of my ideas seem even remotely similar to anything that I have read. It bothers me the entire time I write it, and I spend more time figuring out how to avoid seeming like I just ripped off another author than I do focusing on my own story.
And it always really bothers me. But yesterday, I went to the beach with my sister (it's really warm here) and spent the entire time writing. It cleared my head, and I came up with something, that quite frankly I don't think is like anything else that I have written, or read. And I really, really like it.
It's medieval and no, Kas, there is not a rebellion. (I know you're shocked.) But I'm going to keep the rest of it to myself for now.
It has no name as of yet, and I'm thinking I'll just let it come to me.
I've noticed that recently, I've had huge issues sticking to one idea, so I will have to force myself not work on anything else except for this, (unless it's with Kas, haha.)
On that note, meet Audra:

I just thought this was the best picture possible for her character.



Sorry for the language, but seriously. Every time I try to edit a video, it deletes all the other ones I've been using. AND IT'S PISSING ME OFF TO NO END. Does anyone else edit videos? What do you use? Is it better than Windows Movie Maker? PLEASE HELP ME!!!!

Sarah: Yo, Dudes....

What song should I use for a trailer for my novel? Please, please, please help me soon!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Heather: Stupid Zombies...

Well, it just passed six o'clock here, you know 'the time of the Rapture.' I thought I'd let you all know what song was blaring through my speakers at six...

Of course, it is rather upsetting that it didn't turn into a six month Zombie apocalypse type deal, but, you know, whatever...
Anyway, just thought I'd let you all know that (sadly) the Zombies are NOT coming. :(


Friday, May 20, 2011

Kas: *Sob*

This makes me sad...


Sarah: My life right now can be explained in Taylor Swift Songs

1. My fears:
Take pictures in your mind of your childhood room
Memorize what it sounded like when your dad gets home
Remember the footsteps, remember the words said
And all your little sister's favorite songs
I just realized everything I have
Is someday gonna be gone
So here I am in my new apartment
In a big city, they just dropped me off
It's so much colder than I thought it would be
So I tuck myself in and turn my night light on
Wish I'd never grown up
I wish I'd never grown up
Oh, I don't wanna grow up, wish I'd never grown up
Could still be little
Oh, I don't wanna grow up, wish I'd never grown up
It could still be simple

2. My high school:
You, with your switching sides and your walk-by lies and your humiliation
You, have pointed out my flaws again as if I don't already see them
I'll bet you got pushed around, somebody made you cold
But the cycle ends right now 'cause you can't lead me down that road
And you don't know what you don't know
Someday I'll be living in a big old city
And all you're ever gonna be is mean
Someday I'll be big enough so you can't hit me
And all you're ever gonna be is mean

3. My "friends":
I used to know my spot was next to you
Now I'm searching the room for an empty seat
'Cause lately I don't even know what page you're on
Oh, a simple complication
Miscommunications lead to fallout
So many things that I wish you knew
So many walls up, I can't break through
And we're not speaking
And I'm dying to know, is it killing you
Like it's killing me?

4. My family (particularily my sister, who is struggling with things at school):
Wasn’t it easier in your firefly-catchin’ days?
Wasn’t it beautiful runnin’ wild ’til you fell asleep?
Before the monsters caught up to you?
It’s all right, just wait and see
Your string of lights is still bright to me
Oh, who you are is not what you’ve been
You’re still an innocent

5. My personal thoughts:
But I took your matches before fire could catch me
So don't look now
I'm shining like fireworks over
Your sad, empty town

So, yeah, that's about it. And yes, I know it's corny, but it's the truth. :)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Nat: Hey, guess what?

I got a text from my mom saying that a parcel came in for me! (She has it with her, so I have to wait until I get home to open it.) But I have a good feeling that I know what it is. :)

I'm so excited to open it!!!! Yay for Kas, sending gifts!

I'll update you later on me opening it.

P.S. Who put the little fish on the sidebar? I love them! :D

[EDIT]: KAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is, literally, the best gift I've ever gotten in my entire LIFE! You are a magnificent, fantastic human being! I don't know if I'm allowed to say what it is yet, so I want. But seriously. AWESOME! Thank you!!!!!

Sarah: Should probably be studying for finals.

It's true. I've got them next week on Monday, Tuesday, and then Wednesday. But here's the deal:


But, honestly, my Chem final is pretty much kicking my ass right now. There's so much junk on it that I don't remember learning. It may have something to do with my lack of attention for anything other than Supernatural and The Princess and the Frog.

But it's probably just because we never learned it. Yeah, let's just go with that.

Oh, and my schedule next year? It's filled with hard classes that will probably make me die. But I'M ONLY GOING FOR ONE SEMESTER AND THEN OFF TO COLLEGE WHOO.

Anyway, I guess I just wanted to avoid making my eyes bleed by studying Chemistry for two hours. Talk to you ladies later.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Heather: Just because the world is ugly, doesn't mean we have to be.

There's this website I go on called SixBillionSecrets, if you've never heard of it, then it's a place where people share their secrets, I guess.
I've been going on there every day since last... July? June? May?Anyway, I like going on there. I feel like it provides a lot of perspective- not everyone feels that way, obviously- and I really like going on there, despite the sad theme to all of them.
I think it's good that people are sharing these things- but I also feel like it's even better that people are reading them.
Lately, I've been really wanting to write something like that, I guess. To use one of their secrets as the inspiration for a book, because so many of them deserve to be told, and so many more never will be.
Personally, this is something I do feel pretty passionate about, some of the secrets may seem shallow, some may seem dumb, some may seem horrible, or tragic, but no matter what it is, someone is feeling that way, and they shouldn't have to. There are a lot of people close to me who have had to deal with a lot of those problems, and I think that's part of why I want to write about it.
I'm not really sure though, I've been thinking about it for months.
Anyway, I don't have too much else to say, I just wanted to share that with you all- the website is a really good one, if any of you care to check it out- or already have.



I hope you have a super awesome amazing wonderful day, and year, and life, and... I think you get the point?
Happy birthday! :)
I hope it's great.

Nat: So...uh...

It may or may not be my birthday today...

Just wanted to let you guys know. :)

Ned. We don't call them Bad Guys anymore, we call them Complicated Characters.

HA. ^
So, I dunno why my title is that... but I just saw some guy say it and I was like... Ha.

So I actually have the coolest idea ever.
And that SUCKS cause I wanna write Unwanted!
But I'm excited so Imma go work it out and write a blurb.

Monday, May 16, 2011


Okay. I'm to lazy to change the title. Soooo. Yeah.

Sage and I got our gifts like last FRIDAY, but blogger was down, so we couldn't tell you guys.
Luckily, I told KAS how AHMAZING they were oh YAHOO.
So... yeah.
Sorry guys...
but we got them.

Heather: Speaking of new...

Hey ladies. :)
How are you all?
I got Kas's gift. :D THANKS! I don't think I said that yet? You're amazing.
So, Ned and Sage will probably have theirs soon too, since Toronto's not far from Windsor.
Anyway, the point of this post was actually to introduce a new idea of my own- I'm not exactly sure what I think of it... but I like it. I think... Haha.
So, I figured I'd post the part I wrote that actually gave me the idea. The first shapter is done, but ... really rough. Anyway, here goes:

      Cool leaves crunch beneath my feet. The sounds of crickets and the soft coos of the owls above my head work only to calm my now quaking nerves. The stream still gurgles along to my left. I pull the dull red cloak I had nearly forgotten I was wearing tighter around my shoulders as a branch snaps not far from where I stand. My eyes rove through the forest; searching through the darkness for any sign of something that does not belong.
      I find none. Cautiously, I stick my hands out, allowing the heat to flow through them without fear of losing control. My steps go forth once more; suspicion all but lost, but I can’t keep the fear of hunters from my mind. If they see me, I’m done for. I swallow back my unease.
       The trees soon begin to thin, and I follow the stream to the shores of a huge lake. It is calm; the water captures the moons distorted reflection like a cracked mirror. My fingers long to run along the cool surface and feel the waters soothing touch; but the moon is no longer high in the sky, and I dare not waste the little time I have.
       My cloak falls silently to my feet as I undo its silver clasp. My dark hair is tied back in a loose bun at the base of my neck, where it irritates the soft skin beneath it. A deep frown is etched across my face as I raise my hand; a tiny flame rising effortlessly from the tips of my fingers. It grows higher and larger until it barely fits within the palm of my hand.
        It is now that I grin, allowing the laughter to bubble up in my chest and spill over into the night. This is the only time where I need not possess any sort of self-control; it is the one time I may be free. My hands shoot out, casting with them a river of orange, smokeless flames above the calm waters of the lake. They jump and twist, fighting to break away, to explode, to escape their bindings.
        To destroy.
        I curl my hands in to fists, watching as the fire fades back to nothing.

I feel like it's a little too descriptive, but it's still really rough... Anyway, that was my inspiration. :)
What do you think?


Ned. It could make, or break you.

So exams start soon and I'm literally FREAKING OUT. Mostly because, unlike you BRILLIANT people, well... I don't get the highest marks in the class. I don't fail things, but when an exam is worth 30% of your not so great grade you worry. A LOT.

In other news, I have started writing Unwanted again and I've updated OSAAWAKM if anyone wants to read it. So far I am on Chapter 18, I have finished 17 chapters and am on like the first paragraph of 18.
Its a complete from page 1 rewrite, so its a lot different. Even Lily's last name has changed. It is now Lily Rose. Which I like more then Lily Grake.

I love you all.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Kas: Neww...

So... I have decided to start writing Malkini again. I'm re-titling it, i think. But, for now, i'll be calling it Malkini. Haha.

I don't quite have a storyline, or characters, or, well, anything figured out yet. I have to sift through all my old word documents, and decide what can be saved, and what i need to get rid of... But, i'm hoping to get all that thought out tonight... if only i can stop play Draw my Thing on FB with shmeather...

Haha. I'm also hoping to get a blurb written tonight. Which, if i accomplish, i'll be posting tomorrow. Or tonight... whatevs.

Also, I recently discovered an author name Jackson Pearce on YouTube,
And I realized this is me, in ten years. And I'm totally cool with that. I love her. and I will meet her, eventually. You know, when i'm famous.

Uhm, I really don't have much more to talk about. I'll make another post soon about Malkini/ new title. Hahaha.

Maiah: Mehhhhhr

Yeah I know I haven't really been posting.
I'm sorry!
I just don't really have anything to say.'s raining! Yay!
Oh and for those of you who remember me talking about moving..
I'm visiting all my friends and family in 11 days.
So I'm like superly duperly excited!
Bye. :)

Sarah: Dear Heather...

How excited would you be if I decided to continue Once and Futures?

No promises, but it's a possibility.

Sarah: is waiting for inspiration.

I'm hoping it will hit me over the head. :)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Nat: Tah-dah! (Or Ta-da? How do you spell that?)

Alright ladies. I've done it.

Thanks to this and this and a bit of this and an awful lot of this...I've finally created my new story! (If you combine all those things, you basically get my new story. Kind of...but not really.)

*insert applause here*

Indeed, I am once again starting a new idea. And I know I say this for every one, but I have a really good feeling about this one.

All I'm going to give you are three little bits of information. Ready? Go.

1) It's currently entitled The Ivory Tower.
2) It's about a girl whose name is not Missy.
3) She doesn't meet a boy - though there's a boy involved.

Hope that was cryptic enough for you.
Post more often!

Cori: I really need to stop vanishing like this...

I'm going to shoot my alarm clock.
Yup, that's right. Now that my little random sentence of the day has been said/typed/whatevs, time to talk about writing. This is, after all, a blog on writing.
Since I finished BTL (Between the Lines), I've been editing like mad. I even took out a whole chapter and put in a new one, because the old one sucked. I've also been bored, since all I've been doing is revising, which is a total yawn. Then, today in history class, I began to doodle. That doodling became a sketch of my main character getting totally beat up by these guards. That turned into my MC and his buddies taking cover from a hurricane. That turned into me writing a seven page layout of the sequel to BTL: Caged. WOOT! xD!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Heather: Glee.

I'm watching Glee right now.
It's awesome.
They just started singing 'Friday.'
I laughed, I admit.
I just knew that you'll all wanted me to say it, even though you're probably watching (most of you) yourselves.


Kas: So... why aren't you posting!?


More posts, ladies! (Including myself.. i know.)

Anyways. So, I finally got my Internet back up at my house. Not that it took 5 months or anything. Hahaha.

But, since I now have my computer back, and i'm not stuck using the one at my dad's office, i decided to go through all my old writing and see what i still plan on salvaging...

I found three different stories that i still plan on starting/ finishing.

Malkini, which is no longer called Malkini, as of now... it is nameless. Hahaha. I mixed it with shifters a long time ago, so its 100% different then any of you, even Maiah, remember.

Dream Walkers, which is still called Dream Walkers, until i find something better to call it. I don't know if any of you remember this one... I thought of it a really long time ago...

And The apocalypse story, which never actually had a name in the first place. I don't knwo if any of you remember that one either.

Well, thats all i really have to say for now...



Monday, May 9, 2011

Sarah: A Randomly Long Post About Random Things

First off, I have to say I'm sorry about yesterday's post. It was long and maybe a little too personal, but I need to get that all out there.

This post, however, is about what we all love. No, not chocolate or hot boys! Writing, sillies! (Though I am fully commited to both the others!)

So, I've been writing several different things over the last month. One of them was Staked (if you don't remember it, that's the one about The Van Helsings and Harkers) and the other...well, I don't know what I'm titling it yet. It's about Egypt and a girl and a god and some evil people...yeah.

I'm not sure which one I'm going to stick to yet, mainly because I love them both. Staked is basically like Bandit from the Misadventures meets Zoe Lennox and they have a love child (which couldn't happen, considering both of them are female hahaha) named Samantha who is both kick-ass and witty.

But the other character, Beth (working name), is pretty witty too and roped into a god's plan to destory the world after she accidently raises him from his tomb while on holiday with her parents in Egypt. What she doesn't know is that she raised a bunch of other gods, none of which are happy with her. One, however, keeps saving her from evil things that keep attacking her and he's so very hot because he's a god and such...

Yeah. So I have to figure out which idea I love more. Because I've tried to write two things at once but it's never been okay. Hahaha.

Speaking of hot guys! (Okay, you all knew I was going to work that in there, don't even lie!) I've met a few lately. One at Target (he gave me the nod and I returned it and then we talked about the pros and cons of eskimo pies). Another while at a party (he spilled his juice on my pants, making it look like I peed myself, but I really didn't care because he had the bluest eyes I've ever seen!) The last I met while at a muesuem. He's an art student and three years older then me and my favorite choice out of the bunch because not only does he read, he can draw and play gutiar, as well as sing in a smokey and beautiful voice, and I honestly think God created such a man specifically for me. Hahaha!

So, I've got all three of their numbers and while none of them know about each other, I'm not exclusive with anyone yet. Hahaha I'm a playa!

In other news: I got a tumblr awhile back ( and you all should go follow me. Ahaha. If you don't have a tumblr...where have you been?

I do believe that is all ladies. <3

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sarah: Okay, it's time for a super long post.

Disclaimer: So, I haven't exactly been on much lately, considering I've got A LOT of stuff going on in my life right now. Needless to say, I'm about stressed to my limit. But I want to get all of this out there, so you guys can get an idea of what I'm dealing with. I don't want to be a complainer, because I'm usually a very happy person, but I do feel like I need to let you guys know what's going on.

Let's make a list!!

In regards to:

1. School: I still have a plan to graduate this December. I'm currently applying to my favorite choice for school, and will be moving five hours away from my very close knit family in December to live in an apartment all by myself. This is both exciting (because I'll be on my own and free to do whatever I want) and scary (because I'll be on my own and five hours away from everyone else!). Plus, it's a HUGE city compared to what I'm used to. Of course, I'm not exactly comfortable saying it's name on here, but I'm sure you guys will find out soon in Chatzy.

2. The private post I chose to keep under drafts: All is well. Everything got cleared up and we're safe. I just don't get to hang out with him as much as I like. But here's the deal, when my brother abandoned me and my family, I lost the person I looked up to the most. And Unnamed Person pretty much fills that void, which is something that I need right now. I can actually talk to him, not just chat about the latest small-minded thing like I do with others. And he's really good at listening and giving advice, which I need a lot of right now.

3. My brother: Is 'back' and currently stressing me out even more. In my opinion, I've already given a second chance, and I don't do third and fourth. I've already told my family I want nothing to do with him, and they are okay with that. It's just that my sister wants to talk to him again and I'm sick of seeing her get hurt. And when he tries to talk to me and I ignore him, he goes, "What the hell?" and every single time I say, "What, did my back hurt your knife?" (Gosh, I'm witty :D).

4. Other family stuff: Several doctors just told my family that my grandfather has 3-6 months left. It's been a struggle, because they can't go back home and until we can convince them to go to assistant living (they're still insistent they can go home, but are unable to do anything on their own) they have to stay with us, which means my sister has to sleep in my room. I love her, but where I'm neat and a perfectionist, she's a totally slob. And her bad habits are seriously driving me crazy.

5. My friends: I'm starting to realize more and more that my friends and I are slowly growing apart. I don't know if they'll see this or not, and I don't know what they'll say if they do, but that's the truth. They complain that I have a job because they "never get to see me and we can't all just hang out anymore" and don't even notice that I'm not my normal bubbly self. They don't even ask if I'm okay. And when I actually tell them what's going on, they just say, "That's too bad" and continue with other pointless things. God, I hate saying all of this because it's awful and I don't want to feel this way, but it seems like if I'm not happy and excited about life, then they just ignore me.

So, I'm really sorry for this long post and everything, but I had to get this all out. If anyone has any advice, I'll take it. And I love you all. Seriously, I do. When I can't go to anyone else, SAAWAKM shows up on my homepage.


Saturday, May 7, 2011


So, guess what I did today? I GOTS SHOES!
Yeah, I bet you wanna know what colour they are... they're white...WANNA SEE WHAT I DID?!

SEE WHAT I DID?! More pics on facebook. lol.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Heather: No Worries.

It you missed out on the plotting, you didn't miss too much. Just lots of vetoed ideas and then some screaming about things that rhymed with Ned, and pirates and vikings and nazis... Yeah.
So, we decided to restart tomorrow!
So, don't worry if you missed it tonight. :)

Nat: Resurrection of SAAWAKM


I am super-dee-duper excited about bringing SAAWAKM back to life! And now I am making a post because Kas told me to. (And by the way, if I make a post every time I open the Internet, there will be about 1000 posts from me a day, which none of you want. So I will monitor my posting accordingly, I promise.)

But anyway, I'm sorry I missed out on the chatroom, I really wanted to help plot. But I was working (with the incredibly hot Brendan, might I add...).

So, um, I haven't made a post in almost 2 weeks (*gasp*). I'm sure there's something I can tell you...uh...
If you guys lived closer, I would force you all to come to my school's production (mostly because I have to sell 30 tickets by the end of May). If anyone wants to jump on a plane and fly over here, I will have a ticket waiting for you! =)

Oh! Also - I don't know if any of you have heard of Mike Lombardo on YouTube. Well, me and my friend entered his music video dance competition - and we WON FIRST PLACE! Also, he subscribed to me on YouTube, which is very very very exciting! You can see our video entry here if you're interested.

I love you girls, can't wait to start hearing from you more often!!

Kas & Heather: New CHALLENGE!

So, me and Heather have an idea to help get SAAWAKM rolling again. It's kind of complicated, so this might be a very long post.
We have come up with a new SAAWAKM challenge, but we stole a bit form Ned's last challenge pitch, :D.

Well, it was mostly Kas's idea, I just helped her... refine it, I guess.
So, this is it: We all write one story. But wait- before you start thinking what a bad idea it is, how you barely have time to write your own stories, let alone ANOTHER one (I know, I had these misgivings when Kas first brought it up too) but just hear us out.
Heather, i love how we picked christmas colors...
Anyways, so, the idea is rather complicated, but, basically it is what Heather said. We all write the same story... but wait! Theres a twist, each of us are only writing parts of it. Together, as a whole, we SAAWAKM girls will write an entire novel together. I know, I know, 'But i have no time..' and 'I can't even finish my own storys..' and 'But I don't even like you people and i have no idea how i got to this website!' but, I really think this could work...
I know we're all busy, but, this idea caters to that fact...
Basically, how it would work, is me and Heather are going to be on chatzy from the time this post is, well posted, to at least midnight (Central Time Zone) tonight coming up with a very basic outline for a story, no details or scenes, just a start, middle, and end point to kind of give us a guide to where the story should end up. If you want to help come up with the plot, which we hope you will, just come to the chatzy room tonight.
Now, I'm going to steal Kas's analogy. Think of it as the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants; we send the story to each other and add our own bits, and then pass it on. You can write anything from one sentence, to a chapter or more, if you so choose.
Each person will have at maximum a week to add their writing before passing it on to the next person. They will get it back after it goes through everyone else- there'll be an order to it, decided later. But if you write some, no matter how much, and you know you can't write more, then just pass it on. The week works though, in case you need to read a lot over before you start, have too many other activities, or anything else to keep you busy. So, you have time, and there is no minimum that you can write (though hopefully you'll write some...) you just have your week to do with it whatever you like, and then pass it on- whether at the end of that week or before.
Sound awesome? :)
Heather did leave a few things out though...
Once we come up with the basic plotline, the first person on the list, which i'll draw at random, will begin the story, and then email it to the next person on the list. They will then write what they want to happen next, keeping in mind what the plotline has set out so that we all keep the story going towards the set endpoint we come up with, and then they will forward the same email the first person sent them, adding their part on the end, of course, onto the next person in the line up. You do not edit your part before sending it, not extensively anyways, you can read through it a few times and fix spelling and grammar, but leave it alone for the most part because, once the story is finished, we're going to edit it.
So, I guess that sums up or ideas for this challenge. What say you?
I think it'll be awesome, and remember you can write any amount, don't worry about being busy!
If you want to be a part of this, either comment on this post or come to the chatzy room tonight. I don't think we'll actually start writing until monday, so that way you guys have time to tell us if you want to join, but thats when i'll make the list so try to tell us by then, okay?
This is the chatzy room link: Chatzy.
Our old chatroom expired. Also, when you get there click 'Join Chat' to enter the conversation. :)
-H & K

Maiah: Hello my dear childern.

So. I think I'll make a post.
I haven't written much lately. At all... :(
I just wanted to tell you guys..
That I'm convinced there is a sasquatch living in my backyard.
Like in the trees and stuff like that.
I'm not even kidding.
I mean I live in like the frickin middle of a jungle..kinda
& I heard rustling in the bushes..which was weird
Sooooo...I'm kinda scared.

Heather: An Intro. To How Magnets Work.

Before reading this, read Kas' post below, please and thank you. :)


A magnet is any object that has a magnetic field. It attracts ferrous objects like pieces of iron, steel, nickel and cobalt. In the early days, the Greeks observed that the naturally occurring 'lodestone' attracted iron pieces. From that day onwards began the journey into the discovery of magnets.
These days magnets are made artificially in various shapes and sizes depending on their use. One of the most common magnets - the bar magnet - is a long, rectangular bar of uniform cross-section that attracts pieces of ferrous objects. The magnetic compass needle is also commonly used. The compass needle is a tiny magnet which is free to move horizontally on a pivot. One end of the compass needle points in the North direction and the other end points in the South direction.
The end of a freely pivoted magnet will always point in the North-South direction.

And that is all.


Kas: Saawakm is BORING.

Has anyone else noticed the decline in posts over the past few months? Oh... everyone? Great.

Well, i think that, seeing as its about to be summer, SAAWAKM needs to become a priority again for everyone. That being said, as you read this, i want every single one of you to look to the upper right hand side of the screen... see that little homepage button? Click it. Set SAAWAKM as your homepage, and everytime you start you internet, you must make a post. I don't care what its about, tell us about your day, your favorite kind of sandwich, explain how magnets work... Anything. Just. Make. A. Postttt. K? K.

Also, as soon as you finsih reading this post, you have to make a post.

Now, since SAAWAKM has become a bit boring lately, as theres really nothing going on here anymore, i've decided to bring back all of our old fun things. Like, the challenges, the competitions, the prizes, everything. I'll make another post after this one that will say more about that...

So, since SAAWAKM is now your home pages, and we'll all be posting everyday, hopefully we can cure our insanity and get this place entertaining again... :D


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Sarah: OMG KAS!!!

The gift is AMAZING. I'm so excited to go through it!!!

There will be a longer post later, not about the gift (because I've been told to keep it secretive) but about other things! :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Kas: Guess what!?

The gifts have been sent!

My dad mailed them this morning. Now, when you guys get them, take the letter that is on top of everything inside the package out first and read it before looking at anything else. It explains some things...

Sarah, you'll probably get yours first, since you live like 10 hours away from me. Everyone else, i would guesstimate that you'll get yours within the next week...

But, until everyone has recieved theirs, try not to mention exactly what the gifts are, cause i want them to be a surprise, k?

Hope you like them!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sarah: Um...

Please go read my draft. I can't post it (you'll find out why once you get there) but I need advice.

Heather: Life is like a mirror, we get the best results when we smile at it.

Hey there, ladies.
So, what's going on with all of you guys?
And Sarah, I hope everything that you were worried about in your super long English-teacher-shaming run on sentence works out well.
My sister is coming home from university next week to stay with us for a little while, and I'm really excited to see her, despite the reasons for her visit.
Kas and I haven't worked on Silver in ages, which is not good, but I, at least, am hoping we can kick-start our progress again soon.
Otherwise, I really have nothing to say, aside from the fact that I'm really happy you seem to like the new header and the blue. :D
Well, that's it, I just figured I'd try to post more... hence the lack of a point in this post.
And by the way- I think Nicole has died. :O She's vanished off the face of SAAWAKM! AHHHHH! OH NOO! D:


Cori: Happy May Day.

The title says it all. Sorry that some of you guys are going through some crappy stuff right now
:( I am too, but I'm able to deal with my stuff 'cos I'm unfortunately used to it lol.
Well, I have something to cheer you guys up! As of yesterday, my friend Joey and I got mistaken for a gay couple. We were at the store, and since it was chilly outside I was wearing my older brother's hoodie. I have a habit of wearing only one earring, coincidentally in my right ear, and I have a boy's haircut.
Well, this random guy comes up to me while Joey's a few feet away not listening, and he's like, "Are you a chick or a dude? You look like a boy but have a girl's body."
Just for the kicks I said, "I'm a boy, yeah."
Him: "Nice. Are you gay?"
Me: "Uh...yup."
Him: "Is that your boyfriend over there?"
Me: "Uh-huh."
Him: "Cool."
Joey: "What's cool?"
Me: *grabs hand* "Come on, darling, let's go get some beef jerky."
It was interesting. I also stood in the middle of a busy street with my friend Taryn, pretending to be drunk and brushing my teeth xD! I had a weird weekend. Oh, and my older brother started his new job today!
Wow, this is the longest post I've written in a long time...