Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Kas: Heyyyyy.

You. All. Fail.

You just fail.

Fail. Fail. Fail.

Okay, now that i've told you how much you all FAIL, i guess i should write my post, huh? Yep.

So, there isn't really anything going on with me this week... I feel like i say that every week. Hahah. LIFE, Why must you be so boring!?

Heather and  I have done 0 writing this week. Cause we suck. Mhmm... We fail at NaNo this year.

It's thanksgiving break here in the states, and tomorrow is thanksgiving. I like thanksgiving, but what I'm really excited for is the day after. Can anyone say Black Friday?

If you don't know, because you're lame, Black Friday is the start of the christmas shopping season. All of the stores have huge sales. It's pretty intense, i know a few people who are camped out in front of the stores right now, actually. People tend to go a bit crazy, though. Shooting and trampling are regular events... But it's the best. hahaha. The stores open at like 3 a.m. usually, but this year a lot of them are opening even earlier, like 10 p.m. on Thanksgiving night. So it doesn't look like i'll be sleeping that night. :P

Alright, well thats prety much it... :P


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