Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sarah: i NEED your help, ladies (and gents, if you're still around).

Alright all. I need some major help.

I'm about to write something that has been gnawing at my brain for, oh, I don't know, about TWO YEARS now. Taking on this project is huge for me, because I'm about to bring to life the people that have haunted me for, like, ever.

I have a pitch, character names, characters, and fhagiohgfI'mfinallywritingthisstory!

Here's where I need your help. I have NO CLUE what to call it. It makes me so frustrated that I have all this figured out and NO TITLE. And, usually, I make at least one cover before I start a project.

So, I need your ideas on what to title it

Here's the pitch, since you need to know something about it, of course.

Violet Finkle never thought her life would get more interesting than the random people who show up at her part-time job at the New York Private Records and Relics. As a secretary for the manager, she sees all kinds of strange things that she is not allowed to question.

One day, her boss sends her to a super secret room in the basement of the NYPR&R to retrieve a special object. When she returns, Violet finds her boss dead and a very disturbing note written on the wall in blood.

While trying to solve the mystery, Violet finds out some very disturbing facts about her workplace and the secrets it holds. Her own curiosity lands her in terrible danger and throws her—literally—into the hands of Benjamin Banner, an expert in all things weird.

With non-stop mystery and action, Title Here will keep you on the edge of seat from beginning to end

Thanks! And please hurry, because I'm itching to write this story!

And here's a picture of something we all think every once in a while...


  1. Hmm...sounds interesting. But, unfortunately, I can't really think of any good titles. I'm sorry. :(

    Although I do think something with her last name (Finkle) in it would sound cool. Or call it Banner (after Benjamin Banner). Best I could come up with..

  2. Haha. Okay, first of all, there is a girl at my school named britney fincel, but for like 7 years everyone has called her finkle. She is very... irritating? Last year she carried a rolling suitcase with her to every class, and if someone tried to open it she'd freak out. She stabbed on kid in the hand with a pencil. I still think she had a bomb or some heavy duty fire arms in there, we were taking bets on when she'd blow up the school...

    Anyways, as for a title, hmm....

    What about..

    "When im not breathing."
    "Absolute Empowerment."
    "A death for a death."
    "VioleNt" with the n capitalized and a different color, because if you take it out, its her name. :)

    Im not quite sure what actually happens in the story, so these are kind of like shots in the dark. Haha.


  3. Why do you need a titl to write it?
    Why not figure that out later?
    And, I can't think of a good one.
    Also, the picture totally applies to a guy in my philosophy class.
    He's the reason for my homework; dreaming of our wedding. Haha :$ ;)

  4. Concealed?

    That's all I've got sorry. I'm terrible with book names :P.

  5. As Heath-a said. Write without a name. But if you must.

    Agent Violet: Blood stories.
    Deadly misleadings.
    The Banner of Violet
    -insert name of killer-
    -Insert name of special object-
    Knowing Too Much.

    Its also hard cuz you told us so little =O
