Sunday, September 12, 2010

Kas; Writing buddies.

Okay, so im ready to start the whole writing buddies thing. Hahaha.

So, if you guys dont mind, im going to go ahead and draw names. If you guys do mind, we ca always pick in another way later...

So, the people participating are... Me, Sarah, Maiah, Ned, Ash, Heather, Nicole and Cori. Right? If theres anyone else, that will be an uneven # so they can jsut pick the group they wan tot be in... Hahaha.

So, im going to use this website to do the picking...

Alright, and the results are...
Ned & Nicole!
Cori & Ash!
Kas & Heather!
Sarah & Maiah!

There we are. Haha. Those are the writing buddies! :)



  1. Mkay!! Sounds good. Me and Ash are now writing buddies ^_^
    This is Cori, btw lol I don't feel like logging in right now

  2. Yay! Nicolee! :) (Nicole-e? lol. Where did that come from?)

