Thursday, April 19, 2012

Heather: List.

I'm going to follow Nat in the themes. :D

So, ten things I want to do?

1. Travel the world; I want to experience the place, not the resort.
2. Encourage Nat to go veg; seriously, everyone that assumes it's difficult is being dumb. It's totally easy (beyond easy, and I'm not just saying that) and it'll make you as awesome as me. Infallible argument there, eh? :D
3. Donate blood.
4. Go to as many concerts as possible.
5. See Ed Sheeran, Mumford & Sons (again), The Tragically Hip, Barenaked Ladies, or the Avett Brothers live. Along with a million more I don't have time to type.
6. Be happy. Be happy with myself, with my job, with my life.
7. Make others happy.
8. Have the confidence to finally tryout for my school talent show, and hope not to bomb it.
9. Be published.
10. Fall in love; so cheesy, and yet so absolutely true.
11. Steal as many as Nat's answers as possible, while remaining inconspicuous.

Well, ta ta for now, folks.


P.S. Watch this video and cry and/or lose all faith in humanity.

EDIT -- Finally found an interview where they said they it was a joke... but seriously. Listen and laugh. Or cry.


  1. Oh Heather, I love you haha.
    #11 is probably the best list item. ;)
    But seriously - you need to try out for your school talent show. You won't bomb, trust me. I am a genius and I know what I'm talking about. :)
    Going vegetarian is in the works...I just need to do more research into it, and then try it out. XD
    I saw that video the other day. It's frickin hilarious.


  2. Yeah, I thought #11 was pretty great. ;)
    Haha, I've been seriously considering it (cough, for the last two years, cough). That talent show, I mean, haha.
    And, yes. Yes it is. :D


  3. I went out for my school's talent show and shockingly enough got in. :) Why wouldn't you? At least try out, never live in doubt or thinking, 'Wow, I wish I would've went out... I wonder if I would've got in.' Might as well try, huh? However, I ain't forcing ya! :) Just saying it might be fun for you. I'm personally mad I made it. The only reason why I tried out was because my friend wanted to and because I didn't think we would get in... I'm extremely stage fright. Oh well, I get to perform now on my birthday, which is this Thursday! Yay! I also have STAR testing, Poem-In-Your-Pocket-Day, a track meet to watch, warm-ups, and then the talent show, so a full list... It might be fun though! :D
