Thursday, May 16, 2013

Nicole: IT LIVES!!!!

Coming on here and seeing no recent posts, or comments, or anything, is a pretty bleak and depressing feeling. I may be watching a few too many zombie films lately, but I imagine it's what waking up in an apocalypse would feel like. You walk out of your house and you're surrounded by nothingness with tumble weeds rolling across the camera. Even if you screamed, or maybe the alternative would be typing a post in capital letters, no one would hear (or, in this case, see).

But, there is still life! I miss this place a lot, it was a little escape where we could all talk about something we loved. I used to get so inspired by you all and I think that's what I miss the most, the feeling of inspiration, even if it was just from talking about this mutual love that we all shared, when I came on here. And I would really like to salvage that, if it can happen.

I was also thinking, if there is further life here than just Heather and I, maybe a makeover or even a new  blog and title might do us good? It's just a thought, but maybe even a title more suitable for the entirety of the group, something exciting to do with writing? Let me know, and let me know if what you think of the idea of a new blog altogether, it would be hard because there's so much history here but of course we'll never delete or lose this! I was just thinking maybe a fresh start, a way to re-introduce ourselves and a way to recreate the SAAWAKM atmosphere we once all loved, and maybe to even start inviting people again.

So, if you would all care to join me in this imaginary zombie apocalypse that would be incredible.

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