Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Kas: Chat Room Schedule.

Alright guys, i've figured out the best days for everyone-Who posted a comment- to log into the chatroom.

The only days we all have that are compatable are:
Mondays 7:00 or later.
And Fridays 5:00 or later.

Now, im going to make those two days the official days we're going to meet... So try to remember those two days.

Also, just because its not an "Official" group time, doesn't mean that you shouldn't log on just to see if anyone's on. Im going to be staying logged in the entire time im on the comp. So i'll be on a lot. If you want to do this too, feel free. ;D

Now, on a different note, i've been thinking lately, and i want to know how you guys would feel about doing challenges.? I was talking to my friend today and telling her all about SAAWAKM, and she had the really good idea of doing weekly challenges. I know everyone is wondering, what kind of challenge?

Well, we only came up with one. Its a challenge to help everyone get to know each other better...

write something about yourself,
Anything you want,
It could be:
A poem,
A paragraph,
A short-story,
Anything that you think shows a bit of who you are.

My friend's idea was to have everyone write a short poem-like third person narrative about themselves. (It doesn't have to rhyme.)

Something like:
She is the quiet one
with the brown hair, blue eyes.
A dreamer
caught somewhere between
a woman and a child,
living a life united
by stirrups and manes.
Wanting to do
everything, with never enough
time for it all,
she rails against the
frustration of being only human.
Wanting to believe
in the good of man yet
so often disappointed -
wanting to let passion
shine through in everything
she does, never satisfied
with half-hearted effort.

I didn't write that, i found it on google.
But thats exactly what im talking about.
It doesn't have to be that long, or it can be longer.
No need to rhyme.
Just show a bit of your personality. who you are. what you love.

And we can share them at friday's official meeting. Haha.

I cant wait to hear them!


  1. Wow, This sounds fun! Okay, so the challenge is for this Friday? okayyy!

  2. Yeah, it does sound fun! Maybe we could alternate coming up with the challenges? Like Kas made one for this week, Maiah could make one next week etc. Just an idea.

    And I thought I'd let you know that I can't make it to our first meeting on Friday. =(
    So I'll post my poem on Saturday, if that's ok.

    Talk to you soon!


  3. I might not be able to meet on Friday either, just because of some family stuff going on, I'll try, Promise!
    Yours truly

  4. Haha okay well I'm pretty sure I'll be on Friday...
    because I have no life...haha.

    The challenge idea sounds fun! (;


  5. Yay! Im glad you guys like it! And Nat, i love the idea of switching off every week! Dont worry if you guys cant make it Friday, I might not be able to either. Haha. It just depends on a few diferent things, but i should be able to update you guys either tmrw or friday afternoon as to whether or not i'll make it.

    How is everyone doing with their 500 words? I cant seem to get anything written lately, because i cant figure out exactly what is going to happen in ch 2...

    but i should be up and running again soon.

    Okay, im going to go work on my poem-thing.!

