Saturday, February 27, 2010

Maiah: Update


I haven't really been keeping up with my 500 words. (Which is ridiculous, I know.) But today, I'm going to try and make it up by writing 2,000 words! Haha.
Probably won't end up with much of a success but whatever.

So I'm working on the very beginning of chapter 3.
(Read chp. 1 and 2 before reading about chapter will just catch you up.)

So far what I have is, Rose is laying on her bed doing her homework, and her phone rings. It's Aimee, and she's just asking Rose how PE was. (Btw, Rose isn't very fond of PE, and the teacher is a total perv hahaha)
So they have a short conversation, and then I'll have Rose go over to her piano and start playing.

So I want chapter three, to basically be about Rose, and not just all about Tristen. So I'll probably have a scene with Griffin in there and what not.

So my question is, should I have something of Tristen in there?

i want it to end with Rose taking a walk outside because she can't sleep, and she runs into Tristen. (Which will be really weird because it's late at night) So should I use this idea, or...?

Also! I'm renaming Alyssa. (Which is one of Rose's best friends)
I want her to have a boy name.
So which one do you prefer for a girl?

Shawn, Johnnie, Tommi, Tyler, Michae (Mike-uh), or Porter?
Or any other suggestions?

Thank you! Haha



  1. Renaming for Alyssa: I personally like Porter best, or Logan, Carter, Carson, Flynn, Noah or Spencer.

    I still haven't had time to read your first few chapters, but hopefully I'll have time this weekend. Talk to you soon!


  2. I agree! Porter just seems to fit with Alyssa's character,'s just cute hahaha. Haha yay! Thank you so much!


  3. K, don't you think its weird everytime you post something, instead of your name, SAAWAKM shows up? Why don't you change your username to K, or Kas? Lol :)
    Porter is really cute!

  4. Good idea! Haha. I actually hadn't noticed... Lol.
