Sunday, October 30, 2011

Cori: Sorry I'm a day late.

Couldn't get on all day yesterday, since I was spending the time I'm usually shut up in my bedroom with my grandma and grandpa. x)
Basically, we slept over allllll weekend long. It was pretty fun, and we went to see Puss In Boots. Cute movie. Not fantastic or anything, but cute. Puss has always been my favorite Shrek character, and I liked reading the fairytale about him when I was young.
Anyhoo, I'm updating now at least, and I've got a lot to talk about. First of all, Pottermore. It had better open up soon, or I'll scream. And I'd better be a Slytherin, or I shall go into cardiac arrest. I shall commit suicide if I am either a Gryffindor or a Hufflepuff. xD! And then I'll continue on, so whatever.
Second, NaNo! I can't wait until November 1st...I'm freaking excited haha! My novel is called Skin Deep, and it's (whispers) a gay romance novel. It's about an abused kid genius--graduated from college at the age of nine--named Halo Conrad who's family curse--a demon that shares his DNA/body--is trying to take over his life. His adopted father forces him to move closer to his family's enemy, River Smith, who he quickly befriends. Their friendship begins to turn into something more after a while, and...well, I'll leave the rest to the synopsis I'll post on my page =D!
So what are you all going as for Halloween? My mom decided I can't go as Justin Bieber, so I'm just putting on the old jeans and a t-shirt and going with my friend Kelli. Ah, well...There's always next year. x)


  1. Hey! I've been trying to get ahold of you! Did ye' hear?! Pottermore is delaying everyone else STILL! Until later. :( So us nobodies still have to wait. :( Text, call, im, something! I miss talking to you! Ralven va, kelvi!

  2. I shall call you NOW! x)

  3. Actually, hang on. My phone is dead. DAMN!

  4. Haha! We're talking now at least! :D
