Friday, October 28, 2011


But I have a good excuse...ish. I wrote another song. Not about my life because nothing interesting ever happens in my life so yeah it's about CM..again. DON'T HATE ME.

So updates? How about Sage got asked to the semi-formal at her school by not one but TWO people. That's right girls. I'm beating them off with my vast knowledge of chemistry and biology...or am I scaring them off. Hmmm, something to ponder later today.

It's halloween weekend which is always exciting. I'm going as a 1940's inspired Little Red Riding hood. I've got the black stilettos and the red dress and the red velvet hood/cape. I'm pin curling my short hair with the 40's inspired doo and I'll post a picture next Wednesday when I ACTUALLY POST ON TIME.

I love you all. What are you guys being for halloween?!

Much love. Oh, and I may psot again to give you the link to the new song if I get around to recording it tonight, hope that's okay.

Know what, since I clearly don't have inspiration here's a challenge for all of you. I will write each of you a song INDIVIDUALLY if you comment on this with something to give me a story line or a like a plot line. SOMETHING.

Okay, I'm done now. I sweear.

Muah. LOVE.

1 comment:

  1. Plot line I just came up with; he needs her to fulfill his prophecy-- only thing is, she's prophesied to die after. And he didn't tell her.
    What happens when he falls for her?

