Sunday, October 30, 2011

Kas: Questions... and some other stuff.

So, I just finished writing a Comp. 1 essay on the evolution of technology in the 20th and 21st centuries... which was fun. Haha. I really shouldn't have procrastinated on it though, as it was assigned on Monday, and is due tomorrow afternoon... Anyways, so i'll now be assigned another one tomorrow...

I'm liking all the action SAAWAKM is getting lately, ladies. I've missed this.

I have a few things to tell you, but first i'll answer Ashton's questions...

1)  If you were trapped on an island and could have only one CD, which one would it be??

Hmm... Probably 30 Seconds to Mars, This is War. Or Mumford and Sons, Sigh No More.

2) Which name do you prefer for a 13-year-old boy with brown hair and blue eyes -Heath or Henrie?


3) Did you know that there are only 2 days until November 1st???

Please don't remind me. I still haven't talked to Heather, so I doubt Silver will happen unless we miraculously figure everything out tomorrow. And the other fore-mentioned new story has no plot yet, so i'm trying to fiure that out as well...

4) What are you all being for Halloween?
Nada. Haha. I have to take my little sister trick-or-treating, so no dressing up for me. She's going as a devil, though. And since im a wiz at doing costume makeup, i'll post a picture of her awesome costume tomorrow.

5) Who's your (current) celebrity crush?
Mine don't change. Haha. Tom Felton, James Mcavoy, and Jensen Ackles. However, I don't know if it's a crush per-say, but i've recently become obsessed with Ed Sheeran.

So, now onto the news about me. First, as I said above Heather and I ahve yet to discuss anything about Silver, and since tomorrow is Halloween, I'm not sure i'll be on at all durin the day. Maybe a little at night. So, maybe we can pull it all together in time for Nano, but i'm not really sure.

Also, on that point, I don;t even have a back up story yet. As i said before, The new story doesn't yet have a plot line, or really any details worked out at all... I have a rough sketch of a continent (I decided not to make it dystopian, btw,) The scattered scribbles on that sheet of paper form my comp class, and some names. Other than that, nothing. So, I may work on that a bit in school tomorrow, but i'm really busy tomorrow, so we'll see.

It doesn't help any of this that i'm right in the middle of 3 college courses, plus my high school classes, trying to pick and fill out scholarships to the schools I want to apply to, all the senior stuff my school has been putting on lately. And im trying to fit writing into that schedule, but it's very hard. But, I got a new laptop, which I don't think I told you guys, so I'm going to start bringing it with me to school and class so I can try to get some work done there...

Alright, well I think thats it for now. I need to go shower and go to sleep so that I can make it through the rest of this week. Only 7 more weeks until my christmas break though! Oh, and I decided that I'm taking next semester's college classes online, because I just don't have the time to drive 30+ minutes there an back everyday. Oh! and there's only 3 weeks until Thanksgiving Break! :D

I'm sure you'll hear from me again before wednesday, telling you whats happening with the whole Nano thing, but for now, Good night!


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