Saturday, January 14, 2012

Kas: YouTube.

Okay, so since a few of you have said that you do want to re-boot the youtube channel, I've decided we should!

I think we should do a sort of theme-a-week thing, where we have a diferent topic each week, and we can make videos about it. Now, the question is should we do it in a schedule where everyone has a day like we did with the posts, or should we just leave it up to everyone on when they want to make and upload their video.?  I'm kind of torn, since I think we're more likely to remember and actually make the video if we have a specific day during the week, but we all also can't really know which day of the week we'll have the time... So opinions?

I think we should start the first week of February, if everyone can. Thats in 2 weeks, so i'm hoping all of your exams will be over with.

We also need to come up with a theme for the first week. I was thinking it could be something like what does writing mean to you? You could do something like Ashton's video or just you talking about writing, or anything really...

Any other theme ideas?



  1. I think we should talk about our writing.
    Cliches we find ourselves using, characters we don't like to put in.
    How we choose names and stuff?
    Two weeks sounds great for me. <3<3

  2. Sounds cool, however I didn't know SAAWAKM had a youtube... it'd be pretty cool though to try and do.
