Monday, January 16, 2012

Ned. Wrote a Poem?

Why do I randomly keep writing cute little things? I don't know. Don't ask because you will get that answer. lol.
So basically my life is like... really weird right now. I'm so sick that I'm delirious with a fever, but someone my mind is turning sick into muse. I really can't figure it out.
Though, I am having problems because, my throat is like mega*insertswearwordendinginING*soar and I can't talk... Legitimently lost my voice.

Here's the poem, sort of a tim burton-y style.

In the small town of Primson one waits to be wed.

From the time you are born the idea sits in your head.

For girls the dress matters, it matters the most.

For boys, a pretty girl, about whom they can boast.

In the small town of Primson the people are vain.

They themselves? Heavenly. You? Mundane.

Every lady is lovely, elegant and smart.

Every gentleman, chivalrous with a big heart.

In the small town of Primson they need lots of rope.

For when you are wed, you will never elope.

You shall never divorce, this they make sure.

The day you marry, the ceremony you shall endure.

In the small town of Primson life expectancy is low,

No one is quite sure why, although...

I have a feeling it has to do with this little fact,

On the day of their weddings there’s this special act.

After you're married there is no time to gloat,

by the time its all over you’ll hang from your throat.

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