Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Nat: Umm...hi?

Yup. I died. But I got better. ;)

I honestly don't have a lot to update you on. I'm currently in the midst of diploma exams - really stressful government exams that are worth 50% of my grade. So that's fun.

My parents are in Thailand, so I'm staying with my sister for 3 weeks. We've been working out at the gym every night, and it's actually really fun.

Guess what?! I've actually been writing!!!! I know, it's crazy, I haven't written in so long. But I fully outlined the first part of my book, and it's almost done! YAY!!!

Also - I got drunk for the first time last weekend. Haha, I've been tipsy before, just never really drunk. And I have to say - it was incredibly fun. :)

I made some videos - this one and this one. (the second one is about writing..)

Alright, I'm gonna go. Talk to you girls soon. :D

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! My friend Miah and I are planning on getting drunk for my sixteenth birthday in July haha. I've been tipsy before - nearly got myself punched in the face that day - but never flat-out drunk...
    So what was it like? Give me details!

