Thursday, January 24, 2013

Cori: Back to the drawing board.

So I sent in my query to "the perfect agent" (seriously, he likes horror fantasy AND he's a total nut - perfect agent for me)! And...I was rejected. I'm okay.

I actually have been rejected before, back when I was still writing Charlie and the gang, and Altrius was still a very minor character. So I've already built up a bit of a tough skin against it. Still kind of hurt, though.

The guy was super nice about it. He told me that what I had was great, but it wasn't what he was looking for at the time. I'm going to keep trying...he said that there's tons of agents who would like it. At least he wasn't totally snooty about it haha. And he managed to keep my brooding about it to a minimum; I sat and scowled at the bus seat in front of me for a while, listening to depressing screamo music until I got to school (so, I basically pouted for thirty minutes). I'm feeling much better now. xD

Soon, I'm going to look for more agents. So now it's back to the drawing board...might rewrite my query a few times to get out any kinks there might have been. Blah.


  1. You'll get it!

    I guess it'll just take some leg work! Good luck! :)


  2. Thanks! I'll get it in the end haha. I'm much too stubborn not to.


  3. This is the first time that I have written on here in...SO incredibly long, but I have been following your plight to get published, and I wanted to say that I'm sorry that it didn't work out this time :( Even so, I admire your courage to put your book out there! That's more than I probably will ever be able to do! I'm sure it will work out for you in the end, honestly.


  4. Thanks! I'm sure I'll get it eventually haha. It took J.K. Rowling over 20 tries, and she [was] a billionaire because of all her I'm definitely not giving up hope yet.
    Thanks for the support though, guys. :)

