Friday, March 22, 2013

Rachel: It's been a while...

Well, obviously it's been about an eternity since I've posted anything. I'm not sure why I stopped posting--too busy, maybe?--or why I'm back--Spring Break, maybe?--but, at any rate, it feels good to be on the blog again. I don't really have all that much to say; I just wanted to prove that I'm still alive, I suppose, and to say "hi" to everybody. I've missed you all and your amazingness. I've been doing quite a bit of writing lately (Death List is still in the works, but it's getting closer to the end everyday) and I hope you all have been as well. I'll probably be on here more often from now on (or die trying), so you can all look forward to that (sacrasm, sarcasm.) ANYWAY, hi! Happy Spring!


1 comment:

  1. Happy spring to you too! It's nice to see some posts again. xD
