Monday, July 16, 2012

Cori is covered in freckles.

So for twelve days I was in Indiana with my grandma. I got back home, got to sleep in my fur-less bed for a single night, and then I was shipped off to my grandma and grandpa's house in Cincinnati for three days. They have wi-fi, but for whatever reason it doesn't work on my laptop. I wouldn't have been able to get on anyway; I wasn't near my laptop the entire time.

On the first day in Cincinnati, I went to the King's Island amusement park and rode a bunch of rides. I also ate cotton candy (my dentist would kill me if he knew). We watched the fireworks and then went home. The very next day, we decided to go to the water park part of KI, and I spent four hours swimming in the wave pool.

I love swimming. The only problem is that I'm not very good at it, seeing as I can't even do a simple breaststroke or keep my head above the water for more than a few minutes at a time. So, going into the deep end of the wave pool was not a good idea; I nearly drowned a few times. I'm still trying to cough up all the water I accidentally swallowed haha.

I'm naturally a redhead, so it's either burn or freckle for me. I put on a huge amount of sunscreen and now I have freckles all over my shoulders, face, and legs. For some reason I don't get them on my arms. I also got a shade darker, which is like a deep tan for me, and I hate it - I love being pale. But that's okay. I'll just stay inside for a few days and my skin will go back to ghostly white. Then I'll go outside and start the process all over again!

Also! My mom has decided that I have to grow out my hair. For some reason she likes it better long, even though it turns really lank and dead that way and looks a lot better when it's short. So, since I have to grow it out, I'm going to save up my money. Then I'm going to go to downtown Lebanon with my friend Emily and get a haircut. Mommy dearest wants it long, but that ain't going to happen.

It kind of pisses me off, because I got my hair cut just a few months ago. In the back it was a few centimeters below my ears and now it's down to my shoulders. My bangs were cut to my eyebrows but now they're past my nose. My hair grows waaaay too fast.

Another thing that kind of annoys me is that boys have never, EVER shown any interest in me unless they're extremely desperate. I wore a bikini yesterday at KI and suddenly tons of guys were staring at me. And this is right after I've decided that I really hate the male side of the species. When my grandma told my dad about all the stares I was getting, he looked kind of worried. It's kind of funny because he never minded before. But as soon as I start hating men, he's freaked out about me getting a boyfriend. It really makes no sense at all.

Well, I'm going to go walk around my house and scout for loose change. I really want that haircut. Bye!

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