Sunday, July 15, 2012

Heather: Long Time No See!

I miss you all.
And I meant to post last week, but I think I just totally forgot / slept in and ran out of time because I was late for work.
The reason for my lack of posting? I live at my work, literally, and I don't have wifi. :( But I decided that this week I might just jack someone elses on my phone to go on here any way, because I missed you all so much!
So, I'm the relief counsellor at an overnight summer camp, meaning I do everyone else's jobs when they're off. It also means I get to know all of the kids, instead of just those in my cabin. I love it, to be honest. That camp is such a great place, and it's just awesome. Supremely awesome.
The people I work with are hilarious, and I really like all of them. Which is good, considering that we live together.
The camp itself actually runs on donations, and is for kids without a lot of money, or that come from bad homes. A lot of the campers (though certainly not all) have the camp recommended to them by the Children's Aid Society.
It's definitely been pretty crazy.
Also, as proof to my clumsy-ness, last week I feel down the stairs, twisted my ankle, cut open both my legs, discovered I was allergic to bug-bites (okay, so clumsy has nothing to do with this one), fell off a roof in the middle of the night (yes, a roof), had two very swollen knees and a swollen ankle (reference above), and a sharp constant ache in my back from landing on cement stairs.
And you know what?
Last week freaking rocked.
This job, to be honest, is, while often difficult, absolutely wonderful. I'm having the time of my life, and learning a lot about life while I'm at it.
I'm sorry about not posting! But when I'm off, I come home, sleep, shop for camp, sleep, head back to camp. I've slept 20 hours since coming home yesterday, and I'm still exhausted.
Oh, and Kas, you weren't on this weekend! But no worries, I saw the wedding pictures, hope it was awesome! I miss you, LLBF. ;)
Talk to you all soon, okay? I promise.
Also, Rachel, that rocks! I hope it works out for you!


P.S. Where have you all gone, and why is Rachel the only one posting? She's new! Come on guys, help her out!

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