Friday, July 6, 2012

Kamie: I really think I should post....

So I don't have an extreme reason for not posting, or never being online except for when I play Skyrim, but I do have a normal one... One that I think I'm breaking after my saxophone lesson today. I personally have not had any inspiration, or creativeness in me for about a week or so... it was like it was just sucked out of me... It's not just writing either, it's playing my instruments, watching movies or anime, everything. I just felt the need to practically do nothing, but hang out with my friends... however! On brighter news, I have gotten rid of that disgusting feeling as I came up with a new book idea, was overly excited at my tenor saxophone lesson today, and I have been thinking on Burning Alive, the book I'm working on with Cori, and now... now that it's 11:53pm my time, I wish that Cori was online so that we could work on it, but alas, it cannot be helped! So instead, for the time being I have decided to jump right in on my new book idea and see where my thoughts lead me for a few pages before I really think of plots and everything. The only thing I can say is that my main character's name is Alice Harmony. So yeah, Cori text me sometime, and we'll meet up online. Sorry about recently, but my unwillingness to want to do anything creative has had me avoiding most of the online community for awhile... I feel ashamed, but I'm doing better now. :)

-Kamiella Maze


  1. Yay! Goodbye, writer's/anime/movie/musical block! =D
    Let's hope it lasts, hmm?


  2. Agreed! I seem to have been doing better today and so forth! :)

