Monday, July 30, 2012

Kamie: So it's been awhile....

Life has been overly hectic for me lately, and for that I am sorry. Right now it's midnight thirty, and I am currently residing in Denton, Texas getting ready to tour a college on Wednesday. It has been a fun road trip that I've had the pleasure of taking with my dad. It's definitely been entertaining, but I can't wait to go back home. I've had a lot to do this summer, some heart wrenching, some predictable, some average every day stuff too though. Right now I've been focused on the book East of Eden which I'm forcing myself to like, which is working because I like it.... does that make sense? I'm not sure it's been a long day. Anyhoo, I'm rereading it and the Sparknotes again to make sure I feel good about it, which I'm pretty sure I do, but it's a good thing to be safe rather than sorry. This upcoming year I will be locking myself practically in my room going completely into school study mode. Sure I'll have some fun but that can wait. My best friend who's like my sister is moving away, Chelsea, she's going off to college in New York, and although I'm very happy and proud of her I shall miss her very much so. Sorry if she hasn't been on she's been dealing with a lot also right now to get ready for college. I get to tour UNT on Wednesday and am overly excited for that! I've vaguely been home lately. Recently Chelsea and I have been hopping houses, and now I went on this trip, then they're going to take me to the beach if I get back in time right when I get back, then I have registration for my Senior year of high school on the Tuesday when I get back from the beach, I am then going to a convention Friday, Saturday, come back home Sunday get up and be ready to go to Link Crew training at nine am for two days, then Thursday be at the school by seven thirty and get ready for Freshman orientation, I need to feel confident with my book by Monday after that on the first day of school and be ready for a test from Mr. Perry on the book. Oh and I think my cousin Anthony will be coming up for a week not including how everything's going to... I'll just stop rambling now... this has been my busiest summer yet. This isn't even the whole of it all. I'm planning for NaNo, I want to work on my book with Cori, I'm hopefully going to work on my book with Chelsea, I'm planning my Harmonious Endeavours and am working on my own new idea... so writing's been busy. I broke up with my boyfriend for a multiple of reasons, and now he's pissing me off, pardon my language... sigh... I think this is enough for now...

-Kamiella Maze


  1. Holy hell, kelvi...if I had your schedule I would have died from exhaustion by now. xD!!


  2. Yeah and it's been hectic like this my whole summer! xD

