Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Ned: Lots of Catching Up

Hello hello pretty people, long time no talk, and I'm really sorry about that. I mean, I wanted to be on here and  missed you so much! For anyone who doesn't know, my email went a little screwy and then I couldn't log in! It was quite disastrous.

Anyhoot, I'm back now, and boy do I have a lot to tell you!

So I guess I should start with this, thank you everyone who wished me a happy birthday via facebook! That was so sweet of you, it made me feel loved! Haha, I'm sixteen now, which is just great, what's better then getting old right? Well... other then everything and anything else. Yeah... I'm sort of terrified of aging, haha.

I'm halfway done highschool now, and thats pretty cool... I guess... OH! Because I'm in an arts school for grade nine and ten we have to take nine credits, and I've done that. Basically how its done is like half of my lunch is cut off and they put a short class there that I go to everyday instead of once every two days. Now, however not only do I get a full lunch but because Latin wasn't available when I wanted it I get two spares next year and I'm calling them "Sit down and write Let's Just Pretend for an hour and a half" and the other will be "Sit down and write the other book you're working on for an hour and a half." Sounds wonderful, doesn't it? I'm actually pretty excited. I'll have a lot more free time.

Hm... what else... my Dad had a kid... that was interesting. He got married in October to this younger woman lady named Elaine who I guess is now my step mum. She had Henry my baby brother in May. He's adorable but I'm not really sure how I feel about him yet... I also have a step sister who I love. Her name is Rosalind, or Rozy. She's super sweet and has the cutest giggle!

Right, so I started writing Lets Just Pretend over the winter holidays this year and I really love it. I think I've given you gals the synopsis and stuff so I won't bore you with that, but I will say that I'm still working on it and its coming along well. Unfortunately I had one of those "shit I just had a great idea!" moments so I'm also working on that, the new idea is titled Neptune's Gardens and I'll give you more when I have more, lol.

One thing I would like to ask you though is for your help. My character, the main one in Neptune's Gardens is nameless and I'm on the second chapter! I can't think of anything that just... like the name. So I absolutely need suggestions. I think I want it to be a longer, fancier name with a shorter nickname that she goes by. Maybe something that has to do with water or the ocean? I don't know... like I said, I'm lost. So that would be awesome, other then that enjoy this marvelous cover I made yesterday.

Uhm... so I'm not really sure how to end this post other then by saying I'm stoked to be back! I missed you all so much!

Lots of Love,

EDIT. I have one more thing I want to tell you, haha.
So I think I want to put Neptune's Gardens up online, probably on Figment but I wanna put it under a name I haven't used yet... I don't know why, I just think it might be fun. I'm gonna try and think one up and then maybe I'll tell you who I am hahaha. I just realized I change names more often then most people do... unless they're identity thieves slash scam artists... if that wasn't illegal it might be a fun career to get into... Right, well it is illegal and you can change your name just as many times being an author... haha.

Bye again!

1 comment:

  1. Aw, HELL NO! You're sixteen already? I'm turning sixteen on July I the youngest one on here?
    Heh. I guess I'm the "baby" of SAAWAKM.
    Glad to have you back, Ned. =D

