Friday, July 6, 2012

Rachel: Moving Forward

So I've been planning out Death List, as you all know, and I have just finished Freedom's plot. This is good, but it also makes me a little sad because Freedom is one of my favourite characters. Mapping out every aspect of his life was fun...until I got to the end, haha! He doesn't die or anything, but that doesn't mean that I'll miss him any less once he actually gets to the end of his journey and whatnot. I'm so silly. I get really attached to my characters, especially when I get such a good grasp on them. But anyway, I'm finished with Freedom and am moving on to Wolfe.

Here's the deal about Wolfe. Unlike Freedom, he does die, which means that I have to fit all of his character development into a shorter period. It's not shorter by much, but he still has less time than ALMOST everyone else (another of my main characters dies sooner). What makes that difficult is because by nature Wolfe's character is sort of resistant to character development, so this is going to be kind of hard. The main thing that he needs to come around to realizing is that not everyone in the world hates him and that he doesn't have to hate everyone in the world. Just a refresher, Wolfe is my pick-pocket character and is easily the most dangerous of all of my characters; early on in the book he even stabs one of my other main characters. So what I need him to do is come to terms with his anger and get over it. I think I want this to happen right before he dies so that even after all he's gone through he can die happy. I know that a lot of this probably doesn't make a lot of sense to everyone since I STILL haven't told you all exactly what my book is about, but I'll get on that, I swear. Soon. Just not right now. I'm trying to enjoy my last moments before I have to go and do some math.

Anyway, that's pretty much what's going on with me right now. I'm going to plan out Wolfe's life and I'll keep you all updated on that. And I'm going to tell you everything there is to know about Death List as soon as I get a decent chunk of time in which to type it all out. So...stay tuned.


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