Monday, July 2, 2012

Rachel: Sorry that I haven't been on lately...

I don't really have that much to post about, but I felt like I should because I haven't blogged in a couple of days and no one else really has either, so here I go.

The reason why I haven't posted anything is because I have been sick the last few days. I know that that sounds like a VERY lame excuse--how much energy does it take to type something, right? The problem was mostly that I just have not been very inspired lately, so, naturally, I don't have much in the way of noveling to share. Also, since I've been sick I haven't really been doing all that much, so nothing that fascinating has occurred in my life either. Actually, that's not true. I've been doing everything that I normally do...which may be slowly killing me. I'm doing a little better today, but the past couple days I've had to do my normal farm work stuff twice a day with a 101 fever. I know that a 101 fever isn't really that high, but it feels a lot worse when you're not curled up on the couch or in bed sleeping. I most definitely would not continue being a farmer right now if I didn't have to be; Darcie (my "boss") is in France, so I'm the only person who takes care of things where she lives right now. Without me, everything would I've had to suck it up. So that's that tale. What else is going on...

So today I had to attend an hour and a half rehearsal for this mini-orchestra thing that I have to play in for the fourth of July. Just to clarify, this orchestra that I'm talking about is NOT a real orchestra. It's just a bunch of little kids who TOTALLY SUCK at their instruments that are forced by their music teachers to get together and play music that they cannot play. That sounded harsh, and I realize that, but oh my GOD we are SO bad! I play in the real orchestra that is in our town, the Eastern Sierra Orchestra or something, and for this I am thankful, because--and this is going to sound VERY mean--I don't want people to think that I am as bad as these kids. The fact that these kids are awful is actually not most of their faults. Some of them suck because they don't practice, but a lot of them are really young, so they haven't been playing for very long. I recognize that the audience will not expect a lot from us because of this, and obviously I don't really expect anything from us at all, but still...I wish you could hear that rehearsal today. It was funny, but in a sort of embarrassing oh-my-God-are-we-seriously-going-to-preform-on-Wednesday?! sort of way. Luckily the adult orchestra plays right after that, so everyone will forget about all of the sour notes that we filled the patriotic air with. So that's good.

Speaking of musical stuff, the Bishop Big Band--which I am also in--had its first gig of the year on Thursday. I like to refer to this band as "Old Man Band" (not to any of the members' faces), so that should give you an idea as to what kind of music we play. I call it Old Man Band because I'm the youngest person in it by like fifty years. Except not anymore, because I think Jamie may have joined. Anyway, we had a gig, and it was pretty good...except for the fact that we had NO audience. We were providing music for a new hospital in our town opening up (it was quite the event) but seriously, no one listened to us but my parents. At least not for very long. But it was still fun, and it was nice practice. Despite how snobby I made myself sound in the previous paragraph, I generally just like playing music. Also, it's just a fun group of people to hang out with. For whatever reason I get along really well with adults. Additionally, my future husband's dad sits next to me, so perhaps one day he will force his son to marry me, which I would be up for.

Anyway, that's about all that's going on right now. Obviously not a lot is happening. I'm continuing to plan out Death List and I'm still on Freedom. After I get in the mood to put a detailed description of what on Earth Death List is really about up here I'll tell you what goes on with him. I'd do it sooner, but obviously it would make no sense if I did it that way. I might be feeling inspired enough to blabber on about my book later today, so be prepared. But for now I'm going to sign off. Sorry that you all had to read through an entirely rambling and pointless post.



  1. As long as you posted, it doesn't matter if it's pointless. :)
    I've been really uninspired lately too...and if you want to fix your post, go to the edit button and go to "Highlight." Put it to black. Then you're good to go! =D


  2. I fixed it for you hahaha. XD -Ned.
