Sunday, May 16, 2010

Heather: Blogging Inept

As I put before, I'm completely blogging inept and I would totally write something on the 'Heather.' page... If I knew how. Which prompts the question... How?

So, I took the time to look through the stuff on here, and I think I'll definitely fit in. :)

All of you have such interesting and unique stories, and in contrast mine just seems so blaah. I haven't read everyone's books yet, and I plan to, just not today because I have a project due tomorrow, I forgot the binder with my stuff in it, notes, what exactly the project is on... etc., and I figure, if I read it now, half of my mind will be on what I should be doing and not on what I'm reading. But soon I will.

Oh, and I just felt like saying that for each of the two days I have been a member of SAAWAKM, I have written 500 words. And yes, I am proud of that. XD


  1. SHOOT! I forgot the title.... My bad..
    Oh, and me forgetting important things? Yeah, that'll be a pretty frequent occurance.

  2. Haha. Okay, to edit you page all you do is go to "NEW POST" and once your there, there should be four tabs at the top of the screen, "New post, Edit posts, edit pasegs and comment moderation..." Click on edit pages, and in that there should be a page with your name on it. Click the edit button on your page and your good to go! You pretty much design a page just like you doa post, so its not too hard. :D


  3. Okay, thanks. :)
    Let's see if I can do that.

  4. Lany!
    I started reading Wolves a while ago. Hah. Now I'm content since I know you're real name. >:D

    So blew up a plate in the microwave? I officially believe that you have skillz now. :P

  5. Oh, I do.
    And you should be proud, not many people know my name. Bahahah, not.
    And Kas, thanks again, I got it, and I don't feel quite so stupid now.
