Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sarah: MORE QUOTES!...and an idea?

"I feel like I just found out that my favorite love song was written about a sandwich." ~Jane (27 Dresses)

“You are so lime green Jell-O and you don’t even know it.” –Jenifer’s Body

“Someone asked me what I want to do with my life and I said, ‘I WANNA ROCK!’” --?

"And yet I knew I was lying to myself. If the opportunity knocked, I would open the door and throw myself at him again. It was funny how someone could break your heart and you could still love them with all the tiny, broken pieces." --Bandit Jones (The Misadventures of Bandit Jones)

“‘You have so many books…’ her voice trailed off as her fingers grazed the spines.

She was amazed by the variety of the titles and sorts: Fantasy, Science Fiction, Horror, Thriller, and even a few stray Romance. Every genre, every book…it seemed to have a place here. How appropriate, that all these titles exist in The Land of No Names.” –Sinema 13

The last one is from my latest story, called Sinema 13. Tell me what you think of this...

Remi has ran away from home, boarded a mysterious bus, and ended up at Sinema 13: a place in The Land of No Names where pixies, fallen angels and creatures of all sorts live together when they simply can't blend into society. It's not a place for humans though. In fact, Remi is the first human to ever waltz through the doors of Sinema 13. But she's determined to fit in at Sinema 13, even suffer through the dank rooms, an unbearable group of creatures, and the zombies who just happen to run the snack counters.


  1. Sounds interesting.
    I'd read it.

  2. 1. Yes, it was me that asked you all of those questions. Good job guessing, guess you won't need the other two. :P

    2. I'm proud of you for quitting WoP. :)

    3. THIS SOUNDS SO GOOD. Is it gonna be inkpop'd? :D

  3. To Rachel:

    Wow, why so proud of the quitting?

    Yes, it will be inkpop'd
