Monday, May 24, 2010

Nicole: A new prologue?

Well, I haven't really been working on too much for BSF lately, but yesterday (or maybe the day before...) I started a new prologue(:! It has almost the same dialogue as my original one, but I'd love to know what you think compared to my other one.

The boy hit the cement hard; he was motionless on the floor of the dark alley out of fear that if he moved just slightly, the raw hot pain up his shoulder blades would intensify. The rain that heavily felt hit his bareback, the droplets stinging his gashes. If it were a human falling that distance, they would’ve been dead. However, this boy was no mortal.
Finally, he pushed against the ground and let out a groan of agony. The ache up his back felt like a violent fire was burning into his spine. Once he’d gotten his feet, the boy arced his neck and let out a wail, as if that would cease his hurt and sorrow.
It was then that he noticed his eyes were clouded with liquid… tears. He’d never once cried, but the misery of knowing that his fall was definite made anger grow in the boy, and he needed an outlet for his fury.
As if on cue, she landed beside him with grace, almost as if she’d foreseen her descent.
The boy whipped around to face her. “What have you done?” He bellowed, grasping the front of her dress and hauling her against the nearest brick wall.
His piercing blue eyes were like daggers, and they stung her more than the uneven bricks digging into the open wounds on her back. She let out a humorless chuckle, sparking more rage within him.
“What have I done? I have done what was needed!”
“Was I being included in your punishment neededsister?” He spoke the last word as if it were vermin, practically spitting it out of his mouth.
“Involving you wasn’t our intention, it was a mistake.”
Those strange yellow eyes held sincerity, and that only caused his fury to rise. With merciless force, he tossed her to ground, more filthy water staining her silk garments.
“You know we did the right thing, don’t deny that fact.” She hissed.
He glanced down at her, disgust pulsing in each and every one of his veins. “You may have, but now we all must pay the consequences.”
The boy turned away, unable to look at her any longer. He glimpsed something on the wet path and it took him a moment for his weary eyes to completely focus on it, realising that it was a feather. Slowly, he bent down to examine the frail object, only to find flecks of now dried blood splattered over it.
This made him cringe; suddenly remembering the almost unbearable throbbing in his back. His hand enclosed around the silvery feather, salvaging the last remnants of his wings.
The rumble of thunder overhead caused him to look up. Dark and dreary clouds were visible in the night sky, the moon hiding behind them.
Their time had come.
He murmured under his breath, "'How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning. How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations.'" He turned towards his fellow renegade, revulsion flickering in his eyes. "It’s time for our punishment.”


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