Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sarah: Bada-bing and we're back again...

So, I took about a week long break from writing and you want to know what I found out?

I can't do it. I can't NOT write. It's like asking me not to breath. My whole system breaks down and I can't think about anything but where I left off in my story. It was like I literally couldn't live without writing. I know that sounds totally corny, but it's true.

Anyway, so I'm back, and I'm working on The Misadventures of Bandit Jones again. Weird, I know. But I suddenly wanted to finish it, and I feel like I'm getting close. I know what I want to happen, and I know when I want it to happen. Now, I just have to write it. (<--Isn't it funny how you can know all that and then you write and it's like, "It's so much easier in my head, though!" Haha, just a thought).

And since I've become dedicated to it again, it's popularity on inkpop has stored. The Misadventure's current rating is 99, which means I'm in the Top 100. If you'd like to support it, please click here (or copy and paste it, whatev):

School is...well...a total waste of my time actually. Finals start next Wednesday, and until then we're just doing busy work. Want to know something stupid? We get out the 24th. Yep, that's a Monday. How dumb is that?

Sorry for the ranting, but I'm a little stressed with tests and not getting any sleep. The latter is pretty much my own fault because I have been writing so much. :) That's okay. I can sleep when I'm dead, right? Or, you know, fall asleep on my keyboard at one AM and have a thousand h's on my Word document.

And I'm starting the challenges again. (Wow, random much?) This one is easy, though. We had to do it in school, and it helped me with my characters. I actually ended up doing it will almost all of them. And it was fun!

It's called a Biopoem. Here's how you do it:

Line 1: first name

Line 2: Who is...(Descriptive words that describe you)

Line 3: Who is brother or sister of...

Line 4: Who loves...(three ideas or people)

Line 5: Who feels...(three ideas )

Line 6: Who needs...(three ideas)

Line 7: Who gives...(three ideas)

Line 8: Who fears...(three ideas)

Line 9: Who would like to see...

Line 10: Who shares...

Line 11: Who is...

Line 12: Who is a resident of...

Line 13: last name

(That would be challenge six, I believe. Do however many you want, but you have to post TWO. Oh, and Nicole, you'll be in charge of the next one!)

Wow, this post is a lot longer than I thought it would be. IS THAT ORANGE CHICKEN I SMELL?!?! Sorry, random, but someone is making Chinese and I HAVE to got eat some!

Ciao, my fellow SAAWAKM ladies!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, congrats(:! I just read the ten chapters you have up of The Misadventures of Bandit Jones on WoP and loved it!
