Monday, May 31, 2010

Nat: Smile :)

Wow, it seems like I haven't talked to you guys in FOREVER! But I gues it hasn't actually been that long.

I've been know how we all kind of know each other, but we don't really 'know' each other? Okay, that made no sense at all. Let me re-word that. We know a bit about each other and our stories and stuff, but isn't SAAWAKM supposed to be a bit about making friends too? I think we should start some kind of challenge or something to get to know each other better.

I don't have a specific idea in mind (so comment if you like this idea or have other ideas), but maybe we could have a different partner each week and write or something to learn about each other. It's still just a rough idea, but please let me know what you think.

In other news: I got my license on Saturday! I'm very excited.
Writing hasn't been going very well, because final exams are coming up. But I had a random story idea today in English class. I really shouldn't be starting a new story, so it will probably just sit in my brain for a while.

And to clear things up regarding Glee:

Personally, I would most want to date Puck.
But I think that Jesse is best for Rachel.
And I don't know where Finn fits in to that...

Talk to you girls later. <3



  1. I like that idea. :)

    And no.
    Kurt. Then Finn.
    Puck is third.

  2. I agree with Heather! Kurt is first, then Finn and then Puck, Puck used to be second but then he shaved off his mohawk and it just looks weird now.
